B-Fabric Release Notes

  • General remark: Do not do any testing on the production system. For that purpose, there is the test system!

B-Fabric History Overview

  • 202X-0X: B-Fabric 15 Java 21 + Jakarta 10 EE + Payara 6 + Lucene 10 + Hibernate 6 + PrimeFaces 15.0 + PostgreSQL 17.2
  • 202X-0X: B-Fabric 14 Extended Event Management including Meeting Management
  • 2024-04: B-Fabric 13 Support for Dataset Templates and Extended Dataset and Application Management
  • 2024-03: B-Fabric 12.2 Migrated to PostgreSQL 16.2 and Payara 5.2022.5
  • 2023-11: B-Fabric 12.1 Migration to PrimeFaces 13.0
  • 2022-11: B-Fabric 12 Lab Support: Runs + Migration to PrimeFaces 12.0
  • 2021-07: B-Fabric 11 Lab Support: Plates + Migration to PrimeFaces 11.0
  • 2020-09: B-Fabric 10 Consolidated and integrated project and service order functionality + Migration to Payara 5, Java 8 EE, PrimeFaces 9.0, Lucene 8.6
  • 2017-12: B-Fabric 9 Consolidated and integrated sample and extract functionality + Migration to PrimeFaces 7.0 + Hibernate 5, Lucene 7.0
  • 2016-10: B-Fabric 8 based on upgraded and new underlying technologies such as Glassfish 3, SEAM 2.3, PrimeFaces 6.0, and Lucene 5.4
  • 2015-03: B-Fabric 7 New project life cycle and header/menu redesign, Advanced Download Manager + Migration to Java EE 7 + Lucene 4.0 + RichFaces 4.0
  • 2012-09: B-Fabric 6 (New Design) with new security functionality
  • 2011-12: B-Fabric 5 (Ullisois) with new project charging functionality
  • 2011-04: B-Fabric 4 (based on the SEAM Framework) integrated previous Project Request Tool functionality + Migration to SEAM + Java EE 6 + Glassfish 2 + Lucene 3.0 + RichFaces 3.0
  • 2009-03: B-Fabric 3 Introduction of Order Module
  • 2008-01: B-Fabric 2 Introduction of Agenda Module
  • 2007-02: B-Fabric 1 based on Apache Cocoon Framework + J2EE 1.4 + Lucene + ActiveMQ + OSWorkflow with data and basic project member management functionality
  • 2006-03: Project Request Tool Release
  • 2005-04: Project Request Tool (based on Smarty Template Engine) Implementation Start
  • 2005-02: B-Fabric Project Start

Upcoming Extended Event Management Feature including Meeting Management Functionality

  • Revised Feature: Agenda and instrumentreservation functionality revised and generalized (with some siginificant renaming)
  • Revised Feature: Improved vacation report and absences PDF document
  • New Feature: New class Meeting as subclass of AbstractEvent besides Absences and Instrumentreservation
  • New Feature: New class GuestUser to capture meeting participants that have no user account yet
  • New Feature: Screens to create, edit, and delete meetings
  • New Feature: Screens to create, edit, and delete guest users
  • New Feature: Personal event schedule integrating all involved events: meetings, afexecbsences, instrument reservations
  • New Feature: Notes, links, and clone functionality now available for all three subclasses of events, i.e., agenda events as well as instrument reservations are also extended by this functionality
  • New Feature: Merge GuestUser into User (reassign GuestUser meetings and remove GuestUser entity)
  • New Feature: Automated creation of public holidays
  • New Feature: Generalized Functionality Enabling/Disabling
  • New Feature: Extended calendar sync functionality
  • New Feature: Added new task export and sync functionality
  • Revised Feature: Completely revised tasks functionality
  • New Feature: Revised "Problems" link in the footer such that employees are redirected to gitlab while the others see the mailto ticket system link
  • New Feature: Tasks extended by non-booked project charges which lists all bookable charges of a project to the coach of that project

Upcoming Dashboard Feature

  • New Feature: Dashboard screens are available for the following object classes: projects, orders, and instruments.

Upcoming Extended Web App Concept

  • New Feature: Extended the web app concept by several features:
    • Extended current job class such that a job object is created whenever a web app is invoked
    • Web app token extended by field "jobId", which refers to the corresponding job
    • Added tab 'Jobs' to the application show screen
    • Extended entity logging concept such that in this case this invocation is logged also with an association to the entity on which the application was invoked (for instance, go to the show plate and invoke a web app; then under the tab log of that show plate screen there will be an entry)
    • Extended job web service by new attribute url which refers to the url of the invoked web app
    • Show entity screens list runnable apps grouped by category

Recently Solved Issues

Release Date: 18.02.2025

  • New (Library Protocol) Options Feature
    • Introduced the general concepts of an Option and OptionValue. Options can be bound to any parent B-Fabric entity. Both concepts are available via the "instruments" menu (microscope icon).
    • For both, option and option value, all according screens (list, show, edit) are implemented.
    • As desired, an initial set of options together with corresponding values are provided for the order attribute "Library Protocol".
    • Edit order screen extended, to use the options feature for the order attribute "Library Protocol".
    • The selected "Library Protocol" options and option values are then listed on the show order screen as well as in the order confirmation PDF form.
    • Both, option and option value, have been extended with dis/enabling feature. Accordingly edit order only allows to select enabled options and option values.
    • The Order Read Web service has been extended accordingly to list the associated library protocol options.
  • Revised Feature: Eliminated creation of duplicate entries in the association table userresourcebasket.

Release Date: 21.01.2025

  • Revised Feature: Improved duty reassignment.

Release Date: 13.01.2025

  • New Feature: Analogously to the Workunit Read Web service , the query parameter fulldetails introduced for Resource Read Web Service to improve response times when usually not all available details are needed. That is, in case the resource response shall include the succeedingDatasets, succeedingWorkunits, and all accessesByAccessTypes, then invoke the Read Web service with the parameter <fulldetails>true</fulldetails>. Default is fulldetails=false.
  • New Feature: Query parameter fulldetails introduced for Dataset Read Web Service. That is, in case the dataset response shall include the computed attribute typeValid, succeedingWorkunits, workunit, and run, then invoke the Read Web service with the parameter <fulldetails>true</fulldetails>. Default is fulldetails=false.
  • Revised Feature: Updated Spring Security Libraries and excluded vulnerable dependencies.
  • New Feature: Added some more database indexes to increase the performance of the show user screen for "power" users, who have a huge amount of associations, whose computation could become time-intensive.

Release Date: 08.01.2025

  • Revised Feature: QC Type "Single Cell Visual Assessment and Counting (10x)" renamed to "Single Cell Visual Assessment and Counting".
  • New Feature: New Sample Attribute "Number of Cells Loaded" for QC-Type "Single Cell Visual Assessment and Counting".
  • New Feature: Order tables extended by two columns "Samples" and "Samples Submitted", which refer to the "total" vs "submitted/ordered" number of samples associated with the order.
  • Revised Feature: Edit batch sample screens are not restricting the editable field to a max length of 64 anymore.
  • New Feature: Dataset template extended by enable/disable feature.
  • New Feature: Edit dataset screen lists only enabled dataset templates.
  • New Feature: New (more structured) dataset template autocompleter.
  • New Feature: Run application in case of context projects also lists the datasets of the associated orders.
  • New Feature: Allow running applications on entities of closed orders.
  • New Feature: Clicking the application button on the show workunit screen now directly goes to the edit workunit screen with the resources preselected as input.
  • New Feature: Extended Read Workunit Web Service which returns back the details of the referenced objects such that this Web service response can easily to be stored as file in the workunit folder of the data storage for documentation purposes.
  • New Feature: HTML exporter for datasets.
  • New Feature: Extended entity logging by system release log.
  • New Feature: Extended plate grid view by adding mouse-over the grid cells displaying the entire sample information.
  • Revised Feature: Disallow cloning of plate-based order items when corresponding service type is not enabled for services (and thus fixes the loophole that users can clone plates after order acceptance and thus create some unintended chaos in orders).
  • Revised Feature: PlateLayout drop down in the edit-batch-order-item screen is now ordered by name and fixes the loophole for normal users to select row-wise sample assignment after having chosen a single-row-based layout.
  • Revised Feature: Lazy datatable filters now do an implicit trimming of the filtered value.
  • Revised Feature: Improved lazy datatables with new mapping to database queries for better performance of certain listings.
  • Revised Feature: Column sort now works for the list sample attributes screen.

Release Date: 13.12.2024

  • New Feature: Extended datatable column "description" to always export the untruncated description.

Release Date: 04.12.2024

  • New Feature: Introduced new sample types "Biological Sample - Spatial MS" and "Spatial MS - MALDI".
  • Revised Feature: On sample edit screen, the select-one-menues for sample type and sample form are replaced by filterable counterparts.

Release Date: 02.12.2024

  • New Feature: Extended run analysis application by introducing a button "Select All" on the select input resource screen.to select all resources of the current table page in one shot.
  • New Feature: Extended run import application by introducing a button "Select All" on the select import resource screen.to select all import resources of the current table page in one shot.
  • New Feature: Applications extended by attribute "Resource Relative Path Filter" to pre-filter the (import) resources to those that ar allowed as input for the application.
  • Revised Feature: Run appplication/Save Workunit: Enumerated select one parameters are now ordered by value.
  • Revised Feature: Improved commentTemplate selector in the edit comment screen. First, the layout has been improved by extending to a tabular presentation and adding hints for the template details. Second, the autocomplete now filters over thetemplate name, content, and createdBy attributes. Note: Please use a descriminative name to quickly filte and select the corresponding template. A good procedure might be to include the service area/type name into template name.
  • Revised Feature: Increased input text field for content in the edit commentTemplate screen.

Release Date: 28.11.2024

  • New Feature: Instrument Web services extended to handle new annotation attribute.
  • New Feature: Preset containerid in copy offer to container charges.
  • New Feature: Preset context containerid in select resources and select dataset screen when running an application.
  • New Feature: Run app/save workunit: filter option for parameters.

Release Date: 25.11.2024

  • New Feature: Added enabling/disabling feature to dataset templates.
  • Revised Feature: Edit dataset only list enabled dataset templates.
  • New Feature: Edit dataset screen has a new dataset template selector listing the item details in more structured way.

Release Date: 22.11.2024

  • New Feature: Extended show application screen by statistics tab showing the number of workunits/resources created by the corresponding application over the years.
  • New Feature: Extended statistics menu by new application output screen showing the number of workunits/resources created by the different application over the years.

Release Date: 19.11.2024

  • New Feature: Introduction of comment templates, which then can be selected within the edit comment screen (to speed-up standard responses).
  • New Feature: Introduction Web services for comment templates.
  • New Feature: Extended class Annotation by add/edit links feature.
  • New Feature: Extended class Instrument by attribute annotation to link instrument entities to annotations that are linked with external vocabularies such as OLS.
  • New Feature: Introduced associations between workflow steps and plates. Same for workflow and plates.
  • New Feature: Extended Job class appendLog feature.
  • New Feature: Introduce new service type "ONT Ready-Made Libraries Sequencing".
  • New Feature: Introduce new sample types 'Library - ONT Ready-Made', 'Library on Run - ONT Ready-Made', and 'Library Pooled - ONT Ready-Made'.
  • New Feature: Introduce association between MultiplexKit and ServiceType.
  • New Feature: Introduce order attribute "MultiplexKit" to select the kit from a list of kits that are associated with the selected servicetype of the order.
  • New Feature: Extended the "Assign Samples to Run" screen such that samples of type 'Library - ONT Ready-Made' can be selected/handled.
  • New Feature: Extended sample types such that samples of type 'Library - ONT Ready-Made' are excluded from the barcode validity checks since these samples have no barcodes which could be checked and thus the current assign samples screen could have never been passed.
  • New Feature: WebApps can now be directly invoked on the show screens of workunit, resource, dataset, instrument, project, and order.
  • New Feature: New system property accessRequestManagerOfficeTimes and revised access requested related email and confirm templates.
  • New Feature: Introduced new order attribute "fastaSequenceRequired" which in contrast to the existing order attribute "fastaSequence" makes sure that the user has to enter a valid fasta sequence.
  • New Feature: Extended the charges list by columns container.servicytype, container.services, service.fullcost.
  • New Feature: Unused hot-key F9 now points at B-Fabric FAQ.
  • New Feature: Added entity logging for parameter.
  • New Feature: Extended XML export for class workunit by including several further attributes.
  • New Feature: Extended XMLWorkunit class by including several further attributes to provide more information abouth the workunit using the read Web service.
  • Revised Feature: Optimized Web service calls execution avoiding intermediate indexing steps.
  • Revised Feature: Revised Lucene indexing with improved indexing performance.
  • Revised Feature: Lucene search result list columns workunitid/sampleid instead of worknuitname/samplename.
  • Revised Feature: Enhanced and revised texts in the order instructions and confirmation forms.

Release Date: 08.09.2024

  • New Feature: Extended class Consumables by an attribute inventoryEnabled which is used to enable/disable inventory counting for that corresponding consumable. All corresponding screens are extended accordingly.
  • New Feature: Extended show purchase screen by "Order Items Received" button, which sets the OrderItemReceivedDate/By attributes and implicitly checks in all ordered items where the option inventory is enabled.
  • New Feature: Extended edit purchase screen such that "order item receivedby" is automatically set to the current user whenever you initially set the "order item received date".
  • Revised Feature: The buttons "Edit Items" , " Add Items", and "Delete" of the show purchase screen are not rendered anymore when the OrderItemReceivedDate of the purchase is set.
  • New Feature: Extended the "reassign duties" screen by supporting now also reassignments of the following duties: offer coach, instrument admin, and supervisor of all associated entities (instrument, application, storage, ...).
  • New Feature: Extended User Read Web Service by additional parameters.

Release Date: 03.09.2024

  • New Feature: Introduced rudimentary inventory management functionality. Each consumable has now a field inventorycount. All correspoding screens are accordingly extended. Besides, on the show consumable screen, there are buttons to check in and check out a number of this consumable, resp.
  • New Feature: Introduced a "reassign coaching duties" screen. On your user details, you will find a corresponding button. This screen is mainly needed for people leaving the center who need to pass their coaching responsibilities to another employee. On the "reassign coaching duties" screen you can easily reassign all your "active" duties on project/order coaching.

Release Date: 30.08.2024

  • New Feature: Introduced "Acknowledgement" functionality (thumbs-up icon) for comments to quickly acknowledge the comment. This function is only available for employees on the last comment if this comment is not acknowledged by somebody so far. With the acknowledgement the user will receive a corresponding notification email in case the user is not an employee.
  • New Feature: Implemented all Web services to read, save, and delete bookings.

Release Date: 25.08.2024

  • New Feature: Extended sample type by new sample attribute named "Expression system".
  • New Feature: "Cancel Unarchive" now sends an email to the archivemanager.
  • Revised Feature: Revised "Execution Booking Period Computation" such that the start date is set to the date of the first sample arrival. Otherwise, it is set to the accepted date.
  • Revised Feature: Job isUpdatable/isDeletable methods restricted for user with role feeder and admin, resp.
  • Revised Feature: Performance optimization: comment out size computations for roll-overs.

Release Date: 21.08.2024

  • Revised Feature: Revised job status handling such that job can be set to done alhtough the unarchive job failed.
  • Revised Feature: Fixed and revised news mail unsubscription.
  • Revised Feature: Replaced hardcoded code "UnsubscriptionCode".
  • Revised Feature: Removed roomBookingUrl system parameter.

Release Date: 16.07.2024

  • New Feature: Implemented all Web services to read, save, and delete charges.
  • New Feature: Add message to Dropdown list such that there are no entity classes for which the user can set the order positions.
  • New Feature: Added meta tag "noindex, nofollow" to all B-Fabric environments except production to avoid that these systems are indexed by the search engines.
  • Revised Feature: Service Clear Prices button only rendered for servicemanagers. The same for the Clear Prices button on the show servicetype/servicearea screens.

Release Date: 10.07.2024

  • New Feature: Added more explicit hint on the non-productive systems such that every non-containermanager sees this message on every page in order to avoid that normal users are placing orders/projects on the non-productive systems.

Release Date: 01.07.2024

  • Revised Feature: The passwords of normal users are reset on the non-production environments of B-Fabric to avoid that such users can accidentally access and use these instances. The load-dumps scripts were adapted accordingly.

Release Date: 26.06.2024

  • New Feature: Implemented all Web services to read, save, and delete offered charges.
  • New Feature: Extended SampleQCType by "LCMS Control Sample".
  • New Feature: Extended Mail Send form by hint not send a mail to a large recipients list during worktime.

Release Date: 10.06.2024

  • New Faature: Add column "Dataset Template" to applications table.
  • New Feature: Implemented all Web services to read, save, and delete offers.
  • New Feature: All Read Web services now accept the following values as valid booleans: true, false, t, f, yes, no.

Release Date: 21.05.2024

  • New Feature: Extended Web service querying of dateafter/before to to milli seconds.
  • New Feature: Extended setDatasetTemplate method for dataset such that all compatible attributes are kept.

Release Date: 11.05.2024

  • New Feature: Implemented all Web services to read, save, and delete institutes.
  • Revised Feature: Remodelled role hierarchy; eliminated roles 'workunitExpert' and 'importResourceManager'.
  • Revised Feature: Updated maven report generation.

Release Date: 17.04.2024

  • New Feature: Added bookings count to show organization type screen.
  • New Feature: Implemented all Web services to read, save, and delete company divisions.
  • Revised Feature: Some implicit roles associated withthe role employee were downgraded from the manager to the reader role: applicationreader, wrappercreatorreader, submitterreader, storagereader.

