B-Fabric Mail
B-Fabric delivers mail to a own mail transfer agent (MTA). The advantages are:
- we have full control over the mta
- errors can be handled easier
- postfix is good for the job and easy to configure
- see postfix install page
mydestination = fgcz-s-031.uzh.ch, localhost.uzh.ch, localhost
relayhost = smtp.example.com
mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
inet_interfaces = loopback-only
- the smtp host which is configured in bfabric must be linked to "localhost" in /etc/hosts
- to make sure, that mail from user root or www-data gets a valid sender address use a generic map
postfix special sender email addresses for system users
- first install postfix as described above and make sure it works.
- /etc/postfix/main.cf
smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic
- /etc/postfix/generic
root bfabric@fgcz.uzh.ch
postgres bfabric@fgcz.uzh.ch
mysql bfabric@fgcz.uzh.ch
www-data bfabric@fgcz.uzh.ch
- hash generic :