Single-Sign-On for DownloadManager
mod_auth_pubtkt with Debian-Apache
- we assume, apache is already installed and you are familiar with apache configuration
- we assume you have read the mod_auth_pubtkt documentation
- in debian install the package libapache2-mod-auth-pubtkt
# apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-pubtkt
- generate a pub/private keypair. We use DSA, see pubtkt manual
# openssl dsaparam -out dsaparam.pem 1024
# openssl gendsa -out privkey.pem dsaparam.pem
# openssl dsa -in privkey.pem -out pubkey.pem -pubout
- the pubkey.pem is needed by the pubtkt apache module
- the privkey.pem must be installed on the B-Fabric Server (keep it secret!!!)
- copy pubkey.pem to /etc/apache2/pubkey.pem
- create a apache config file for pubtkt with the reference to the public key
- add a alias to the data downloaded via downloadmanager in the apache config
- add the AuthType and some configuration options for mod_auth_pubtkt to the apache config
- TKTAuthCookieName correspond to the cookie name generated by B-Fabric
- apache config example:
<IfModule mod_auth_pubtkt.c>
TKTAuthPublicKey /etc/apache2/pubkey.pem
Alias /dm /srv/www/DownloadManager
<Directory /srv/www/DownloadManager>
AuthType mod_auth_pubtkt
TKTAuthCookieName auth_cookie
TKTAuthDigest SHA256
require valid-user
- every project directory needs its own security token, which can be configured in an apache config file
<IfModule mod_auth_pubtkt.c>
<Location /dm/p1>
TKTAuthToken "1"
<Location /dm/p2>
TKTAuthToken "2"
- add an access to the storage of type "dm" with protocol "http"
System Properties
- the property "downloadManagerEnabled" needs to be set to "true"
- the property "pubtktGeneratorFilePath" must point to the script which generates the cookie, as described in the pubtkt manual
Create cookie script
- There is a script in bfabric source: downloadmanager/src/misc/
- Best build one on your own based this piece of bash code
# first argument is the username
# second argument are the comma seperated tokens
# check for openssl
_OPENSSL=$( which openssl )
[ -z "${_OPENSSL}" ] && exit 1
# check for the privat key
[ -r "${_PRIVKEY}" ] || exit 1
# same as in apache pubtkt config TKTAuthCookieName
# generate the time in seconds the cookie is valid (1 day)
_VALIDUNTIL=$( date --date='tomorrow' +%s )
# generate the cookie data
# sign it
_SIG=$( echo -n "${_COOKIE}" | "${_OPENSSL}" dgst -sha256 -sign "${_PRIVKEY}" | "${_OPENSSL}" enc -base64 -A )
# echo to stdout
echo "${_TKTNAME}=${_COOKIE};sig=${_SIG}"