Release Date: 14.04.2024

  • New Feature: Added (Un)Track button to comments tab of the show project/order screens to have a shortcut to track the container of the communication.
  • New Feature: Added TSV Export button for datasets.
  • New Feature: Added CSV Export button for datasets.
  • New Feature: Extended dataset save Web service to create/update dataset content based on a given tsv content.
  • Revised Feature: Improved dataset entity logging.
  • New Feature: Implemented all Web services to read, save, and delete organization types.
  • New Feature: Implemented all Web services to read, save, and delete organizations.
  • New Feature: Implemented all Web services to read, save, and delete departments.
  • New Feature: Implemented all Web services to read, save, and delete companies.
  • New Feature: Extended organization type listing by columns companies and organizations.
  • New Feature: Extended organization listing by column department.
  • New Feature: Extended companies listing by column divisions.
  • New Feature: Extended departments listing by column institutes.
  • New Feature: Added "AddStep" and " Delete Last Step" buttons to show pageflow screen.

Release Date: 03.04.2024

  • New Feature: Extended Application Token by including the information about the invoking B-Fabric environment.
  • Revised Feature: The service type coach is added to the comment notification recipients list whenever the associated container has no coach. A normal user cannot deselect this recipient, as it is the case for all recipients which are in a support function. Our staff, i.e., users with the role container manager can deselect this recipient if they want.

Release Date: 02.04.2024 B-Fabric 13 Release

Dataset Template Feature

Goal: Significantly improve the power and usability of datasets as input for applications. Applications can be associated with a dataset template which specifies how the input dataset must look like.
  • New Feature: New class DatasetTemplate defining attributes analogously to datasets.
  • New Feature: All screens are implemented to list, show, edit, delete dataset templates.
  • New Feature: All web Services implemented to read and write dataset templates.
  • Revised Feature: Extended dataset functionality to associate a dataset with a dataset template.
  • New Feature: Create a dataset template by deriving it from an existing dataset which is not associated with a template.
  • Revised Feature: Applications configured for the dataset pageflow can be restricted to datasets of a given dataset template.
  • New Feature: Added buttons "Create Dataset from existing workunit's data" and "Create Dataset from scratch" to the "Run Application" screen to create an input dataset directly and redirect to the edit workunit screen with this then preselected input dataset. If the application is associated with a dataset template, then this template will be enforced.
  • New Feature: Extended edit dataset form by adding the column with the item reorder and remove buttons as first column of the items table whenever there are more than three attributes (such that the probability is high that these buttons will not be seen without tediously scrolling to the right-hand side of the table.
  • New Feature: Extended edit dataset form for the "createFromScratch" case such that a default dataset column and an empty dataset items is always preset.
  • New Feature: Extended edit dataset form presets the dataset name to current datetime to accelerate the process of dataset creation since often the dataset name does not really play an important role.
  • New Feature: Extended dataset save procedure removes all empty items and checks whether the dataset content remains non-empty. If not, a corresponding validation is thrown.
  • New Feature: Extended edit dataset form shows validation error when dataset content is empty.
  • New Feature: Extended edit dataset form such that all incompatible columns are removed and missing ones are extended when a template is selected.
  • New Feature: Extended edit dataset form by an attribute type autocompleter such that the user can quickly select the type instead using the failure-prone free-text field.
  • New Feature: Added button "Remove Empty Items" to remove all empty items with one-click.
  • New Feature: Type Validator added for Dataset Fields. Added button "Type Check" to the edit dataset screen to trigger explicitly a type check of all fields.
  • New Feature: Introduced new system property datasetTypeCheckEnabled to control the enforcement of the type checking of all dataset fields during the save operation. This property is set to false at the FGCZ instance since many of the dataset created so far are wrongly typed and thus would not be editable anymore if the type cannot be changed afterwards, e.g., because this would affect external applications. Important: All B-Fabric class names such as "Resource", "Workunit" or "Sample" are reserved type names and expect to have only integer values, i.e., the ids in order to link the dataset fields directly with the corresponding objects. for instance, if you want to refer to the (relative) path of a resource, then create a dataset attribute with the name "Resource Path" and the type "String".
  • New Feature: When datasetTypeCheckEnabled is true, then the isValid method of the dataset save service automatically do type checking of all fields of the corresponding dataset.
  • New Feature: Replaced 'AddItem' by new 'AddItems' button providing possibility to add more than one item at once.
  • New Feature: Added additional checks (empty attributes list/empty items list) for Dataset save services.
  • New Feature: Added new Dataset Web services to add a new attribute together with a default value for all existing dataset items.
  • New Feature: Added new Dataset Web services to remove an existing attribute from a dataset.
  • New Feature: Runnable Apps are now also listed as directly clickable buttons on the show screen if the number of runnable apps is less than the maxItemsOnShowDetails configuration parameter, which is currently set to 20. The same extension has been done also work the show workunit screen, where the apps runnable on the workunit are listed in case the total number is less than maxItemsOnShowDetails.

Workunit Unarchive Feature

Goal: Explicitly handle unarchive requests and track the status of the corresponding jobs. An external application which actually does the "unarchiving" should change the status of the corresponding job whenever the unarchiving job is done by setting the status of that job to done. This extension goes a significant step forward in managing the unarchive request process. Our staff can then just press on the "unarchive" button of the corresponding workunit instead of writing a ticket for that purpose. Then, all the goodies described below come into the game.
  • New Feature: Introduced new user roles "ArchiveManager" and ArchiveReader".
  • New Feature: Introduced new class Job (currently it is only used for unarchive jobs but it is in principle open to anything).
  • New Feature: "Unarchive" button is shown on the show screen when the corresponding workunit has the status "archived" (currently visible only for containerreaders, i.e., employees). All users with the role "ArchiveManager" will be notified about this unarchive request.
  • New Feature: Pressing on this button will create a job "unarchive" whose initial status is new.
  • New Feature: "Cancel Unarchive" button is shown on the show screen for the requester of an unarchive job when the corresponding job is still in the state new.
  • New Feature: All jobs with status "new" are shown as tasks for users having the role "archiveManager". Note that this role is currently granted only to user schmidt in the productive system.
  • New Feature: All users having this role will receive an email notification whenever a new "unarchive" job is created.
  • New Feature: All Web services to read/write jobs are implemented.
  • New Feature: When the status of an unarchive job is set to "done", the requester of the "unarchive" job will get a notification email that the unarchiving is done.
  • New Feature: The systemproperty "unarchiveEnabled" is introduced to dynamically switch-off/on the entire unarchive functionality.

Further Features and Revisions

  • New Feature: Added "Excel Edit" edit plate samples screen.
  • New Feature: Added new association between run and instrumentreservation. An instrument reservation can now be associated with a run.
  • New Feature: Added tab "instrumentreservations" to the show run screen. From there, the corresponding instrument can easily be created such that the run as well as the associated containers are preset in the edit instrument reservation form.
  • New Feature: Extended the change status feature of the show run screen such that it now redirects to schedule screen of the corresponding instrument when the run moves to the state PROCESSING while the corresponding instrument is not booked for the current time.
  • New Feature: Added order attribute sampleRetention to explicitly get the information about how to handle remaining/unused samples after order/project finish. Extended order functionality accordingly.
  • New Feature: Added order attribute mailTrackingNumber to allow the user to enter the mailTrackingNumber after the user has shipped the samples. Extended order functionality accordingly. Also, added a new button to open a modal panel to enter the tracking number.
  • New Feature: Extended comment notification such that the associated service type coach gets notification in case the order has no coach yet.
  • New Feature: New run clone functionality not only clones the run object but also the associated rununit, rununitlanes, and sample objects.
  • New Feature: Added tab "Billing Accounts" to show institute/division screens.
  • New Feature: Extended entity count statistics by column since.
  • New Feature: Added hint "Items with same combination of service and sample entered! Are you sure that the same service should be applied tp the same sample multiple times?" in case an order contains items with the same service/sample combination.
  • New Feature: Extended system property list screen by the possibility to show only the currently active properties. There is new boolean button "filter active only" to restrict the properties to the active ones for the current deployer-environment-instance selection.
  • Revised Feature: Generalized system property management such that the new role configurationManager is required and is independent of the admin.
  • Revised Feature: Sample form "Gel Band" changed to "Gel Band (please specify MS using description field)".
  • New Feature: Added back reference from container to import resources and the tabs "Import Resources" to the show project/order screens, which are visible to the users with the role "ContainerReader" only.
  • New Feature: Added a more explicit hint for the non-productive systems to reduce the probability that a user is using the test or demo system accidentally.
  • New Feature: Added a warning into all email templates of all non-productive systems to reduce the probability that a user is using the test or demo system accidentally.
  • New Feature: Add association between instrument reservation and service type and extended all corresponding screen accordingly. This association is currently only editable by employees.
  • New Feature: Added button "Take Over Proposed Address" which will pop-up if the selected organization is UZH. Using this button, you can set the UZH default billing address to "Zentraler Rechnungseingang, Hirschengraben 60, 8001 Zürich" in just one click. Besides, the hints and explanations in the edit billing form were revised and extended to hopefully reduce the percentage of wrongly entered billing data.
  • New Feature: Added a hint in case data was edited via Excel Sheet but not saved so far.
  • New Feature: Extended instrument logging by including bookers, operators, trainedUsers, and samplePreparationProtocols.
  • New Feature: The application concept has been extended for WebApps, which can now be associated with any B-Fabric entity class. The WebApp will then be directly invokable on the corresponding show screen. Currently, this feature is available for plates and runs.
  • New Feature: Extended Web app invocation by token concept which allows to pass additional request parameters to the WebApp and thus for instance to eliminate the need for an explicit authentication step.
  • New Feature: Added new class ApplicationCategory. Implemented all CRUD and association browsing functionality.
  • New Feature: Implemented read, save, and delete ApplicationCategory Web services.
  • New Feature: Extended application by association with application category. Extended corresponding all show/edit/list screens as well as all corresponding application Web services.
  • New Feature: Extended costs tab for project/order by including a table with aggregated information about the respective resources on the storages.
  • New Feature: Hard-coded instrumentReservationTypeEnum migrated to class instrumentReservationType. Implemented all CRUD and association browsing functionality.
  • New Feature: Implemented Save and Delete Instrument Web services.
  • New Feature: All Web services to read/write user groups are implemented.
  • New Feature: Extended Dataset by custom attributes.
  • New Feature: Extended Save Dataset Web service by the option to save custom attributes.
  • New Feature: Extended Save Workunit Web service by the option to save custom attributes.
  • Revised Feature: Extended return value for the application read Web service.
  • Revised Feature: Improved Web service authentication -> reduced time from 800 to 1 ms!
  • Revised Feature: LOGIN_WS is not entitylogged anymore since with the introduction of the web service log, this step became obsolete.
  • Drop Feature: Eliminated unused concept of extractprotocol.
  • Drop Feature: Eliminated unused concept of chiptype.

Release Date: 24.03.2024

  • Payara Application Server Upgrade from Version 5.2020.4 to 5.2022.5

Release Date: 17.03.2024

  • PostgreSQL Upgrade from Version 12 to 16

Release Date: 05.03.2024

  • Revised Feature: Show Sample Delivery Message (big green box) only for non-container managers and only for orders that are not in a final state and above that are processing samples.

Release Date: 28.02.2024

  • Revised Feature: Show WorkflowTemplate screen revised such that the 'Remove Step' button is extended by displaying the name of the corresponding last step to make clear which step will be deleted. Also missing deletable check is applied now.

Release Date: 01.02.2024

  • Revised Feature: Add Red Warning Textbox to the order instructions screen as well as order confirmation form telling the user not to send the samples before the order is not accepted.

Release Date: 03.12.2023

  • New Feature: Generalized header printing the name of the deployer under the b-fabric logo to make the various B-Fabric instances optically distinguishable from each other.
  • New Feature: Generalized header where header color and deployer name color can be customized.
  • New Feature: Extended edit systemproperty screen by type-specific widgets.

Release Date: 30.11.2023

  • New Feature: Added RequestBooking functionality to orders. There is now the button "Request Booking" visible to the coach/coachbackup in the charges tab of the corresponding order (analogously to project charges). So, already in the early stages of an order, you can create charges and initiate their booking without the need to push the order artificially towards the state finished in order to launch the booking. The order coach (backup) can now use the "Request Booking" button just to trigger the administration to book the corresponding charges although the order is not finished yet.
  • New Feature: Introduced new order status "Reopened" and corresponding transitions between this state and the state "Closed". On a "reopened" order adding/updating/deleting data is then possible again. The "Reopen" button is visible only to the ServiceManagers and BookingsManagers. The user who has reopened an order will get the task to close the order again. This extension will provide the basis to handle the use cases where some additions/fixes are needed to be done after an order was closed. Now, there will be no need to involve our administration for that purpose unless new charges are created and must be booked. Note that such afterwards adding/fixing should stay the exceptional case. When needed, please approach your service manager in charge to reopen (and close again) the corresponding order.
  • New Feature: Extended instrument charging by the option to charge with the "Week Time Unit". Before using this option, make sure that your service manager in charge has created a service for charging weekly-based instrument usage with according prices.
  • New Feature: Extended instrument reservation type by option LOAN to explicitly state the instrument is on loan (to distinguish it from the case that the instrument is in principle available but not bookable).
  • Revised Feature: Charged items on booking PDF are now ordered by service code name.

Release Date: 19.11.2023

  • New Feature: Added Tab "Samples" to show "ServiceType" screen

Release Date: 11.11.2023

  • New Feature: Extended "Send Mail" screen by the possibility to enter the id of a service type to include the requester of orders that are associated with the entered service type.

Release Date: 08.11.2023

  • New Feature: Added parent column to instrument events list
  • New Feature: Pop-up window opens whenever someone tries to set a "User Decision" on a sample that has multiple parents.
  • New Feature: Added new view "Proteomics Orders" which is accessible via a corresponding menu item under the first header menu colum (where you also find "Tasks").
  • Revised Feature: The "NGS Orders" view is renamed to "Genomics Orders" and is now accessible via a corresponding menu item under the first header menu colum (where you also find "Tasks").

Release Date: 24.10.2023

  • New Feature: Send mail extended by button "Send Check Mail" to send the mail to the creator only to verify how the final mail will look like. This email is not logged. So, you can use this button as often as you want.
  • New Feature: Added attribute "genomicCoordinates" to class Sample and assigned this attribute to the sample Type "Off Target Identification". The sample web services have been extended accordingly.
  • New Feature: Extended link url checking such that it also handles non-reacting and blocking website servers.
  • New Feature: Extended link url show screen distinguishes between url not found and url cannot be checked.
  • Revised Feature: Computation of booking "Execution Period" now also considers instrument reservation periods.
  • New Feature: Added "Reset" button on edit booking screen to reset the execution period afterwards to the current computed one.
  • New Feature: Extended SamplePreperationProtocol by the attributes adapter1 and adapter2 (which can contain only ACGT* and are available on the GUI screen only when the technology is "Genomics").
  • New Feature: Extended SamplePreperationProtocol read and save Web service to handle the new attributes adapter1 and adapter2.
  • New Feature: New instrument event functionality allowing the creation of instrument event types and managing events associated with instruments.
  • New Feature: Note functionality for instrument events.
  • New Feature: Added read and save Web services for instrument event types as well as for instrument events.
  • New Feature: Log invocations of webApps..
  • New Feature: Extended external job by explicit status management.
  • New Feature: Eliminated JobStatusEnum. All associated functionality is refactored into the generalized StatusEnum. Nice sideffect: Improved datatable columns filters.
  • New Feature: Hard-coded ApplicationTypeEnum migrated to class ApplicationType. Implemented all CRUD and association browsing functionality.
  • New Feature: Hard-coded PageflowEnum migrated to class Pageflow. Implemented all CRUD and association browsing functionality.
  • New Feature: Hard-coded PageflowStepEnum migrated to class PageflowStep. Implemented all CRUD and association browsing functionality.
  • New Feature: Hard-coded AccessRequestTypeEnum migrated to class AccessRequestType. Implemented all CRUD and association browsing functionality.
  • New Feature: Hard-coded FeedbackQuestionTypeEnum migrated to class FeedbackQuestionType. Implemented all CRUD and association browsing functionality.
  • New Feature: Hard-coded FeedbackTemplateTypeEnum migrated to class FeedbackTemplateType. Implemented all CRUD and association browsing functionality.
  • New Feature: New WidgetType class enhancing the possibilities for feedback template creation. Implemented all CRUD and association browsing functionality.
  • Revised Feature: Refactored Workunit Creation Management.
  • Revised Feature: Revised container-dependent entities computations leading to significant performance improvements of the user details/settings screens.
  • Revised Feature: Tab "accesses" of resource show screen restricted to containerreader only.
  • Revised Feature: Extended and improved sample isDeletable check.
  • New Feature: Added column samples to plate listings.
  • New Feature: Added missing XMLExporter for class Sample.
  • New Feature: Added parameter plateid to sample read Web service.
  • New Feature: Extended sample read Web service by including plate as well as sample plate position information.
  • New Feature: Extended sample read Web service by a number of further parameters to include (and exclude, resp.) the computation of associated entities. This extension and revision became necessary since the class Sample and its association became so big that the general approach to return nearly all information of a sample has a significant drawback on the Web service performance. This extension and revision might be a breaking change since the new default will be that the associated entities are excluded from the return value. Note that this associated information can explicitly be included by using the parameters includeparents, includechildren, includeplates, includeruns, and includeresources. So, all Web service users, please make sure to adapt your scripts in case your external application accesses this associated sample information.
  • New Feature: Add new sample replacement and user decision functionality to explicitly manage the process of dealing with QC failed samples.
  • New Feature: Extended Sample class by userDecision status.
  • New Feature: Extended table view on show plate by column 'User Decision' where you can press on the 'Required' button to mark this sample (in case of QC samples and Libraries to mark the parent samples) according.
  • New Feature: Extended show order by two potential section on 'Samples User Decision Required' and 'Sample Replacements'. The former contains button to replace, exclude, or proceed with the QC failed samples.
  • New Feature: Extended the notification email for custom states by including a section on samples that require a user decision.
  • New Feature: Extended container status by attribute "sentMail" to keep track for which state a notification email was sent.
  • New Feature: Extended show order screen by hint and button 'Send Mail Custom State Transition' to explicitly trigger the notification email, which is for instance needed whenever all samples that required a user decision are marked as such. Note that this general mechanism now allows to send afterwards the notification mail, which is needed whenever you change you opinion that the user(s) should have been informed about this state transition.

Release Date: 03.10.2023

  • New Feature: Added column "Offered Total" to orders list.
  • New Feature: Added column "Organization" to NGS view.

Release Date: 02.10.2023

  • New Feature: Added column "Offered Total" to NGS view.

Release Date: 12.07.2023

  • Revised Feature: Extended label and mouse-over tips for budgetOfficer attribute.

Release Date: 11.07.2023

  • New Feature: Extended Order screen by a hint shown in case the user has no running project.
  • New Feature: Extended Order screen such that all service types requiring a project are not selectable in case the user has no running project.
  • Revised Feature: Replaced break-all by break-word in preformat class in the css to improve the layout of the comment messages.
  • New Feature: Extended sample read Web serviced by option includereplacements.

Release Date: 05.07.2023

  • New Feature: Extended all color attributes such that the new advanced PrimeFaces color picker can be used.
  • New Feature: Added (not) equals blank filter option to lazy tables

Release Date: 03.07.2023

  • New Feature: Added setDefaultForType and unsetDefaultForType buttons on show feedbackTemplate screen.
  • Revised Feature: Fixed orderposition problem when cloning feedback templates.
  • New Feature: Create a service from the show serviceCode screen.

Release Date: 28.06.2023

  • Revised Feature: Revised computation of Workunit status such that the status can be set to any valid status whenever there are no associated resources. In case of resources, the Workunit status is computed based on the status of the resources.
  • New Feature: Added clone functionality to class ServiceCode.
  • Revised Feature: Show column Type in sample tree view.

Release Date: 27.06.2023

  • Revised Feature: User-submitted plates now by default set to ready instead of finished.
  • New Feature: Added attribute "location" to class Plate.
  • New Feature: User given name of a (user-submitted) plate is now shown in the plate show and edit screens.
  • New Feature: Added column physicalSeparation to Run tables.
  • New Feature: Added menut item "Dataset Attributes".
  • New Feature: Added menut item "Dataset Fields".
  • Revised Feature: Extended top entity counts by number for datasets and workflows.
  • New Feature: Added succeedingDatasets and succedingWorkunits columns to workunits table.
  • New Feature: Added "hasSucceedingWorkunits" and "hasSuccedingDatasets" methods based on direct database queries for workunits.
  • Revised Feature: Using "hasSucceedingWorkunits" and "hasSuccedingDatasets" methods in "isDeletable" method of class Workunit to significantly reduce the read times of workunit listings where the isDeletable method was used in case of workunits with many resources.
  • New Feature: Added LazyDataModels for "SucceedingWorkunits" and "SuccedingDatasets" of workunits.
  • Revised Feature: Using LazyDataModels "SucceedingWorkunits" and "SuccedingDatasets" to avoid web service timeouts in case save resources of large workunits.
  • Revised Feature: Replaced run samples association computation to signaficantly improve the performance of the tab samples of the show run screen.

Release Date: 21.06.2023

  • New Feature: Extended NGS Orders View by column "samples".

Release Date: 20.06.2023

  • New Feature: Introduced new resource as well as workunit status "expired", which is used to refer at previously archived resources/workunits that have been expired (archiveexpirationdate passed) and thus are not available anymore (neither on disk nor on tape)!
  • New Feature: Automatic reset of status of resources where the "archiveexpirationdate" is passed. Archiving resources (which were both on disk and tape) become now available (only); archived ones are now expired.
  • New Feature: Added new OrderAttribute "Samples Contain Transgenes" and extended all corresponding screens accordingly.
  • New Feature: Extended NGS Orders View by status-based statistics.
  • New Feature: MultiplexKit selector now delivers only ENABLED kits.
  • New Feature: Added Enable/Disable button to the show MultiplexKit screen.
  • New Feature: Hard-coded AccessProtocolEnum migrated to class AccessProtocol. All CRUD and association browsing functionality is implemented.
  • New Feature: Hard-coded AccessTypeEnum migrated to class AccessType. All CRUD and association browsing functionality is implemented.
  • New Feature: Added "Instrument Reservation Settings" to header menu. This entry is only visible for the admin.
  • Revised Feature: AAll counting numbers of container-dependent objects (Samples, Datasets, Resources, Workunits) were excluding the objects from orders that belong to a project. Fixed and extended as needed.

Release Date: 10.05.2023

  • Drop Feature: DeployerFax system property and related code fragments.
  • New Feature: Class ServiceType extended by requiresSameDayProcessing to state that the samples associated with this service type require same day processing (depending on the sample type and form).
  • New Feature: Comment read Web service extended by several parameters such parent, subject, internal, etc.. Parameter type replaced by discriminator.
  • New Feature: Attachment read Web service extended by the parameters filechecksum, relativpath, and status.
  • New Feature: Attachment save Web service can now also be invoked by a non-feeder user.
  • New Feature: Charge selected instrument reservations at once.

Release Date: 15.04.2023

  • New Feature: Print hints of order attributes as placeholders in the edit order screen.

Release Date: 14.04.2023

  • Dropped Feature: Remove Readid Web Services. Use instead the recently introduced parameter idonly which is available for all read and save Web services.
  • New Feature: Migrated StorageModelEnum to class StorageModel with all the screens to create, update, delete sample models and to use them in the containers. Managing StorageModel requires role ServiceManager.

Release Date: 01.04.2023

  • New Feature: Added order attribute 'BioSafety Level 2 Precautions Required'. Extended all screens as well as web services accordingly.

Release Date: 28.03.2023

  • Revised Feature: In class Charge, the @ManyToOne assocation with InstrumentReservation is replaced by a @ManyToMany association, which now allows to include several instrument reservations into one charge. The booking procedure has been extended accordingly to able to deal with this extension.
  • Revised Feature: Improved charging of instrument reservations for cases where the reservation is associated with more than one container.
  • Revised Feature: Removed the sample attribute "Fraction" association from all sample types such that this attribute is there only to state that this sample is the result of a fractionate process. There is no need to manually enter or edit this attribute.
  • New Feature: Extended show servicetype/area screens by feedback tabs.
  • New Feature: Extended show servicetype/area screens by feedbackanswer tabs.
  • New Feature: Extended answers tab for the show feedback question screen.
  • New Feature: Clone functionality is now available for SamplePreparationProtocol.
  • New Feature: Extended resource read Web service by application parameter.

Release Date: 24.03.2023

  • New Feature: Extended show/list feedback screens by servicetype/area info.

Release Date: 22.03.2023

  • New Feature: Extend API such that read and save request can now handle requests delivering idonly entities and thereby siginificantly increase the performance for cases where only the id of the read/saved entities are sufficient.

Release Date: 16.03.2023

  • Drop Feature: Deleted sample types 'Raw Sample', 'Pooled Library', 'Sheared DNA', 'Size-Selected Library', 'Lysed Sample', 'Ligated Sample', 'End-Repaired Sample', 'AMPured', 'Library'.
  • Drop Feature: Deleted sample attributes: concentrationdesired, concentrationdilutedlibrary, device, rpm, sizestring, cutoff, concentrationmeasured, lysisprotocol, ligationtype, librarytype, ebh2oadd, volumedilutedlibrary, concentrationlibrary, amounttopool, control, balance, poolingCondition, technique.
  • Revised Feature: Renamed class BarcodeKit to MultiplexKit (GUI: Labeling/Barcode Kit).
  • Revised Feature: Renamed class Barcode to MultiplexId (GUI: Label/Barcode).
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute barcode1 to multiplexId (GUI: label/barcode 1) -> analogously done for barcode1dmx.
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute barcode2 to multiplexId2 (GUI: label/barcode 2) -> analogously done for barcode2dmx.
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute combinedbarcode to combinedmultiplexid (GUI: combined label/barcode).
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute combinedbarcodexaxis to combinedlxaxis.
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute barcodeordercolumnwise to multiplexidordercolumnwise (GUI: order column wise).
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute librarypooledandusersubmitted to multiplexedbyuser.
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute librarypooled to multiplexed.
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute volumerequiredlibrary to volumerequired.
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute repool to remultiplexed (GUI: Re-Multiplexed/Pooled).
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute molaritylibrary to molarity (note: unit is nM).
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute molaritylibrarynanopore to molarityfmol (note: unit is fmol).
  • Revised Feature: Attribute amountlibrarypooled replaced by amounttotal.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute amountlibrarypacbio replaced by amounttotal.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute amountlibrarynanopore replaced by amounttotal.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute concentrationlibrarypooled replaced by concentration.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute concentrationlibrarypacbio replaced by concentration.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute concentrationlibrarynanopore replaced by concentration.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute volumelibrarypooled replaced by volume.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute volumelibrarynanopore replaced by volume.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute volumelibrarypacbio replaced by volume.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute volumepool replaced by volume.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute amountloaded replaced by amountinput.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute molaritypool replaced by molarity.
  • Revised Feature: Attribute molarityloaded replaced by molarityfmol.
  • Revised Feature: Adapted previous "Pool" screen to "Multiplex Samples"
  • New Feature: New Sample Types 'Labeled MS Sample - Proteomics' and 'Multiplexed MS Sample - Proteomics'.
  • New Feature: New LabelingKits 'TMT2', 'TMT6', 'TMT10', 'TMTpro', and 'SILAC'.
  • New Feature: Introduced "Label Samples" screen
  • New Feature: Added hint in case order reuses samples from another container.
  • New Feature: Extended "Sample Fractionate" now allows to select the targeted container (needed in case of fractionating a sample that is reused within an order).
  • Revised Feature: Consolidated generation of sample names for labeled/multiplexed samples using prefixes "Labeled_", "Multiplex_", and "Remultiplex_", resp.
  • Revised Feature: Eliminated following enum types Strandedness, SampleDigestionProtocol, SampleMethod by corresponding annotations.
  • Revised Feature: Revised and extended sample tube id generation (among others, no p and o prefixes anymore!)
  • New Feature: Created association between SamplePreparationProtocol and Annotation.
  • New Feature: Added tab SamplePreparationProtocols to show annotation screen.
  • New Feature: Extended classes InstrumentDataPackage and InstrumentReadConfiguration by association "serviceTypesDisabled" which can be used to state that the package/configuration should not be available for certain serviceTypes.
  • New Feature: The show screens of InstrumentDataPackage and InstrumentReadConfiguration are extended by a tab ServiceTypes which list the associated service types (excluding the explicitly disabled ones).
  • New Feature: Extended Fractionate Functionality by adding boolean attribute "fraction" to the sample class and extending the web services accordingly. This attribute is set to true during the sample fractionate process.
  • Performance Improvements: Revised sample name generation for sample on run to avoid frozen assign samples to run screen.
  • Performance Improvements: Revised sample family computation to avoid frozen show sample screens.
  • New Feature: Extended Instrument Reservation Charging such that "whole day" charging becomes possible based on the actual slot min/max times.
  • New Feature: Extended Web Service Log by Execution Duration
  • New Feature: Extended Job Log by Execution Duration
  • New Feature: Extended non-lazy statistics tables by the option to filter for null values in numeric columns. Just use the underscore '_' in the corresponding column filter.
  • New Feature: Extended "Income" statistics by new view 'Income per Technology Per Year' which is accessible via the 'Income Overview' screen.
  • New Feature: Extended Statistics by view 'Charges Per Service Per Year' which is accessible via thede header menu under statistics screen.
  • New Feature: Added runsamples tab to show sample screen.
  • New Feature: Task request booking at the end of each quarter.
  • New Feature: Possibility to manually disable sent emails for custom order state transitions.
  • New Feature: Extended show dataset screen by column ordering and filtering.
  • New Feature: Extended application/workunit notification such that it now be configured whether the application supervisor is notified whenever a workunit created by the corresponding application changes its status.
  • Revised Feature: The column 'Parents' of the samples tables now show the display name of the parent sample immediately when the field contains exactly one parent sample. In this case, the show/hide buttons are not needed/shown.

Release Date: 08.02.2023

  • New Feature: The container member tab now provides the possibility to assign tracking users. So there is no need anymore to add employees as members only because these employees need to track this container.
  • Revised Feature: Containers where the user is in a support function (i.e., coach, coachbackup, or bioinformatician) cannot be added to the tracked contaienrs list (since it is not necessary).
  • Revised Feature: Extended offer edit such that requester's billing info as well as the billing organization type is considered when setting the associated organization type.
  • New Feature: Extended offer edit such that the billing organization type can be edited even in case of registered users.
  • New Feature: The requester's affiliation is printed on both the offer edit and show screens.

Release Date: 03.02.2023

  • New Feature: Table columns technologies, resourcesTotalSize, importResourcesTotalSize are now exportable.

Release Date: 02.02.2023

  • New Feature: Extended Top Coach table which has the columns total, orders, projects, running projects, and all columns are sortable.

Release Date: 25.01.2023

  • New Feature: Introduced new role PurchaseAdmin whose associated users will get the purchase change notifications.
  • New Feature: Added plate-count column orders table.
  • Revised Feature: Increased Barcode Sequence Length from 20 to 64; analogously increased reversesequence as well as reversecomplementsequence.
  • Revised Feature: Normal users cannot select row-assignment direction for user plates.

Release Date: 20.01.2023

  • New Feature: Added "Species" as a (mandatory) attribute to the sample type "User Library in Pool".
  • New Feature: Show Hint when there are non-editable items in the edit batch order items screen.
  • New Feature: Extended "Show Samples in Pool" button in the show order screen where now the number of the samples in pool are shown.
  • New Feature: Extended class User by attribute backup and provided functionality to handle user backups.
  • New Feature: Revised container save functionality. whenever the container coach is set but the coachbackup is missing, the backup of the user who is the coach is automatically set as coachbackup.
  • New Feature: Added validity check and hint for url attribute of classes Link, Supplier, ImportResource.
  • Revised Feature: Extended code validators for UZHGuestCard since they may now also start with the letter Z.
  • Revised Feature: Introduced System Properties UZHAccessCardPatterns and DeployerPhonePrefix to generalize the corresponding features.
  • Revised Feature: internally renamed UZHCard to AccessCard.
  • Revised Feature: Generalized concept "Invoiced price CHF" to "Invoiced price default currency", which is controlled via the system property defaultCurrencyCode.

Release Date: 06.01.2023

  • New Feature: Introduction of OrganizationEmailSuffix concept and validation of email suffixes.
  • New Feature: Extended hints and warnings in the edit batch order item screen w.r.t. to sample coupling.
  • Revised Feature: Revised hint for order item cloning.
  • Revised Feature: Replaced deprecated password encoder.

Release Date: 22.12.2022

  • New Feature: Introduced ServiceTypeCollection Concept.
  • New Feature: Added column to FastaSequence to order table.
  • New Feature: Added warning to show order screen in state submitted stating "that the user should not send/bring sample before order is accepted".
  • Revised Feature: Revised warning to show order screen in state pending stating "that the user should not send/bring sample before order is submitted and accepted".
  • New Feature: Added warning message for orders of type Interaction proteomics that contain bead-bound samples.
  • New Feature: Added simple FASTA sequence validator.
  • New Feature: Extended instrument edit with the option to edit the associated sample preparation protocols.

Release Date: 16.12.2022

  • New Feature: Do not set modified attribute of class User in case of login and user sync as well as for other actions that do not change any attribute of the user object.

Release Date: 15.12.2022

  • New Feature: Print the "offered total price" on the show offer screen.
  • New Feature: Added the (missing) description column to the offers listing.
  • Revised Feature: Extended max length of offer description from 256 to 1024 characters.
  • New Feature: Extended Dataset XML export which now also includes the the dataset attributes and items.
  • New Feature: Improved security by incorporating 'Content Security Policy (CSP)'.
  • New Feature: Highlighted coupled order items both in show order screen as well as in the order item batch edit screen.
  • New Feature: Jump to the page of the first newly added item after adding batch order items.
  • New Feature: Added hint detailing the cloning as well as coupling functionality upon cloning batch order items.

Release Date: 03.12.2022

  • New Feature: Extended show sample screen by runsamples tab
  • New Feature: Extended show run screen by runsamples tab
  • New Feature: New Sample Type 'Biological Sample - Spatial VIS'.
  • New Feature: New Service Type 'Spatial Gene Expression'.
  • New Feature: Triggering custom container status change via the web service.
  • Revised Feature: Adapted the editability of pooled samplse after assignment to a run.
  • Revised Feature: Increased size of dataset fields from 256 to 4096.
  • Revised Feature: Layout revision for dataset edit screen (changed dataset fields from inputText to inputTextarea plus allowed flexible field width).
  • Revised Feature: Trimming of non-breaking space character in all string attributes.

Release Date: 22.11.2022

  • New Feature: Added tab trained instruments to show user screen.
  • New Feature: Added bookers, trainedusers, and operators tabs to show instrument screen.
  • New Feature: Added new screen "Assign Trained Users" to select and assign instruments as trained instruments for a selected set of users.

Release Date: 18.11.2022

  • New Feature: Extended Sample Read Web service by option to query all attributes.
  • Revised Feature: Repeated instrument reservation now also clones the container as well as the approval attributes.

Release Date: 17.11.2022

  • Revised Feature: Formatting of attributes readCount and readcountTotal changed by introducing thousands separator.

Release Date: 16.11.2022

  • Revised Feature: Do not preset the budget officer in the project/order edit form.
  • New Feature: Added column non-booked billable charges to project/order tables.
  • New Feature: Added screens for attachment list/show.
  • New Feature: Added edit screen for editing name and description of attachments
  • New Feature: Added column sample-count to annotation list.

Release Date: 11.11.2022

  • New Feature: Introduce negation for lazydatatable filters: use the negation symbol "!=" to negate the filter value.
  • New Feature: Extended classes Instrument and InstrumentStatus by attribute runEnabled. Initially, all instruments having an associated rununittype are set runEnabled=true by default. You can then control this property via instrument edit.
  • New Feature: Extended edit screen for run entities such that only run enabled instruments are listed in the autocompleter of the instrument field.
  • New Feature: Added tab "Family" to show sample screen computing all samples that are associated with the given sample with with parents and children relationships. This tab is currently restricted to users with the role labManager.
  • New Feature: Extended Sample Read Web Service by parameter includefamily to get the family of a given sample.
  • New Feature: Hover-over sampleplateposition in "table view" of plates.
  • New Feature: Added new class ServiceCode with corresponding edit, show, list screens.
  • Revised Feature: The code attribute in class Service now refers to an ServiceCode instance.
  • New Feature: Edit booking can now exploit service code knowledge to automatically preset the cost centre depending on the booker and according to the data stored in the ServiceCode entities.
  • New Feature: Extended system property management such that now individual system properties can now be changed by a user having a corresponding role. Current use case: AccessRequestManagers can now update all access request relevant properties, as needed after a move.
  • Drop Feature: Remove attribute sampleArrivalDate from class orderitem.

Release Date: 05.11.2022

  • New Feature: Added list user settings screen
  • New Feature: Added list user billing account screen
  • New Feature: Extend order confirmation form by sample delivery/shipping page
  • New Feature: Autocomplete selector now available also for companies
  • New Feature: Added system property to switch on/off the autocomplete selector for companies
  • New Feature: Introduced agendaViewer role
  • Revised Feature: Agenda can be viewed by users with agendaViewer role but a user requires the agendaUser role to create and sync events
  • Revised Feature: The role employee does not include the role agendaUser anymore. In the employeeentry process the agendaUser role is implicitly assigned but can now be revoked explicitly, as usually needed for our student assistants.

Release Date: 03.11.2022

  • Revised Feature: Revised text of order instruction tab
  • New Feature: Extended ETHIS booking export for bookings withouts costcentre/pspelement
  • New Feature: Added samplepreparationprotocol web services (CRUD operatiors)
  • New Feature: Added warning message on "Assign Barcodes to Pooled Library" in the edit-batch-orderitem screen for service type 'Ready-made libraries Sequencing'
  • New Feature: Added service types 'CRISPR Screen' and 'Off Target Identification' to NGS screen

Release Date: 01.11.2022: B-Fabric 12: Management of Runs

  • New Feature: Introduced the classes Run, RunUnitType, RunUnit, RunUnitLane.
  • New Feature: Added details, edit, list screens for all these classes.
  • New Feature: Introduced the class RunState with the states 'pending', 'ready' 'processing', 'processed', 'processingfailed', 'demultiplexing', 'demultiplexed', 'demultiplexingfailed', 'finished'.
  • New Feature: Added new Instrument Read Configurations.
  • New Feature: New class Run Sample with web service endpoint.
  • New Feature: Screen to create, edit, re-pool pooled libraries.
  • New Feature: Added shortcut to create a pooled library from the details page of the order.
  • New Feature: Barcode checks on pooled library creation or sample run assignment.
  • New Feature: New Sample Type 'Library Pooled - Illumina' .
  • New Feature: New Sample Type 'Library Pooled - Nanopore' .
  • New Feature: New Sample Type 'Library Pooled - PacBio' .
  • New Feature: New Sample Type 'Library on Run - Illumina' .
  • New Feature: New Sample Type 'Library on Run - Nanopore' .
  • New Feature: New Sample Type 'Library on Run - PacBio' .
  • Revised Feature: Added Sample attributes:
    • Pooled Library Amount
    • Pooled Library Concentration
    • Pooled Library Volume
    • Loading Concentration
    • Loaded Amount
    • Loaded Molarity
    • Qubit
    • qPCR
    • TS
    • Barcode1 DMX
    • Barcode2 DMX
    • Re-Pool
    • Pool Passed
    • Pool Molarity
    • DMX Flag
  • Revised Feature: Disabled Sample Types 'Sheared DNA', 'Ligated Sample', 'End-Repaired Sample', 'Size-Selected Library', 'Pooled Library', 'AMPured'.
  • New Feature: New Service Type 'Ready-made Libraries Sequencing'.
    • Revised Feature: Added Order Attributes:
      • Custom Options
      • Custom Primers
      • Dark Cycles
      • Request BCL Files
      • PhiX
      • No. of Cycles Read 1
      • No. of Cycles Read 2
      • Index 1
      • Index 2
      • Read 1
      • Read 2
    • Revised Feature: Added Sequencing Applications:
      • CRISPR Screen
      • 10x Single Cell Gene Expression
      • 10x Single Cell Immune Profiling
      • 10x Single Cell Fixed RNA Profiling
      • 10x Single Cell ATAC
      • 10x Spatial Gene Expression
      • 10x Spatial Gene Expression - CytAssist
      • Custom / Other'.
    • Revised Feature: Disabled the Sequencing Application 'Ready-made Libraries'.
  • Revised Feature: Added Attribute 'strandedness' to class Sample Preparation Protocol
  • Revised Feature: Added Sample Preparation Protocols:
    • Custom Primers
    • Staggered Primer
    • Single Cell Gene Expression
    • Single Cell Gene Expression with Cell Surface Protein
    • Single Cell Gene Expression with Sample Multiplexing
    • Single Cell Gene Expression with CRISPR Screening
    • Single Cell Gene Expression with Cell Surface Protein and Sample Multiplexing
    • Single Cell Gene Expression with CRISPER Screening and Sample Multiplexing
    • Single Cell Immune Profiling
    • Single Cell Immune Profiling with Cell Surface Protein
    • Single Cell Immune Profiling with Antigen Spedificity
    • Single Cell Immune Profiling with CRISPR Screening
    • Single Cell Immune Profiling with Cell Surface Protein and Antigen Specificity
    • Single Cell Immune Profiling with Cell Surface Protein and CRISPR Screening
    • Single Cell Fixed RNA Profiling
    • Single Cell Fixed RNA Profiling for Singleplexed Samples with Cell Surface Protein
    • Single Cell Fixed RNA Profiling for Multiplexed Samples
    • Single Cell ATAC
    • Single Cell ATAC with Gene Expression
    • Visium for FFPE tissue with Human Probe Set v1
    • Visium for FFPE tissue with Mouse Probe Set v1
    • Visium for Fresh Frozen tissue
    • Visium for Fresh Frozen tissue - Targeted Gene Expression
    • Visium for FFPE tissue with Human Probe Set v2
  • Revised Feature: Added Custom States for Status 'Processing':
    • Sequencing QC Passed
    • Sequencing QC Failed
  • New Feature: Added Filter for pooled libraries in the sample tab of the order.
  • New Feature: Show warning for plate submissions if the sample assignment order is set to 'Row'.
  • Revised Feature: Extended User Settings:
    • Show Lanes Separated: Show the run unit lanes separated for the sample run management.
    • Show Lane Buttons: Show buttons for assigning samples to a lane.
    • Show Lane Buttons/Checkbox: Show buttons as well as a checkbox for assigning samples to a lane.
    • Parent Samples Max. Amount: The maximum amount of parent samples to show on the sample details page without being collapsed.

Release Date: 26.10.2022

  • New Feature: "Delete Cascade" functionality for bookings such that a booking is deleted together with the associated charges.
  • New Feature: Added debitor number to classes company and organization and removed it from division and institute
  • New Feature: Added debitor number to class booking and preset this attribute depending of the associated company/organization.
  • Info: Debitor numbers of existing companies and organization are taken over from ETH SAP system as far as possible.
  • New Feature: Added VAT number management to user billing info as well as for orders and projects.
  • New Feature: Added bookings count column to booker list.
  • New Feature: Added bookings tab to show booker screen.
  • New Feature: Revised and extended execution period computation for class booking. Till 2021 an attribute called bookingPeriod was set explicitly, then only executionPeriod computed for orders only. Now these concepts are integrated, i.e., executionPeriod is preset as far as possible and can be explicitly updated as needed.
  • New Feature: Added default bookingtype to the classes company and organization.
  • New Feature: Default bookingtype is now used for bookings to preset the booker and bookingtype, e.g. so "ETH Umbuchung" is now preset for all bookings where the associated container is linked to organization ETH; "UZH Umbuchung dito for "UZH".
  • New Feature: Added more explicit hint whenever the user's email address is invalid or not verified.
  • New Feature: Added email column to tab users of the show role screen
  • New Feature: Added private email to class user and send user password lost email also to the private email when the latter exists.
  • New Feature: Extend class Technology by attribute color.
  • New Feature: Extend class OrganizationType by attribute color.
  • New Feature: Introduces new class ApplicationTestLog to document "reproducibility tests" of applications.
  • New Feature: Send custom email via Web service.
  • Revised Feature: Added groups and parents count to role columns.
  • Revised Feature: Workunit executables are not listed as tasks anymore.
  • Revised Feature: Changed filtermatchmode of some numeric columns to startsWith.
  • Revised Feature: Migration to ChartJS and general revision and extension of all existing charts.
  • Revised Feature: Fixed, updated, and extended ETH booking exporter.

Release Date: 27.09.2022

  • Revised Feature: Revised link validity checking (do it individually in own transactions to avoid rollbacking long transactions)
  • Revised Feature: Revised scheduled tasks
  • New Feature: Added possibility to explicitly trigger a scheduled task job
  • New Feature: Added column plates to platelayout table.
  • New Feature: Added column plates to platetype table.
  • New Feature: Added column rununits to rununittype table.
  • Revised Feature: Booking groups invoiced items now by a further dimension (service.code) such that all charges are grouped by servicename, servicename, discount, and orderDiscount..
  • Revised Feature: New possible status for run: demultiplexed, demultiplexing-failed, and processing-failed.

Release Date: 21.09.2022

  • New Feature: Introduced rowStyleClass for objects of class Project, Order, user, and Contract to print the rows in datatables according to the state of the objects.
  • New Feature: Added "FGCZ Move" text to home page as well as to the project/order details pages (NOTE: Of course, only visible on the FGCZ deployment)

Release Date: 09.09.2022

  • New Feature: Extended Comment Save Web Service by option sendmailusergroup.
  • New Feature: Extended Container Read Web Service by attributes institute/division.
  • New Feature: Extended User Read Web Service by attributes institute/division.
  • New Feature: Added Read Web Service for UserGroup.
  • New Feature: Extended Edit Workunit screen by the possibility to assign workflows as well as single workflow steps to the workunit.
  • New Feature: Assignment of workunits/datasets/samples to workflows as well as workflow steps is now possible with the edit screens.
  • New Feature: Extended show screen for workflow and workflow step including links to workunits/datasets/samples directly in the details.
  • New Feature: Extended Edit Workflow and WorkflowStep screens by Container Filter which is applied on the autocompletes for dataset, sample, and workunit selection.
  • New Feature: Add mouse-over avatar which displays the image in normal size.
  • New Feature: Show sapNumber column in order/project bookings.
  • New Feature: Show hint "Bookings without SAP number exist" for order/project in state "finished" when there are bookings without SAP number.
  • New Feature: Show hint "Non-paid bookings exist" for order/porject in state "closed/private" when there are bookings with attribute paid=false.
  • New Feature: Introduced rowStyleClass for objects of class Sample, Resource, Workunit, Charge, Booking, Plate, and Run to print the rows in datatables according to the state of the objects.
  • New Feature: Added Parameters column to list application and wrappercreator screens.
  • Revised Feature: Revised (fixed) pre-filtering of certains screens such as "Import Workunit" "Import Workunit" or "Analyze Workunit".

Release Date: 26.08.2022

  • New Feature: Edit batch purchase screen extended by autcomplete instead of drop-down menu to select consumables

Release Date: 24.08.2022

  • Revised Feature: Allow "Add Result" also for closed orders
  • Revised Feature: Feeder can add new workunits to closed orders
  • New Feature: Custom status dialog shows a selection instead of an autocomplete if the amount of custom order states to select from is small.
  • New Feature: Added individual recipient selection for plate and run comments.

Release Date: 13.07.2022

  • New Feature: User Read Web Service Case-Insensitive Email / Login Parameter
  • New Feature: Extend User Read Web Service by LastName/FirstName Parameter

Release Date: 12.07.2022

  • New Feature: Image Cropper (available for both user and instrument images -> please use such that the avatars looks nicer)
  • New Feature: Show hint CoachBackup/Bioinformatician required for orders with initialcustomstatus=true
  • New Feature: Extended comment tab by absence note for coach, coachbackup, and bioinformatician
  • New Feature: Add Show Screen for EntityLog
  • Revised Feature: When creating a new purchase, "OrderedBy" is preset to the current user, "Orderdate" to today, and "Technology" to the default technology from the settings of the current user.
  • Revised Feature: When creating a new contract, "Supervisor" is preset to the current user and "Technology" to the default technology from the settings of the current user.

Release Date: 05.07.2022

  • New Feature: New system property dataTableExportLimit.
  • Revised Feature: Generalized datatable template with improved rendering of the paginator and export links.

Release Date: 04.07.2022

  • Revised Feature: Password encryption algorithm replaced. IMPORTANT note for all Web service users: This requires that you reset your Web Service Password used in your scripts!
  • New Feature: Comments can be (un-)pinned in the comments tab. Thereby, you have now the possibility to pin comments, for instance, including important agreements within an order. These pinned comments of an order will also be listed explicitly in the order's show screen such that there is now a direct link to these comments.
  • New Feature: User settings extended by the option 'Default Scroller Chunk Size' to set the default number of loaded comments. Up-to-now this was hard-coded to 5, which is now the default value if not set explicitly.* New Featue: Clone functionality now available for charges
  • Revised Feature: Generalized datatable fragment not showing paginator details in case of empty content.
  • Revised Feature: All booking PDF templates consolidated and updated into a single one.
  • Revised Feature: The booking PDF now lists all the different descriptions of the charges when aggregated to a single grouped charged
  • Revised Feature: Revised booking PDF template such that it now includes an appendix with all included charges whenever there are charges that are aggregated. This was formerly done within the "Detailed" PDF which now becomes obsolete.
  • Revised Feature: Revised computation of "provisional" costs of instrument reservation such that it takes the organization type of the user in case a user is set in the instrument reservation

Release Date: 20.06.2022

  • Revised Feature: Generalized baseUrl configuration such that no explicit system property is needed to be maintained for that purpose
  • Revised Feature: Generalized access request feature such that it make useful for other deployments, too
  • New Feature: Migrated many hard-coded constants to ad-hoc configurable system properties
  • New Feature: Extended order/project overview statistics
  • New Feature: New generalized B-Fabric favicon
  • New Feature: Read Web Service for StandardContainerStatus
  • New Feature: Added clear button/icon to autocomplete of the affiliiation hierarchy

Release Date: 08.06.2022

  • Revised Feature: Hide column "additionalPrice" for services where the corresponding prices are not set!
  • Revised Feature: Hide the radio buttons "Financed By EU Grant"
  • Revised Feature: Revised tubeid generation for order samples
  • Revised Feature: Do not clone tubeid when cloning samples
  • Revised Feature: Revised association between sample and controlsample from onetoone to manytoone and accordingly extended all functionality and screens
  • Revised Feature: Order confirmation form works now also for deployers other than FGCZ
  • Revised Feature: Further refactoring of B-Fabric functionality such that specific functions can be switched-on/off in a more fine-granuled way
  • New Feature: Advanced user name auto completer
  • New Feature: Extended Project Overview Statistics
  • New Feature: Introduced system property kpiHomePageEnabled to easily switch-on/off the charts of the home page
  • New Feature: Introduced "Container States" to header menu
  • New Feature: Read Web Service for ContainerStatus
  • New Feature: Simple download now available on the resource basket
  • New Feature: B-Fabric download manager produces more detailed download summary

Release Date: 20.05.2022

  • New Feature: Extended instrument status shortcut button by the possibility to enter a status comment
  • New Feature: Implemented validator for link urls checking the existence of the referred page (also via a schedule job)

Release Date: 18.05.2022

  • New Feature: Advanced comment notification mail selection component for normal users
  • New Feature: Extended user settings to define whether notification disabling is possible or not
  • New Feature: Extended class Currency by code and symbol
  • New Feature: Extended income statistics
  • New Feature: Extended costs statistics
  • New Feature: Extended datatable exporter now appears also in non-lazy tables when the content size is filtered under 10000 rows
  • New Feature: Added column OrderItemCount to Service list
  • New Feature: Introduce new roles ConfigurationReader and ConfigurationManager
  • New Feature: Added column discriminator to systemproperty list
  • New Feature: XML export extended by summary attributes

Release Date: 12.04.2022

  • New Feature: Extended employee leave action by additionally removing the (ex)employee as member from all containers where the user is not in a specific function and the container is a non-final state.
  • New Feature: Add list button to the show externaljob screen
  • New Feature: Revised list screen for externaljob which now includes the log directly
  • Drop Feature: LogWebUrl dropped from class ExternalJob and of course from all correspoindng screens
  • New Feature: New system property branchname (show in the header as well as about screen)
  • Revised Feature: Replaced Antisamy sanitizer by OWASP sanitizer

Release Date: 05.04.2022

  • New Feature: New sample types for GEML: 'Off Target Identification', 'Cell Engineering', and 'CRISPR Screen'
  • New Feature: New service types for GEML: 'Off Target Identification', 'Cell Engineering', and 'CRISPR Screen'
  • New Feature: Extended Web services to deals with new samples types
  • New Feature: Add new column to user/projects and user/orders screens to do with just one click 1) a remove of the membership from the container and 2) to add the container to you tracking list
  • New Feature: Comments are automatically marked as viewed when they are fully included in the browser's view port.
  • New Feature: Logging Web Service calls to document who invoked a WS when and with parameters.
  • New Feature: Update web service for resource which does not trigger the update of the associated workunit.
  • New Feature: Added list/show/edit screens for the class Currency
  • New Feature: Extended login validation (logins that match with entity classes are not allowed)
  • New Feature: Extended login blacklist (logins that match with certain offensive words are not allowed)
  • New Feature: New project states duration statistics
  • New Feature: New order states duration statistics
  • New Feature: Disable the "Create Dataset" button on show resource basket screen when the context container is not extensible (otherwise it will later lead to a permission denied error)
  • Important Fix: Container states are now sorted by creation date and missing entries (review and finished states of older project states which were never migrated) were derived from other data (reviews and emails)!
  • Revised Feature: Revised downloadable hints.
  • Revised Feature: Maximum result size per page for the web services is reduced from 1000 to 100.
  • Revised Feature: Maximum number of query elements for the web services is reduced from 1000 to 100.
  • Revised Feature: Update to latest font awesome icons
  • Revised Feature: Trigger user synchronization after container status changes only for those users where a synchronization is actually required
  • Revised Feature: Internal revision and consolidation of Web services

Release Date: 12.03.2022

  • Revised Feature: Revised email template for member management
  • New Feature: Added screen for listing the table usermerge

Release Date: 08.03.2022: Extended/Updated Download Manager

  • New Feature: Introduced system property JNLP validityduration
  • New Feature: Download manager JNLP is now expired token-aware
  • New Feature: Copy clipboard functionality for folder download command
  • New Feature: Explicit checking and handling of expiration date of JNLP files
  • New Feature: Introduced new download help buttons redirecting directly to the corresponding download functionality related places of the B-Fabric user manual
  • Revised Feature: Extended and fixed logging functionality for download manager events (especially racking the state of the downloads of each single resource). So now we will have a better overview of the usage of the download manager.
  • Revised Feature: Improved handling of download folder in case the download manager is used with the storage option
  • Revised Feature: Two-way code check to increase security of download status logging
  • Revised Feature: Download links for resources are now also available via the header of the show resource screen
  • New Feature: Extended user settings by option to enable/disable the download manager
  • New Feature: The download manager can be also be installed on windows development environments
  • New Feature: Extended user manuals regarding data download, especially with a new section on container download

Release Date: 08.03.2022

  • New Feature: Added explicit association between the classes Order and SampleType. The transitive association via the class ServiceType is now used only as default to preset. This remodelling includes further significant changes in the design and opens the possibility for a more powerful order management. Since not only the sample type information but also some more attributes that were only stored in the servicetype are now stored also on the order (e.g., processessamples, processesplates, requiresproject, ...), we can now allow to change these attribute on servicetype even when there already some orders associated with that service type. As a result, no artificial cloning of service type and services is needed anymore just to associate orders of a servicetype with a new sample type.
  • New Feature: Introduced sample fractionate functionality to fractionate a given sample in a number of child samples (fractions) of the selected sample type.
  • New Feature: Replaced one-to-many by a many-to-many association between sample preparation protocol and sequencing application and thus avoiding to artificially create copies of the same protocol when it can be applied to more than one sequencing application.
  • New Feature: Edit batch screen for barcodes to enter/edit the barcodes of a kit using copy and paste from excel.
  • New Feature: Entity log barcodes of a barcode kit into kit's log
  • New Feature: Added association "Trained" between Users and Instruments with the functionality to document which users are trained on a corresponding instrument. In future, this functionality will be used to provide the possibility to restrict the reservation of a given instrument to users that are trained on that instrument. You can start using this feature already to store the information which user was trained on which instrument.
  • New Feature: Added column order count to servicetype list
  • New Feature: Extended sample coupling in edit batch order item screen such that it now can also handle the coupling of newly created samples without being coupled with an existing sample.
  • New Feature: Introduced new coaching task for orders which last in the same non-final state for more than 3 months.
  • New Feature: Added order items tab to show workflow screen
  • Revised Feature: Show workflow screen by default lists the order items on he main content screen only when its number is less than 20. Otherwise, it provides a tree that can be open on demand. Furthermore, now there is hint whenever the number of order items associated with the workflow is less than the number of order items of the associated order.
  • Revised Feature: Steps within the workflow show screen are now ordered by id (creation)
  • Revised Feature: Changed order of columns of the steps listing in the show workflow screen: e.g. comment count after comments
  • New Feature: Extended XMLExport especially for the class Order by adding several new attributes to the export.
  • New Feature: Extended Web Service class XMLContainer by further (billing-relevant) attributes.
  • Revised Feature: Improved entity logging which now is capable to log and represent embedded entities.
  • Revised Feature: Improved entity log shows the changed attributes in sorted fashion.
  • Revised Feature: Workunit attribute progress is not entity logged anymore
  • Revised Feature: Workunits of orders are not editable/deletable anymore when the corresponding order is closed
  • New Feature: Added direct link to edit screen into the steps listing in the show workflow screen
  • New Feature: Added select all button to timeline.
  • New Feature: Added explicit buttons as well as icons to the show instrument screen in order to switch the different instrument states (up, bookable, uservisible, userbookable, available) directly without the need to over the edit screen. These buttons are available on the tabs details as well as states.
  • New Feature: Attribute chargeable added to class InstrumentReservationSetting such that now the default value of the attribute chargeable of an instrument reservation can be set individually on the basis of the associated settings.
  • New Feature: Comment feature extended by viewedBy functionality helping to track which comments were viewed by whom and the possibility to star comments (favorites).
  • New Feature: Extended user show screen by the tabs "Viewed Comments" and "Starred Comments"
  • Revised Feature: Notification email for (order) samples arrived is now sent also to all employees that are related to that order (i.e. to the coaches and trackers) in addition to the order requester.
  • New Feature: Extended confManager to start Lucene indexing at deployment time whenever the index directory is not present.
  • New Feature: Add clear button/icon to more autocompletes
  • New Feature: Generalized rowsPerPageTemplate attribute usage of the datatable fragment such that now only rows values can be selected which are really applicable, e.g. 10, 20, 40, 100, 200 are not show anymore when the datatable has less than 10 rows
  • Migrated Font Awesome to Version 6.0.0 which redraws (improves) some of the icons used in B-Fabric so far.

Release Date: 31.01.2022

  • Revised Feature: Added barcode kit "AmpliSeq CD Indexes Set A".
  • Bugfix: Tube Id incorrectly displayed on sample coupling.

Release Date: 22.01.2022: Big Code Refactoring Release

  • New Feature: Links functionality available for further classes
  • New Feature: Custom attributes functionality available for further classes
  • New Feature: Clone functionality available for further classes
  • New Feature: Web services extended by links and custom attributes
  • New Feature: Menu link "custom Attributes" available for admin
  • New Feature: Harmonized generic details based on commonly used new details fragments
  • New Feature: Refactored, generalized edit screens
  • New Feature: Extended download icons (e.g. in the show offer screen)
  • New Feature: Improved instrument schedule screen including direct links to corresponding instrument, instrument settings as well as instrument schedule overview
  • New Feature: Comment mail notifications are now possible on annotations
  • New Feature: Add "orders" tab to the order attribute show screen
  • New Feature: Add coach feature to offers
  • New Feature: Add comment feature to offers
  • New Feature: Improved data table filters: use matchmode exact for count columns
  • New Feature: New Web service WorkunitChangeStatus to set the status of all or a selected subset of resources of workunit with a single WS call (big performance gain)
  • Revised Feature: Further revised and extended order comment notification feature including transitive project users
  • Revised Feature: Improved log messages during B-Fabric deployment
  • Revised Feature: Improved Lucene indexing in case of indexDependents
  • Revised Feature: Trigger Lucene indexing for workunit markDeleted
  • Revised Feature: Refactoring and consolidation of Lucene indexing related functionality
  • Revised Feature: Refactoring B-Fabric query functionality
  • Revised Feature: Fixed TUBE_ID rendering issue after sample coupling in edit batch order item screen

Release Date: 17.01.2022

  • Revised Feature: Further revised and extended comment notification feature

Release Date: 12.01.2022

  • New Feature: List articlenumber of the associated consumable in the purchaseitem columns

Release Date: 10.01.2022

  • Revised Feature: Distinguish between servicetypetracker and servicetrackers in the mail recipients table of the comment edit screen
  • New Feature: New sample type "Biological Sample - Biomolecules Characterization"

Release Date: 07.01.2022

  • New Feature: Comments are now possible on datasets

Release Date: 06.01.2022

  • New Feature: Comment feature extended by an advanced mail recipients selection mechanism which is only available for the "employees" to select individually the users who should be notified in case of the comments (notes/results)
  • New Feature: Show user screen now has a tab "Actions" which lists all logged actions of the user. Currently, this tab is only visible to the user who is logged in as well as of course to the admin.
  • New Feature: Edit comment extended by advanced mail recipients selection mechnismism
  • New Feature: Extended class PlateLayout by description attribute
  • Revised Feature: User create revised such that login name is proposed based on last and first name
  • Revised Feature: The currently logged-in user (in case of an employee) can set the own available attribute to show her/his availability, e.g., after being back from a doctor's appointment which did not took the entire half-day; of course this feature can also be used in the other direction to show a short-term unavailability after the half-day slot has started.
  • New Feature: Added email notification mechanism to sample/workunit comments
  • Revised Order Attribute: The order attribute "Number of Cells/Nuclei (numeric)" is now "Cells/Nuclei (boolean)" (existing orders still have the attribute "Numer of Cells/Nuclei)
  • Revised Sample Type: The sample type "Biological Sample - Sequencing" has a new attribute "Estimated Genome Size"
  • Revised Service Type: Single Cell Sequencing orders can now accept plates

Release Date: 17.12.2021

  • New Feature: Consumable note may now send notification emails

Release Date: 09.12.2021

  • Revised Feature: Revised Web services save method to avoid that certain collection values are overwritten
  • Revised Feature: Rewritten statistics (materialized) views to optimize performance

Release Date: 01.12.2021

  • New Feature: Extend yearly instrument statisics by bookable time
  • Revised Feature: Workunit parameters are now sorted by key

Release Date: 27.11.2021

  • New Feature: Extend yearly instrument statisics by uptime
  • Revised Feature: Adapted sample types "Library - PacBio" and "Library - Nanopore" as well as the Sample read/save web service

Release Date: 25.11.2021

  • New Feature: Revised storage management: restricted updatability of local storages
  • New Feature: Access path check and warning for accesses and storages when repository is not accessable
  • New Feature: Add attribute physicalSeparation to RunUnit and also transitively show it on the run show screen as well as Run read web service

Release Date: 20.11.2021

  • New Feature: Send pending order reminder after six weeks
  • New Feature: Cancel pending order reminder after eight weeks
  • New Feature: ServiceType extended by attribute platesubmissionproposallimit to use the palte submission in an order as default whenever the limit of samples is passed

Release Date: 17.11.2021

  • Revised Feature: Index parent dependents of charges

Release Date: 10.11.2021

  • New Feature: Added download icons right to the status in the show workunit screen (analogously as it was already done for show resource screen)

Release Date: 05.11.2021

  • New Feature: Added partial excel edit functionality to order application -> see button "Excel Edit" in edit batch order item screen to support excel like editing of sample information
  • New Feature: ServiceType extended by attribute processesPlates to indicate that the sample submission of the corresponding order can be done via plates
  • New Feature: OrderAttribute extended by attribute processesPlates to indicate that the sample submission can be done via plates in orders associated with the corresponding serviceType
  • New Feature: Batch edit order item screen extended by the possibility to enter sample information in the context of plates
  • New Feature: Plate management extended to handle user submitted plates
  • New Feature: Added tab mails for purchases
  • New Feature: Added xls exporter to datatable
  • New Feature: InstrumentReservation approve/reject buttons are now also available for the associated container coaches
  • New Feature: Print log of (last) workunit executable on workunit details
  • Revised Feature: Revised instrument states such that diff columns show duration between false states
  • Revised Feature: Advance mail type filter which only lists the mail type that are associated with the parent entity class
  • Revised Feature: Extended computerLoginEnabled and dataAccessEnabled computation
  • Revised Feature: Feeder login now also used for the modifiedBy attribute
  • Revised Feature: Massive performance boost by rewriting the entity logger (nearly all screens are faster; significantly those where a lot of entities are saved)

Release Date: 22.10.2021

  • New Feature: New read Web services for Barcode and BarcodeKit

Release Date: 10.10.2021

  • Revised Feature: Extended entitySpecifics method for the classes WorfklowTemplate, WorfklowTemplateStep, Worfklow, and WorfklowStep
  • Revised Feature: Attribute orderDataOnly consistently renamed to orderdataonly (lower case instead of camel case) -> if used in Web service without equalsignore, then this requires adaptations in the corresponding Web service calls
  • New Feature: Extended read Web services for container (project/order) by including usage statistics data (countsamples, countworkunits, etc.)

Release Date: 08.10.2021

  • New Feature: Mail send for plate and run comments
  • New Feature: Mails tab for plates and runs

Release Date: 06.10.2021

  • New Feature: Extend read Web service of WorkflowStep to also list the associated samples, workunits, and datasets
  • New Feature: Extend save Web service of WorkflowStep to associate the step with sample, workunit, and dataset
  • New Feature: Request booking button on project charges screen is now visible also for the backup coach

Release Date: 03.10.2021

  • Revised Feature: Improved printed pages
  • Revised Feature: Revised coloring of charts
  • Revised Feature: Extended data table column filter for "Input QC Concentration"
  • New Feature: Approval pending instrument reservations appear in orange in the instrument reservation schedule/overview
  • New Feature: Instrument reservation notification email extended by an obvious hint that the reservation requires approval
  • New Feature: Extended InstrumentReservationSetting by ApprovalSkipInternal to approve by default for employees
  • New Feature: Added column sample for select resources table in run application screen
  • New Feature: Non-internal container mails can be read by container members

Release Date: 27.09.2021

  • Revised Feature: External job log only appended when single entity is fetched
  • New Feature: New Web services readid for all existing end points to read entities with id only (huge performance boost when only entity ids are needed!)
  • New Feature: Added not available hint for users
  • New Feature: Added QR code to all show entity screens
  • New Feature: In case of reply comments, all users of the reply history are added to the mail recipients

Release Date: 08.09.2021

  • Revised feature: Technology details now visible to users with employee role

Release Date: 06.09.2021

  • New Feature: New workunit status PROCESSING and text-valued attribute progress to state how far the processing is progressed
  • New Feature: Extended comment feature allows linking comments with workunits
  • New Feature: Extended comment feature allows adding links to comments
  • New Feature: Added hints in case of invalid URLs
  • New Feature: Technology name changes now triggering reindexing
  • Revised feature: Improved Lucene indexing
  • Revised feature: Improved performance of big screens such as list orders and projects by replacing hibernate formulas by database triggers and functions

Release Date: 27.08.2021

  • Revise Feature: Revised order details: highlighted "Submit" order button plus additional pending order hint
  • New Feature: Extended "Create User on Behalf" presenting and selecting potential matching users
  • New Feature: Extended Order Read Webservice by query attribute serviceareaid
  • New Feature: Extended Service Read Webservice by query attribute serviceareaid

Release Date: 24.08.2021

  • New Feature: extend batch order item screen by button to enter sample names via copy&paste

Release Date: 16.07.2021

  • New Feature: Introduced new attribute propagateEnabled to explicitly handle the propagation of the attribute enabled down in the service hierarchy
  • New Feature: Extended details for service areas showing number of enabled services / service types
  • New Feature: Extended details for service areas showing warning in case there are enabled or disabled services / service types
  • New Feature: Extended details for service types showing number of enabled services
  • New Feature: Extended details for service areas showing warning in case there are enabled or disabled services
  • Revised Feature: Revised and extended purchase statistics
  • Revised Feature: Revised Switch-To-Button: show how much entities are there for inclusion
  • Revised Feature: Added check if clearPrivateInfo button should be visible
  • Revised Feature: Added check if anonymize button should be visible
  • New Feature: Use link for supplier URL
  • Revised Feature: Fixed country names

Release Date: 14.07.2021: B-Fabric 11: Management of Plates and Runs

  • New Feature: New class Barcode
    • New Feature: Screens to create, edit, delete, and list barcodes. Barcodes are linked to a barcode kit.
  • New Feature: New class Barcode Kit
    • New Feature: Screens to create, edit, delete, and list barcode kits.
    • Barcode and barcode kit feature specific attributes, e.g., combinedBarcodeXAxis or combinedBarcode, used for the automatic barcode assignment when allocating samples to a plate.
  • New Feature: New class Plate Layout
  • New Feature: New class Plate Type
  • New Feature: New class Plate
    • New Feature: Screens to create, edit, delete, and list plates, plate layouts, or plate types
    • New Feature: Custom attributes for plates
    • New Feature: Functionality to assign samples to a plate
    • New Feature: Functionality to reposition samples on a plate
    • New Feature: Functionality to shift all empty positions on a plate
    • New Feature: Functionality to assign barcodes to all samples on a plate
    • New Feature: Functionality to batch edit samples on a plate
    • New Feature: Grid and table views for the samples on a plate
    • New Feature: Status management of the plate, i.e., different states, transitions, and state dependent functionality
    • New Feature: Log tab
    • New Feature: Comments tab
    • New Feature: Functionality to add links to a plate
    • New Feature: Functionality to clone a plate with or without its samples
  • New Feature: New class Control Sample
  • New Feature: New Sample type 'Control Sample'
    • New Feature: A sample of type 'Control Sample' is bound to a predefined container and is associated with exactly one control sample.
  • New Feature: Functionality to "feed back" QC values from initial and final QCs to the library
  • New Feature: New custom view for NGS orders
  • New Feature: New class Run Unit Type
  • New Feature: New class Run Unit
  • New Feature: New class Run
    • New Feature: Screens to create, edit, delete, and list run unit type, run units, or runs
    • New Feature: Custom attributes for runs
    • New Feature: Log tab for runs
    • New Feature: Status management of the run, i.e., different states, transitions, and state dependent functionality
    • New Feature: Assign samples to lanes of the run unit of a run
    • New Feature: Comments tab
    • New Feature: Functionality to add links to a run
    • New Feature: Functionality to clone a run
  • New Feature: Finish Plate / Run Tasks
  • New Feature: Web Services for Plate and Runs
  • Revised Feature: Extended Web Services for Samples

Release Date: 13.07.2021

  • New Feature: Extended comment edit to individually select container members as recipients for project comments as well as for orders without a parent project
  • New Feature: Extended tables showing the modified and modifiedBy columns
  • New Feature: Add member count to container columns
  • New Feature: Add new menu Item "Deletable Users" which is visible to admin only
  • New Feature: Extend timer bean by job for deleting all deletable users
  • Revised Feature: URL of web application can now also be edited even when there workunits
  • Revised Feature: Process access request screen adaptive to the case that the request is not pending anymore

Release Date: 08.07.2021

  • New Feature: Introduced "anonymize" functionality for user

Release Date: 06.07.2021

  • New Feature: New container flag orderDataOnly to disable that normal users can create samples directly at the project level to enforce that all samples are associated with an order. By default, this flag is set to true when a new "Genomics" project is created.
  • New Feature: New role internal inheriting role employee
  • Revised Feature: Reorganizing roles for users now getting the internal role
  • New Feature: User groups extended by forEmployeesOnly flag
  • New Feature: Employee Leave will now also remove the user from forEmployeesOnly user groups and remove the user group entirely when the user was the only user of that group
  • New Feature: User group supervisor reassignment tasks
  • New Feature: Clone functionality for user groups
  • New Feature: Employee Leave will now also remove the user from enabled service types
  • New Feature: Service type coach / coach backup reassignment tasks
  • New Feature: Introduced system properties to print date of each charge / project name on booking PDF
  • Revised Feature: Deletable computation of the entire service hierarchy moved entirely into the database
  • Revised Feature: Change password only allowed for the user itself and the admin; employees cannot set anymore the password of any user
  • Revised Feature: Log mail send problems due mail template issues

Release Date: 25.06.2021

  • New Feature: Entity logging for employee entry and leave
  • Revised Feature: Entity logging for container membership up/downgrade
  • Revised Feature: Extended empDegree and employee role management

Release Date: 23.06.2021

  • New Feature: Clone services (including prices)
  • New Feature: Clone service types together with its services (including prices)
  • New Feature: Clone service area together with its service types and services (including prices)
  • New Feature: Deletion of service types cascadingly deletes all its services
  • New Feature: Deletion of service area cascadingly deletes all its service types and services
  • New Feature: Clear all prices of a service via "Clear Prices" button on show service screen
  • New Feature: Clear all prices of all dependent services via "Clear Prices" button on show service type screen
  • New Feature: Clear all prices of all dependent services via "Clear Prices" button on show service area screen
  • New Feature: Added purchases tab to show user screen
  • New Feature: Added mouse-over showing instrument specifics in the "Instrument Reservations Overview" screen
  • New Feature: Introduced employee entry and leave functionality
  • New Feature: Introduced entity specifics as mouse-over for many entities in the system
  • New Feature: New statistics screen consumable per supplier

Release Date: 10.06.2021

  • New Feature: Extended comment listing by showing whether the corresponding is online
  • Revised Feature: Extended AccessRequest email sent to UZH by address info
  • Revised Feature: Extended system properties to handle LocalDate values
  • New Feature: Added attribute description to booking
  • New Feature: Added system property offerValidityDate and extend corresponding forms to dynamically handle offer validity
  • New Feature: Added attribute SAPnumber to purchase

Release Date: 09.06.2021

  • Revised Feature: Added service code column to select service for charging table
  • Revised Feature: Renamed 'Price' to 'Net Price' and 'Total Price' to 'Total Net Price' (also applied to CHF variants) on all purchaseitem-related screens
  • Revised Feature: Renamed attribute active of class User to emailActive in order to avoid misunderstandings
  • Revised Feature: Send mail checkbox enabled for project/order comments
  • New Feature: Extended autocomplete fields having now a clear button
  • New Feature: Edit batch purchase item screen extended by
    • the possibility to set the currency of the purchase
    • a hint that is shown in case purchase price is not equal to sum of purchase item prices
    • dynamic reevaluation of rendering of the hints
  • Purchase Data Cleanup:
    • Currency is set to CHF where it was null and none of the items have set totalpricechf (Issue was caused by old batch edit purchase item screen which did not handled that cases before)
    • InvoicedPriceChf set to InvoicedPrice whenever InvoicedPriceChf was not set but the InvoicedPrice was set with the Currency CHF
  • Supplier Data Cleanup: Consolidated and unified supplier names for both consumables and purchases
  • New Feature: Supplier Functionality
    • New Class Supplier
    • Screens to create, edit, and delete supplier
    • Associate purchases and consumables to suppliers
    • Puchases/Consumables tabs with preselected create feature
    • Merge functionality for suppliers
    • Supplier statictics
  • New Feature: Added reference from contract to purchase and extended all required screens accordingly
  • New Feature: Added attribute users to purchase and extended all required screens accordingly
  • Revised Feature: Email sent to UZH for mutation of the UZHCard updated to the new fields of the form of the corresponding UZH page
  • New Feature: Extended Access Request
    • New Class AccessRequestProfile allows to dynamically add/remove/enable/disable profiles (precondition that other facilities can use the access request feature, too)
    • Access requests are now bound to the new access request profiles such that all requests associated with a profile are listed in the corresponding tab
    • Access request profile statistics
  • Revised sample types "Sample Type : 18 - Biological Sample - Proteomics Services" and "Sample Type : 20 - Biological Sample - Glycoprotein Analysis":
    • Added a new sample form 'Beads (please specify)' in addition to 'Beads'
    • Description made required for the two revised sample types when sample form is 'Beads (please specify)'
  • Revised Feature: Further revision and extension of user/container synchronization with AD

Release Date: 10.05.2021

  • New Feature: extended KPI views

Release Date: 30.04.2021

  • Revised Feature: Revised KPIs
  • Revised Feature: Extended User/Container synchronization with AD
  • Revised Feature: Extended Read Container Web Service

Release Date: 27.04.2021

  • New Feature: Drop-down-menus replaced by autocomplete fields in SamplePreparationProtocol, PurchaseItem, Executable, Contract, Charge, etc.
  • Revise Feature: Drop-down set to true for nearly all autocomplete fields
  • Revise Feature: User sync has been revised and extended to support also container sync
  • Revised Feature: Revised Web read services
  • Revised Feature: Extended Instrument Web read service
  • New Feature: User last action time
  • New Feature: Extended user hints (activelyUsing)
  • New Feature: List button for show credit
  • New Feature: New statistics cube ordersByTechnology
  • New Feature: Extended and revised several statistics views
  • New Feature: Add column containers to instrument reservation columns
  • New Feature: New REFINE KPI for services and instrument reservations
  • Revised Feature: External job management revised such that updates on associated objects are flushed now

Release Date: 06.04.2021

  • New Feature: Drop-down-menus replaced by autocomplete fields for Contract, Credit, Event, Instrument, OfferedCharge, Purchase, Storage, Submitter, WrapperCreator
  • New Feature: Instrument state times now are computed as of now
  • New Feature: Instrument listings now includes a column states
  • New Feature: Log logout implicitly done by browser (tab) close
  • New Feature: Compute execution period for container, charge, and booking (currently shown only for order containers)
  • New Feature: Booking PDF extended by execution period

Release Date: 01.04.2021

  • New Feature: Add statistics view projectperorganization

Release Date: 31.03.2021

  • New Feature: Adding new system properties and modularization of GUI functionality
  • New Feature: Booking: include row position number into PDF
  • New Feature: PurchaseItem listing
  • New Feature: Instrument listing extended by status columns
  • New Feature: Add statistics view servicecodecharges and servicecharges
  • New Feature: Entity log for system start and stop
  • New Feature: Entity log for forced logout via system restart
  • New Feature: UserGroup Functionality (generalizes and extends existing MailGroup functionality)
    • New Feature: UserGroup have a supervisor (responsible for managing the user group)
    • New Feature: New boolean flags to enable/disable or hide/show (private/public) the user group
    • New Feature: User settings extended by default user group
    • Future extension: Use user group for container member management

Release Date: 26.03.2021

  • New Feature: Added hint for logged-in user
  • New Feature: List all logged-in users

Release Date: 25.03.2021

  • New Feature: Clear and delete functionality for user billing account
  • New Feature: Refresh button for instrument states

Release Date: 23.03.2021

  • New Feature: Extended read web services such that dates can be query for exact match and existence

Release Date: 22.03.2021

  • New Feature: Attribute archiveExpirationDate for resources
  • Revised Feature: Extended resource read web services
  • Revised Feature: Extended, revised timeout polling mechnism
  • Revised Feature: Improved entity logging for offers
  • New Feature: XML export for offers
  • New Feature: Add statistics view statisticsbookingperinstrument and statisticsbookingpertechnology

Release Date: 13.03.2021

  • Revised Feature: Extended, reorganized instrument states
  • Revised Feature: Extended statistics, in particular exact match mode filters for the id columns

Release Date: 11.03.2021

  • New Feature: Live count of instrument states
  • New Feature: New statistics booking per container
  • New Feature: Provisional costs for instrument reservations

Release Date: 05.03.2021

  • Revised Feature: Normal users cannot update/delete approved instrument reservations

Release Date: 04.03.2021

  • New Feature: Instrument reservation setting extended by notify coach and instrument supervisor flags (controlling mail send and tasks assigments)
  • Revised Feature: Projects costs now include also costs of associated orders
  • Revised Feature: Sort and filter for booked/billable charges in project/order listing
  • Revised Feature: Updated statistics view "Income per Organization and Company Costcentre"
  • New Feature: Add statistics view statisticsbookingpercompany and statisticsbookingoverview

Release Date: 02.03.2021

  • New Feature: Mail send extended by possibility to return to the form to reuse the mail for further adaptation and sending
  • New Feature: Extended mail send with option to use bold and headers in the mail text
  • New Feature: Append comment subject to comment mail subject
  • New Feature: Add statistics view "Income per Service Year vs. Month"
  • New Feature: Add statistics view "Purchase per Supplier"
  • New Feature: Add statistics view "Purchase per Technology"
  • Revised Feature: Attribute paidBy of Purchases divided into attributes payer and paid.
  • Revised Feature: Updated Statistics screen "Income per Year and Organization"
  • Revised Feature: Massively improved performance of Lucene search results screen
  • New Feature: Barcode1 and Barcode2 can additionally be entered by setting the barcode1Kit respectively barcode2Kit and choosing a barcode thereof.

Release Date: 13.02.2021

  • New Feature: Add statistics view "Charges by Service Code"
  • Revised Feature: Extended and consistent handling of charges and offered charges: description field now appears in both cases in the booking/offer resp.
  • Revised Feature: Date dependency validations on the different purchase date fields
  • Revised Feature: Purchase payer's ref number field extended from 32 to 256 and change some more text fields to textarea fields
  • New Feature: User and instrument avatars. Currently it is testing phase and only visible to employees.
  • New Feature: A custom container status can be added to an order via the GUI (implementation for project on-going).
  • New Feature: Add replyto history to edit comments.
  • API Change: The web service endpoint customorderstatus is now customcontainerstatus and the parameter orderid is now containerid (future implementation for project planned).

Release Date: 09.02.2021

  • Revised Feature: User show and edit revised such that employees cannot see and edit private details of other users (only private phone of employees are still visible to other employees
  • Revised Feature: MaxDuration is only enforced for instrument reservations of type usage but not for maintenance and non-bookable
  • New Feature: Added statistics view "Bookings by Organization, CostCentre"

Release Date: 04.02.2021

  • New Feature: Added tab replies to comment
  • Revised Feature: Workunit available mail notfication works now
  • Revised Feature: Revised comment mail notifications
  • Revised Feature: Revised Sample Form "Beads" attributes
  • Revised Feature: Replaced JumpToPageDropdown by JumpToPageInput in all datatable paginators

Release Date: 01.02.2021

  • Revised Feature: Improved and extended datatable filtering and export
  • New Feature: Added new JumpToPageDropdown to all datatable paginators (Note: temporarily switched off since it degrades performance of large tables)
  • New Feature: Web Service to read the content (in base64) of resources located on the bfabric local storage
  • New Feature: Associate users to services such that these users get related notifications and tasks
  • New Feature: New class InstrumentDataDelivery to provide customers options during order procedure
  • New Feature: Instrument reservation now works also with settings having a single slot per day
  • New Feature: Show visual hint for disallowed instrument reservation slots
  • New Feature: Added functionality to clone application
  • New Feature: Added statistics view "Orders by Organization, Service, Charges"

Release Date: 12.01.2021

  • Revised Feature: Show column organization in order tasks lists
  • New Feature: Show hint in of not bookable instrument reservation

Release Date: 11.01.2021

  • Revised Feature: Extend Order read web service by recently introduced order attributes such as FastaSequence
  • New Feature: Added view containerdataperyear
  • New Feature: Added button to take over the user's affiliation data as billing info

Release Date: 08.01.2021

  • New Feature: Added functionality to clone agenda event
  • New Feature: Added functionality to clone instrument reservation
  • Revised Feature: Instrument reservation setting: booking ahead max/min duration is now editable also when reservations exist
  • Revised Feature: Instrument reservation: context container is now only set by default when it is not in a final state
  • Revised Feature: Column month added to income service statistics

Release Date: 07.01.2021

  • Revised Feature: Allow users to book instrument for other users

Release Date: 06.01.2021

  • Revised Feature: Column month added to income organization/company statistics
  • Revised Feature: Check finance source task restricted to containers that are not closed, published, canceled, or rejected

Release Date: 04.01.2021

  • New Feature: Discriminate Sample Preparation Protocols w.r.t. technologies
  • New Feature: Add mails tab to show instrument reservation screen
  • New Feature: Add notification mails in case instrument reservation is approved/rejected
  • New Feature: Add reply to for comments
  • New Feature: Add technology for Lucene indexing of orders
  • New Feature: Reassign coach/coachbackup/bioinformatician task available now for corresponding servicetype coaches
  • Revised Feature: Welcome title revised from B-Fabric to deployer name.

Release Date: 16.12.2020

  • New Feature: Provide separate hints for ExtensionReportPending and ExtensionReportReviewPending

Release Date: 15.12.2020

  • New Feature: Switch between Instrument Reservations: non-rejected, approval-pending, approved, rejected
  • New Feature: Added notes features to service, servicetype, servicearea
  • Revised Feature: Show column internal in certain datatables

Release Date: 14.12.2020

  • New Feature: Added column month to KPI "Income per Organizations"
  • New Feature: Add link to schedule for instrument reservations associated with a user
  • New Feature: Internal attribute for serviceTypes and orders and accordingly extended order request workflow
  • New Feature: Added association between workflow template step and sample preparation protocols
  • New Feature: New tasks "assign operator" and "approve/reject" instrument reservations

Release Date: 08.12.2020

  • New Feature: discussedWith attribute for orders
  • New Feature: coloring of samples w.r.t. qcstatus attribute
  • New Feature: tab samples for orders in case there are samples beyond those used in the order items
  • New Feature: new sample attribute "Protein Concentration in µg/µl" for several "proteomics" samples types
  • New Feature: general datatable column toggler (only for admin at the moment)
  • Revised Feature: some more KPI datatables are now based on materialized views

Release Date: 03.12.2020

  • New Feature: new mega menu for KPI
  • New Feature: add approve/reject buttons to show instrument reservation screen
  • New Feature: extend institute and division by debitorNumber and adapt booking workflow accordingly
  • New Feature: ETHIS booking exporter

Release Date: 26.11.2020

  • New Feature: add links to purchases
  • New Feature: add boolean attribute internal to purchases

Release Date: 25.11.2020

  • New Feature: add attributes bookingAheadMaxDuration and bookingAheadMinDuration to instrument reservation settings and enforce them in instrument reservations
  • New Feature: add attribute operatorRequired to instrument reservation settings and provide support for selecting operators in instrument reservations
  • New Feature: add attribute approvalRequired to instrument reservation settings and provide support for approving/rejecting instrument reservations
  • New Feature: add user calendar showing all event related to the given user
  • New Feature: provide calendar sync functionality

Release Date: 23.11.2020

  • Revised Feature: improved session timeout management (ajax calls extend session)

Release Date: 17.11.2020

  • New Feature: add name to assign barcode edit batch table

Release Date: 13.11.2020

  • New Feature: add tab "all associated comments" to show user screen
  • New Feature: associate a sample preparation protocol to a Workflow step
  • New Feature: add summary to order

Release Date: 09.11.2020

  • Revised Feature: revise attributes of all sample type related to Proteomics
  • Revised Feature: Replace drop-down-menus by autocomplete for several entities (users, services)

Release Date: 04.11.2020

  • New Feature: extended (un)track functionality for container and services

Release Date: 30.10.2020

  • New Feature: generic ICS exports for datatables which include events
  • New Feature: ICS exports for single as well as multpile instrument reservations / agenda events

Release Date: 14.10.2020

  • New Feature: extend order read web service by querying via old order id

Release Date: 08.10.2020

  • Revised Feature: adapt instrument reservation overview to sun-sat representation and 2 weeks as default
  • New Feature: use different colors for instrument reservation slot weekend days
  • New Feature: extend class comment by attribute subject

Release Date: 02.10.2020

  • Revised Feature: extend web service to query users also via their transitive container
  • New Feature: associate order containers to technology
  • New Feature: Tasks "Ongoing" Orders
  • New Feature: add custom attributes to class application
  • New Feature: add links to class application

Release Date: 25.09.2020

  • New Feature: http download of workunits and resources via JavaScript

Release Date: 20.09.2020: B-Fabric 10

  • Project orders and service orders are integrated to orders. Dito project bookings and service order booking as well as project charges and service order charges.
  • Project has now the attribute countFailedWorkunits
  • Introduce MapLink for addresses
  • Instrument status management
Dear B-Fabric User, we are happy to announce the new release of B-Fabric which comes with a number of significant changes and extensions. Please note that we have integrated the concepts of project orders and (service) orders. The new system knows only the notion of an order. All your existing orders were migrated to the new integrated orders. Please be aware that all orders have new ids while the old ids are still maintained.Please clear your browser's cache. As always, your feedback is welcome. Many thanks in advance and best regards, The FGCZ B-Fabric Team

Release Date: 03.09.2020

  • New Feature: Add secretary role and assign corresponding functionality

Release Date: 02.07.2020

  • New Feature: notify bioinformatician of the associated project in case of order comments

Release Date: 29.06.2020

  • New Feature: add column order to project booking listings

Release Date: 24.06.2020

  • Revised Feature: project setRunning button is now available also in state private

Release Date: 19.06.2020

  • New Feature: Select order items for instrument reservation charges

Release Date: 03.06.2020

  • Revised Feature: Add link to projectorder (resp. project) in the coach-changed-email

Release Date: 12.05.2020

  • New Feature: Add back reference from Dataset to ProjectOrder -> new tab Datasets in show-projectorder screen
  • New Feature: Add "Create Dataset" button to tab Datasets in show-projectorder screen

Release Date: 04.05.2020

  • Revised Feature: FileChecksum of all classes extending the class AbstractResources are not null anymore and set by default to the empty string.
  • Revised Feature: Uploading empty files does not throw an exception anymore but are actually uploaded
  • New Feature: Add projectcount column to user columns of alumni listing

Release Date: 09.04.2020

  • New Feature: Extended ProjectCharge read web service by several attributes
  • Revised Feature: LOB-basepath for access

Release Date: 19.03.2020

  • Revised Feature: In case of project order notes, implicit notification emails are NOT sent anymore while it is still possible to explicitly select employees which should get a notification email for the specific note.

Release Date: 12.03.2020

  • New Feature: List project members as potential recipients in order comment form

Release Date: 14.01.2020

  • Revised Feature: Delete All in the resource basket now deletes only all the filtered resources.

Release Date: 15.12.2019

  • Revised Feature: Consolidated status filters and colors

Release Date: 9.12.2019

  • Revised Feature: Extended consumables by some attributes: supplier, articleNumber, price, unit, description.
  • New Feature: Introduced association between purchases and consumables.
  • New Feature: Edit batch purchase items.
  • New Feature: Edit batch offerered charges.
  • Revised Feature: Header Menu now includes an "admin" section where you find all link that are directly related to our secretariat: consumables, purchases, contracts, etc.
  • New Feature: Add attribute userVisible to entity Instrument to state whether the instrument should be visible in the reservation overview to a non-employee user
  • New Feature: Add attribute partTimeBookable to entity Instrument to state whether the instrument can be booked in slots finer than a half-day
  • New Feature: Extend edit-instrumentreservation form by adding an explanation how to book an instrument in part-timefashion
  • New Feature: New project order states "Revised" and "RevisionAccepted" implemented together will all workflow adaptations to handle these two new states.
  • New Feature: New entities instrumentDataPackage and instrumentReadConfiguration replaces the FlowCellType in the project-order-form
  • Revised Feature: Changed project-order-form for high-throughput sequencing: New entity sequencingApplicationIndexLength
  • Revised Feature: Naming of csv exported files now include the id of the entity if the table corresponds to an entity.
Dear colleagues, here come the hopefully last significant release of the current B-Fabric version 9 (for this year). Please note the following extensions and revisions: * The consumable entity has been extended by the following attributes to capture more details to be used for purchasing process: supplier, articleNumber, price, unit, description. A list of consumables provided by Jay has been created. You may also consult Jay when you want to know how the purchases should be handled in future. * There is a new association between purchases and consumables to capture the information which allows now to exactly state which consumable have been purchased for which price. * Moreover, batch editing purchase items is now supported. * The batch editing feature is now also supported for offered charges. * The "Header Menu" of B-Fabric has been revised. Most prominently, there is now an "admin" section on the upper right-hand side of the menu where you find all links that are directly to issue closely related to our secretariat: consumables, purchases, contracts, etc. * The instrument reservation has been extended, especially with the goal to deal with part-time bookings: ** An attribute userVisible is added to the Instrument entity to state whether the instrument should be visible in the reservation overview to a non-employee user. ** An attribute partTimeBookable is added to the Instrument entity to state whether the instrument can be booked in slots finer than a half-day or not. *: The edit-instrumentreservation form was extended by adding an explanation how to book an instrument in part-time fashion. Remember that some weeks ago it was already implemented that the instrument supervisor can associate non-employee users as bookers and thereby give these users the right to book the corresponding instrument. * Project order states have been extended by the states "Revised" and "RevisionAccepted". The "Revised" state is used to inform the customer that the order was revised and that the customer is required to accept the revision to further proceed with the order. By pressing on the "Revise Order" button, an employee puts the order into the "Revised" state and sends a notification email to customer with the request to check and accept the revisions. The customer will then see a new button "Accept Revision" to state that the revisions are accepted and thus the order is placed into the "Revision Accepted" state. Note that an order which is once a "Revised" state requires a "Revision Accepted" before the "Accept" button will appear. The entire workflow management has been adapted handle these two new states. * The "Genomics" order management has been revised and extended. The two new entities instrumentDataPackage and instrumentReadConfiguration replaces the entity FlowCellType in the project-order-form. All previous flowCellType and projectOrder data has been migrated to the corresponding new instrumentDataPackage and instrumentReadConfiguration entries. * Furthermore, the project-order-form for high-throughput sequencing has been extended the new entity sequencingApplicationIndexLength. As always, feedback is welcome. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 28.11.2019

  • Revised Feature: Added explanation to edit instrument-reservation screen on how to do part-time slot booking.

Release Date: 23.11.2019

  • Revised Feature: Preface page is now dropped from the document "UZH Umbuchung"

Release Date: 15.11.2019

  • Revised Feature: Order states have been revised such that the states Accepted and Arrived can be performed in both orders
  • Revised Feature: Revised hints on the show project order screen
  • New Feature: In case of newly created project orders, the save button redirects to the edit-batch.orderitem screen
  • New Feature: Added hint to then edit-batch.orderitem screen
  • New Feature: Added hint to number of samples in project order form
  • New Feature: Added instructions to the order form for sequencing service types
  • New Feature: New tab "Instrument Reservations" in technology show screen

Release Date: 11.11.2019

  • New Feature: New "wget" Download Link for resources with filechecksum 'folder'
  • New Feature: Support Date in Web Service Read Queries
  • New Feature: Add storage column to resource listings
  • New Feature: Add resources tab to show application screen
  • New Feature: Add new service prices screen
  • New Feature: Add bookers to instruments to allow certain users to the book the instrument
  • Revised Feature: Changed instrument reservation overview to allow users to book an instrument

Release Date: 31.10.2019

  • Revised Feature: The order of cloned offered charges are preserved.
  • Revised Feature: Locked offers can now be cloned, too.

Release Date: 30.10.2019

  • New Feature: Introduce new resourcestatus ARCHIVING to refer to resources that are archived but still available (on the storage). The existing resourcestatus ARCHIVED refers resources that are archived but not available anymore (on the storage).

Release Date: 23.10.2019

  • New Feature: Add recipients' names to comment emails
  • New Feature: Recalculate the offered charges' prices after changing the organization type

Release Date: 16.10.2019

  • New Feature: InstrumentReservation can now be assigned to ProjectOrders and charged accordingly
  • Revised Feature: Extended indexing of SamplePreparationProtocol
  • Revised Feature: SamplePreparationProtocol of class Sample can only be linked to a SamplePreparationProtocol of type Sample
  • Revised Feature: LibraryProtocol of class ProjectOrder can only be linked to a SamplePreparationProtocol of type Library
  • Revised Feature: ServiceArea disabling does not implicitly disable the entire service hierarchy if the area is enabled for offers

Release Date: 15.10.2019

  • Revised Feature: Only service types of enabled service area are listed in the edit project order form
  • Revised Feature: Library Protocols are renamed to SamplePreparationProtocols and extended by a type which tell whether the protocol prepares a sample or library
  • Revised Feature: The description attribute is shown in the order form only for certain sample types

Release Date: 29.09.2019

  • Revised Feature: Improved KPI service related charts

Release Date: 27.09.2019

  • Revised Feature: Improved feedback template charts
  • New Feature: Added enabledForOffer attribute to serviceArea to control which service areas should appear in offers.

Release Date: 26.09.2019

  • New Feature: New KPI screen which consolidates and extends current statistics
  • New Feature: ServiceType extended by serviceColumnEnabled
  • New Feature: Add FullCost attribute to services
  • New Feature: Introduced internal radio-button for projects
  • Revised Feature: Order application procedure revised for sequencing orders
  • New Feature: New concepts introduced: SequencingApplication, LibraryProtocols, FlowCellTypes, Demultiplexing
  • New Feature: New concept OrderAttribute allows dynamic assignment of attributes of a given set to specific service types
  • Revised Feature: The chargeable projects listed in the "Create Project Charges" screen now includes also the projects the user coaches or is member of
  • Revised Feature: All labels referring to "... Project Order Workflow ..." are consistently renamed to "... Workflow ..."

Release Date: 18.07.2019

  • New Feature: Add email notification to add custom order state

Release Date: 28.05.2019

  • New Feature: Introduced bioinfo support radio-button for sequencing project orders

Release Date: 24.05.2019

  • Dropped Feature: MeshTerms are removed (from projects)
  • Dropped Feature: Userlab/Service mode distinction removed (from projects)
  • Revised Feature: (Lab) Head renamed to Budget Officer (to adapt to the official ETH language and to clearly express the person who is legally and financially responsible for the project/order)
  • Revised Feature: New FGCZ ProjectDescriptionTemplate which is more compact compared to old one
  • Revised Feature: Revised project request which is now more compact
  • Revised Feature: Order coaching changes does not trigger notification anymore when the coach of the order is the same user as the coach/coachBackup of the associated project
Dear colleagues, tonight we did a release on the current B-Fabric version 9. Please note the following changes: * Dropped Features: MeshTerms are removed from projects. The same holds true for the Userlab/Service mode distinction * Revised Feature: (Lab) Head renamed to Budget Officer (in order to adapt to the official ETH language and to clearly express the person who is legally and financially responsible for the project/order) * Revised Feature: New FGCZ ProjectDescriptionTemplate which is more compact compared to old one * Revised Feature: Revised project request which is now more compact * Revised Feature: Order coaching changes does not trigger notification emails anymore when the coach of the project order is the same user as the coach/coachBackup of the associated project As always, feedback is welcome. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 05.04.2019

  • New Feature: Introduced new concept contract type
  • Revised Feature: Removed unused sample type 'PacBio Denovo Assembly'
  • Revised Feature: Integrate PacBioLibraryType into LibraryType

Release Date: 14.03.2019

  • New Feature: Include feedback submit link into order finish emails

Release Date: 13.03.2019

  • New Feature: Added maintenance days to instrument statistics

Release Date: 11.03.2019

  • New Feature: New tab "Booked Charges" for all show organization, department, institute, company, division, organization type screens
  • New Feature: New statistics screen "Booked Charges Per Organization"
  • New Feature: New instrument statistics tab reservation days and bookedcharges grouped by year

Release Date: 20.02.2019

  • New Feature: Add purchase note email template
  • New Feature: Add table with grouped charges to show bookings screens

Release Date: 19.02.2019

  • New Feature: Bioinformaticians are informed about assignments to projects/orders
  • New Feature: Bioinformaticians are informed about project/order comments
  • New Feature: Add association between instrument and servicetype

Release Date: 07.02.2019

  • Revised Feature: In all report consequently replaced "Amount" by "Quantity"
  • Revised Feature: Layout adapted in report templates

Release Date: 06.02.2019

  • New Feature: Add charges to show instrument screen
  • New Feature: Add statistics to show instrument screen

Release Date: 05.02.2019

  • New Feature: Add Offered Total and Booked Total columns to show offer screen

Release Date: 01.02.2019

  • Revised Feature: Do not render preface for ETH Umbuchungen created after 2019/01/01

Release Date: 28.01.2019

  • New Feature: Introduced tab charges in show instrument screen
  • Revised Feature: Annotations of type "SourceType" and "LibraryStrategy" now can only be extended by annotation managers

Release Date: 09.01.2019

  • Revised Feature: Charge per item is not be default anymore for service charges

Release Date: 08.01.2019

  • New Feature: Introduced statistics screen "Samples by Analysis Reason"
  • New Feature: Add "Order Items" tab to show analysisreason screen

Release Date: 23.12.2018

  • Revised Feature: Services now have an attribute euGrantPrice, the additionalPrice is still available for legacy purposes but cannot be edited anymore
  • Revised Feature: Projects, ProjectOrders, ServiceOrders as well as ProjectOffers now have an attribute euGrant (check for stating "Financed by EU Grant"). If checked, the euGrantPrices will be applied in the charges. This attribute is currently only shown for organization type "University in Zurich; ETHZ or UZH".
  • Revised Feature: Projects, ProjectOrders, and ServiceOrders now have the attributes costCentre and PSP-Element to store the financing source information in case of user from "University in Zurich; ETHZ or UZH".
  • Revised Feature: Computation of the total price of a charge changed since there are no additional prices considered anymore while euGrantPrices are used for projects/orders where this option is chosen
  • Revised Feature: All discount-related parts are disabled due to the new tariffs.
  • Revised Feature: Order confirmation forms are extended such that the financing source information is printed as well as requesting the signature of the labhead/PI for orders of users from "University in Zurich; ETHZ or UZH".
  • Revised Feature: Organization Types now have an attribute domestic

Release Date: 02.12.2018

  • New Feature: Added sample to import resources Web services
  • Revised Feature: Explicit storage of price for charges independently from the service

Release Date: 27.11.2018

  • Revised Feature: Added code column to all offer and booking screen and templates

Release Date: 26.11.2018

  • Revised Feature: On delete cascade for import resources
  • New Feature: Add code to services

Release Date: 21.11.2018

  • Revised Feature: Compute isImported for importresource based on the existence of a resource with the same relativepath on the same storage and in the same project
  • New Feature: Add resource filechecksum to Lucene index

Release Date: 20.11.2018

  • New Feature: Add workunits tab to show-instrument

Release Date: 18.11.2018

  • New Feature: Add possibility to associate an import application with an instrument

Release Date: 09.11.2018

  • New Feature: Web services to read and save custom order status
  • New Feature: Introduce custom order status for project orders
  • New Feature: Project read web service can query by coachbackup and bioinformatician
  • Revised Feature: Show deletable hint in the applications table only if the application is not a webapp

Release Date: 11.10.2018

  • New Feature: Added bioinformatician attribute to projects
  • New Feature: Support cancelling a project order even in the order is one of following states under the precondition that there are no non-booked, billable charges: arrived, accepted, processing, processed, analyzing, analyzed
  • New Feature: Allow normal users to enter an offer id during creation of a project order
  • Revised Feature: A normal user can view the offers associated with the user even if the offer is not bound to a project
  • Revised Feature: The organization types are now listed always ordered by id, even when a service is newly created
  • Revised Feature: Consistent representation of prices and currencies throughout the various different entity types
  • Revised Feature: Service orders bound to a project can now be read by all members of the project
  • Revised Feature: Web services can now set more than one attachment per comment
  • Revised Feature: Extended timeframe feature including resource entities as well as a new filter for class column
Dear colleagues, tonight we did a release on the current B-Fabric version 9: * New Feature: Added bioinformatician attribute to projects -> currently this is thought as additional information on the project. If some actions should be triggered for the bioinformatician of the project, e.g., that this person receives all the comment notfications, please let us know. * New Feature: Support cancelling a project order even in the order is one of following states under the precondition that there are no non-booked, billable charges: arrived, accepted, processing, processed, analyzing, analyzed. * New Feature: Allow normal users to enter an offer id during creation of a project order * Revised Feature: A normal user can view the offers associated with the user even if the offer is not bound to a project * Revised Feature: The organization types are now listed always ordered by id, even when a service is newly created * Revised Feature: Consistent representation of money numbers such as prices as well as of currencies throughout the various different entity types and screens * Revised Feature: Service orders bound to a project can now be read by all members of the project * Revised Feature: Web services can now set more than one attachment per comment * Revised Feature: Extended timeframe feature including resource entities as well as a new filter for class column As always, feedback is welcome. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 18.08.2018

  • New Feature: Allow dis/enabling Regions, ReadTypes, LibraryTypes, PACBioLibraryTypes
  • Revised Feature: Sort Regions, ReadTypes, LibraryTypes, PACBioLibraryTypes by name instead of id

Release Date: 19.07.2018

  • New Feature: New AccessType ARCHIVE
  • Revised Feature: Reorganized confirmation form for the recently introduced SCI-NET sample types

Release Date: 05.07.2018

  • New Feature: Backup coach for project/order
  • New Feature: Clear Private Info Button for users to delete their private address/phone in case this information is not required anymore
Dear colleagues, tonight we did a small release on the current B-Fabric version 9 with the following two new features: * A coach backup can now be assigned to projects/orders and thus receive the same mail notifications as the corresponding coach. * New "Clear Private Info" button for users to delete their private address/phone in case this information is not required anymore. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 10.06.2018

  • New Feature: New button to show agenda event in the overview
  • New Feature: New sample type for SCI-NET

Release Date: 22.05.2018

  • Revised Feature: Allow users to read sample protocol entity

Release Date: 08.05.2018

  • New Feature: Extend purchase by technology attribute
  • Revised Feature: Slightly changed color of links
  • Revised Feature: For non-employees, the "Confirmation Form" tab now refers to the non-detailed form
Dear colleagues, tonight we did a small release on the current B-Fabric version 9: * The purchase information is extended by an attribute technology, which can also be used for filtering. * In the service module, the "Confirmation Form" tab now refers to the non-detailed form in case of non-employee users. For employees, the "Confirmation Form" tab still refers to the detailed form. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 11.04.2018

  • New Feature: Management of purchases
  • New Feature: Project Order Timeline
  • New Feature: Project Timeline
  • New Feature: Web Service for application creation/update and remove
  • New Feature: Added missing faces messages
  • Revised Feature: Replaced SEAM faces messages by standard faces messages
  • New Feature: Advanced feedback answer presentation
  • Revised Feature: Revised add institute modal panel to avoid that users can create new organizations under Zurich Universities
  • Revised Feature: Revised mail send form
  • New Feature: Revise institutes concept such that joint institutes can be managed
  • New Feature: Extend the project read Web service to the read and query the "DiscussedWith" attribute
  • New Feature: Add "DiscussedWith" attribute to project
Dear colleagues, tonight we did the last big release on the current B-Fabric version 9. Please note the following new features and revisions: * The purchase information, which was managed up-to-now in excel-sheets, should now be managed with B-Fabric. You will find the functionality under the menu More>Common Data>Purchases. If you have detailed questions about the usage of this feature, you may also approach Lydia. * Projects include a new attribute, called "DiscussedWith", to give users the possibility to state with which FGCZ employee(s) they have pre-discussed their project before submission. * The institutes concept was revised such that joint institutes can explicitly be managed now. * The add institute modal panel was revised to avoid that users can create new organizations under Zurich Universities * Check out the new project (order) timeline giving a graphical overview over the relevant events of the project (order), * A new Web Service for creating/updating/removing applications was introduced. Feedback is always welcome. Many thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Release Date: 14.02.2018

  • Revised Feature: Added coach phone number to report headers where the coach name appears

Release Date: 06.02.2018

  • New Feature: Add column billingorganizationtype to organization listings
  • New Feature: Add column billingorganizationtype to company listings

Release Date: 31.01.2018

  • Revised Feature: Disable weekends on agenda events
  • Revised Feature: Copy charges from offer to project pre-selects all charges of the offer

Release Date: 23.01.2018

  • New Feature: New sample type 'Surface' holds all samples with sample attribute 'surface'
  • New Feature: Add attribute billingOrganizationType to the class Organization and adapt entire charging/booking functionality
  • New Feature: Add status property to read web service for projects
  • New Feature: Add datasets to project orders (and extended corresponding Web services)
  • New Feature: Add read web service for project orders
  • New Feature: Add workunits to project orders (and extended corresponding Web services)
  • New Feature: Data table row size customizable by each user
Dear colleagues, although the big B-Fabric 9 release is not so long ago, tonight we have released some more new features: * Workunits can now be assigned to project orders directly and will appear in the workunits tab of the corresponding project order. Even already existing workunits can be assigned to the corresponding project orders to have a direct association of the data to the order. * Datasets can now also be assigned to project orders, too. * There is now a Web service to read project order data; see https://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/bfabric/order?wsdl. * Organizations and companies can now be assigned to so-called BillingOrganizationTypes to apply prices of a given billing organization type although the organization/company actually belongs to another organization type. In our concrete example, the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is now correctly assigned to the organization type 'Swiss University other than ETHZ and UZH' while its billing organization type is 'University in Zurich (ETHZ or UZH, incl. University Hospitals and Clinics)'. * A new sample type 'Surface' that holds all samples with sample attribute 'surface' is introduced and existing samples migrated accordingly. * Finally, the default data table row size can now be customized by each user. Go to your user settings, in case you want to set your size to another value than the system's default 10. Feedback is always welcome. Many thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Release Date: 22.12.2017

  • Revised Feature: Header menus have been reorganized (new admin menu at the upper right side)
  • Revised Feature: User settings have been reorganized and consolidated
  • Revised Feature: Replaced some more drop-down lists and selection tables by advanced autocomplete fields

Release Date: 15.12.2017

  • New Feature: About menu with information about the current B-Fabric version
  • Revised Feature: Do not include unsubscribe link into emails sent to employees

Release Date: 14.12.2017 (B-Fabric 9 Release)

  • Layout fixes including more consistent coloring in mouse-overs
  • Drop Feature: The FlatRatedOrder Target button is eliminated
  • Revised Feature: All data tables have only the csv exporter in cases where the row number is less than 10000. The buggy xls exporter is not really needed and was therefore eliminated.
  • Revised Feature: The FGCZ fund number cannot be used anymore in orders
  • Revise Feature: Implicit newsmailenabled settings for employees
  • Revise Feature: The sample type associated with a service type cannot be changed when there already exists an order based on the service type
  • New Feature: Added attribute extensible to organization type to control which organization types are allowed to be extended by the users
  • Revise Feature: New architecture for entity logging yielding significant performance boosts
  • New Feature: Added manage credits screen
  • New Feature: Added manage events screen
  • New Feature: Added tab events to manage event type screen
  • Revised Feature: Performance fixes to handle large project orders
  • Revised Feature: Revised and extended entity logging
  • Revised Feature: Revised timeframe
  • Revised Feature: Emails sent out via "send mail" now logs all recipients
  • New Feature: Projects can be assigned to companies
  • Revised Feature: Autocomplete proposals with better structured affiliation information
  • Revised Feature: Replaced some drop-down list by advanced autocomplete fields such as organizations, departments, and institutes
  • Revised Feature: Revised samples types and sample attributes
  • Revised Feature: Integration of samples and extracts to samples
  • Revised Feature: Batch edit of samples
  • New Feature: Batch edit of sample custom attributes
  • New Feature: New entity class Protocol, which can be associated with samples
  • New Feature: Advanced entity duplicate detection, sync, and reset
  • New Feature: Modal-panel "Are you sure" pops-up when the project or order of an existing project charge is changed (to avoid unintentional loss of dependent data)
  • New Feature: Add chargeable attribute to instrument reservations
  • Revised Feature: Add auto-complete text box for selecting existing user in project offers
Dear colleagues, today we successfully released the new B-Fabric Version 9. Here are some issues you should note: - Clear your browser's cache first! Otherwise your browser will operate with the cached, old B-Fabric css which will mess up the layout and even can cause login problems. - As you all hopefully know already, the integration of the sample and extract concepts was the main conceptual change in the new system. All extracts were transformed and integrated into samples. With the unique sample concept, we hope that the complexity of the project orders have significantly reduced. - Samples can be derived from other sample (as it was the case of extracts in the previous system), i.e., samples can have parents/childs and thus form complex hierarchies. - The new edit batch form for samples does not only support the batch editing of the fixed, type-specific sample attributes but also the batch creation/editing of custom attributes. - The existing sample/extract types were revised according the wishes of the various FGCZ subgroups. So a number of attributes are not associated anymore with the different existing sample types, but the data of the old (legacy) attributes is still available for the already existing samples. - The sample type associated with a service type cannot be changed anymore when there already exists an order based on the service type. - The batch edit projectorderitem screen has been thoroughly revised. Please note that the maximum number of items per order is now increased to 2000 (but we generally would not advice to create such big orders). Although the save operation of this screen is now nearly ten time faster of the previous version, such big screens naturally require several tens of seconds even in optimized versions. - The new entity class Protocol allows to maintain information about (sample preparation) protocols which can be associated with the samples prepared according to the corresponding protocols. The detailed description of a protocol can be described in any external file format and uploaded as note of the protocol. - Another important change is that projects can now be assigned to companies. So there is no need anymore to artificially process the orders under projects assigned to the FGCZ. - Note the new attribute "chargeable" of instrument reservations is used to express whether this reservation must be charged or not. - When the project or order of an existing charge is changed, the modal-panel "Are you sure" pops-up to avoid an unintentional loss of dependent data. - On several occasions, such as the entering of affiliation information, advanced autocomplete components replaced the drop-down menus with the goal to efficiently handle the selection of items from larger sets. Besides the performance improvement, the autocompletecomponents allow to better search for the desired items in contrast to the drop-down menus that only support starts-with semantics. Probably you will need a while to effectively use the autocomplete. Hint: When the autocomplete component already contains a value, just mark the value entirely using control-A and delete it before you enter the new search term. - The FGCZ fund number cannot be used anymore in orders to avoid the misuse that causes some significant overhead not only for our secretaries. - The architecture of the entity logging was completely revised. The quality of the logging was improved while yielding significant performance boosts, especially when operating on orders with many items. - Of course, all Web services related to the changes mentioned above were accordingly extended and adapted. - In the recent weeks, we also cleaned up a large part of the mess users created with their affiliations in last ten years. Thanks to Roger, all affiliations related to ETH Zurich / UZH / USZ were identified, sorted, restructured, and merged as needed. With B-Fabric 9, at least the new duplicate detection and merging will be helpful to do this tedious but absolutely essential job a little more efficiently. - Related to the last issue, there is a new attribute, called extensible, for organization types to control which organization types are allowed to be extended by the users. So we disallow that creative users can create further organizations under the type "Universities in Zurich" and thereby benefit from "internal" prices. So enjoy the new B-Fabric and provide us with feedback when you observe something interesting. Many thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Dear B-Fabric User, we are happy to announce the new release of B-Fabric which comes with a number of significant changes and extensions (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). First of all, please note that we have integrated the concepts of samples and extracts. The new system knows only the notion of a sample. As before in the case of extracts, samples can also be derived from other samples, thus creating sample hierarchies. All your existing extracts were transformed and integrated into corresponding samples. Also note that the supported sample types were revised and the batch editing of samples improved. In particular, it is now possible to batch edit custom attributes of samples. Please clear your browser's cache and enjoy. As always, your feedback is welcome. Many thanks in advance and best regards, The FGCZ B-Fabric Team

Release Date 13.11.2017

  • Revised Feature: Show booking required task for all projects with non-booked charged when November 15th has been passed

Release Date: 26.09.2017

  • Revised Feature: Agenda overview now shows the initial letter of the first names in case of duplicate last names
  • Revised Feature: Notes can be edited analogously to results afterwards by other users
  • New Feature: New button "Running" for review manager to set a finished project to running again
  • New Feature: Added button in show-project-charges for triggering an email to lydia for booking the non-booked charges of the project
  • New Feature: "Booking Required" tasks
  • New Feature: "Booking Required" hint in the the non-booked project charges columns
Dear colleagues, please note the following new/revised B-Fabric features released tonight (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes): * Revised Feature: Agenda overview now shows the initial letter of the first names in case of duplicate last names * Revised Feature: Notes can be edited analogously to results afterwards by other users * New Feature: New button "Running" for review manager to set a finished project to running again * New Feature: "Booking Required" tasks is now available for all coaches to see which project charges need to be booked. This task is shown whenever a project has a non-booked charge from the last year and/or the the total sum of non-booked charges is beyond 5000. * New Feature: "Booking Required" hint in the the non-booked project charges columns * New Feature: Added button in show-project-charges for triggering an email to lydia for booking the non-booked charges of the corresponding project As always, feedback is welcome. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 05.09.2017

  • New Feature: Added column statusmodified to the service order tasks

Release Date: 22.08.2017

  • New Feature: Added column coach to project order listing
  • New Feature: Added coach to project order indexing

Release Date: 21.07.2017

  • New Feature: Appended terms and conditions file to order confirmation forms.
  • Revised Feature: Order as well as project order guidelines adapted
  • Revised Feature: Explicit checkbox for agreeing on "Terms and Conditions" included into the order creation process

Release Date: 07.07.2017

  • New Feature: Added billing organization and company to various order listings
  • New Feature: Appended terms and conditions file to project offers

Release Date: 12.06.2017

  • New Feature: The logged-in user's slots are now shown in the agenda overview if the has no no event in the given time interval

Release Date: 25.04.2017

  • New Feature: Add filechecksum to the resource read web services
  • New Feature: Add mailgroup filter to agenda overview screen to select subset of listed user
  • Revised Feature: Replaced http://fgcz by https://fgcz in all URLs

Release Date: 11.04.2017

  • Revised Feature: Max length of order reference number is now 64 instead of 32

Release Date: 05.03.2017

  • New Feature: Enabled XML export for entire project

Release Date: 21.02.2017

  • New Feature: Introduction of a new extract types "Proteomics EU" and extension of the project order items form to deal with this new extract type
  • Revised Feature: Revised screens for editing and presentation of links
  • New Feature: Web services for links
  • New Feature: Extended Web services for dataset and workunit to handle links
  • New Feature: Add links to datasets and workunits
  • Revised Feature: Extended Web service for resource and workunit to handle expirationdate
  • Revised Feature: New resource and workunit status "archived"
  • Revised Feature: Improved lucene search results presentation (grouping and ordering of document attributes)
  • Revised Feature: Added non-visible columns to the data tables which contain columns with truncated values in order to export the non-truncated values instead of the truncated ones
  • New Feature: Add offers tab to show-user
  • New Feature: Extended download directory settings distinguishing between bfabric, plain, and storage representations
  • New Feature: Project downloader
  • Revised Feature: Download manager creates summary as linked html file instead of simple text file
  • Revised Feature: B-Fabric's internal repo is revised based on the concept of storages such that files of the internal repo can be access uniformly via the download manager
  • New Feature: Added typeSpecificPrefix to access
  • New Feature: Added projectFolderPrefix to storage
  • New Feature: Remove executable also removes the corresponding folder from the internal repo
  • New Feature: Added "Add Contract" button to the contracts tab of the show-instrument screen
  • New Feature: Notes for instrument reservations
  • New Feature: Include/Exclude contracts of child instruments in the contracts tab of show-instrument
Dear colleagues, in addition to the email send out to all FGCZ users, please be aware of the following revisions and extensions of the latest version of B-Fabric: - New Feature: Introduction of a new extract types "Proteomics EU" and extension of the project order items form to deal with this new extract type - Revised Feature: Revised screens for editing and presentation of links - New Feature: Web services for links - New Feature: Extended Web services for dataset and workunit to handle links - New Feature: Add links to datasets and workunits - Revised Feature: Extended Web service for resource and workunit to handle expirationdate - Revised Feature: New resource and workunit status "archived" - Revised Feature: Improved Lucene search results presentation (grouping and ordering of document attributes) - Revised Feature: Added non-visible columns to the data tables which contain columns with truncated values in order to export the non-truncated values instead of the truncated ones - New Feature: Add offers tab to show-user - Revised Feature: Download manager creates summary as linked html file instead of simple text file - New Feature: Added typeSpecificPrefix to access - New Feature: Added projectFolderPrefix to storage - New Feature: Added "Add Contract" button to the contracts tab of the show-instrument screen - New Feature: Notes for instrument reservations - New Feature: Include/Exclude contracts of child instruments in the contracts tab of show-instrument As always, your feedback including bug reports are welcome. Many thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Dear B-Fabric User, we are happy to announce the next release of B-Fabric which in particular comes with the unique feature of a project downloader. The project downloader allows you to easily download your entire downloadable data of your project. Besides all workunits and resources, the meta-data about your samples and extracts is included in reusable XML format. Also note that the download manager was extended and improved in general for improved resource and workunit downloads. Among others, you can now choose between three different download directory representations in your user settings. Enjoy. As always, your feedback is welcome. Many thanks in advance and best regards, The FGCZ B-Fabric Team

Release Date: 09.12.2016

  • New Feature: Added extract description column to edit-batch-projectorderitem.html screen.

Release Date: 03.12.2016

  • New Feature: Added base64 support to WS Resource save.

Release Date: 30.11.2016

  • Dropped Feature: Removed "Java Install" hint since its interfere with other Java Script functionality
  • New Feature: ETH fund number added to all three types of orders
  • Revised Feature: The select extracts picklist of the edit-batchorderitem screen is now sorted by name and additionally includes the id column

Release Date: 25.11.2016

  • New Feature: New option for certain data tables to show all rows in one page
  • New Feature: Added "Java Install" hint in case the users machine has not the right Java version to run the download manager
  • Revised Feature: Download buttons are disabled when the download manager cannot run locally due to missing Java installment
  • Revised Feature: The download button is not shown in the reasource basket until a resource is selected which provides download manager access
  • Revised Feature: The target download directory shown in the download manager now includes a link to this location
  • Revised Feature: Fixed filtering issues of data tables that included row (de)selection functionality
  • Revised Feature: New separated user settings screen
  • Revised Feature: Revised statstics screen using data tables with paginators
  • Revised Feature: Refactored internal project member and role management
  • Revised Feature: Replaced all list-based ManyToMany associations by set-based ones (to avoid performance issues caused by the default Hibernate mapping)

Release Date: 24.10.2016

  • Revised Feature: Add columns comments, instrumentreservations, importresources, orders, coach, and technologies to project usage view

Release Date: 22.10.2016

  • New Feature: Technology filter added to shift-instrumentreservation form

Release Date: 19.10.2016

  • Revised Feature: Replaced PDF generation by new PDFBox library functions
  • Revised Feature: Added the refresh button again on all show and manager screens

Release Date: 14.10.2016 (B-Fabric 8 Release)

  • New Feature: Shift instrument reservations
  • New Feature: Added startDate to Contract
  • New Feature: Added Web Service method for ProjectOrderItem read
  • New Feature: Projects, instruments, and contracts can now have (external) links
  • New Feature: Instrument can now be connected to parent instruments to model instrument systems
  • New Feature: Instrument has new attributes Computer, Installation Date, Purchased Date, Purchased Price, Seller, Seller Contact
  • New Feature: Instrument can now be searched via Lucene index also in the service module
  • New Feature: Contracts can be searched via Lucene index in both userlab and service module
  • New Feature: Create entity log in case mail sending failed
  • New Feature: Feedback component supporting general user surveys as well as specific project/order feedback
  • New Feature: File upload now supports uploading several files at once
  • New Feature: Data table exports the filtered table content rather than the entire table content only.
  • New Feature: XML export for data tables is available for admin
  • New Feature: Datasets can be created from scratch independent of any existing workunit/resource
  • Revised Feature: New workunit selection procedure for datasets creation based on existing workunits/resources
  • Revised Feature: The forced checkbox in send mail can now be (un)checked at any time
  • Revised Feature: Improved send mail form
  • Revised Feature: Data table filter and sort now also available for certain derived columns
  • Revised Feature: Extended manage tasks screen with filterable/sortable data tables
  • Revised Feature: All data table filters are implicitly based on the contains semantics
  • Revised Feature: Improved virus scanning for file upload
  • Revised Feature: Advanced check/uncheck buttons in datatables in order to enable selection out of filtered values instead of all table rows
  • Revised Feature: Improved project tree screen
  • Revised Feature: Improved statistics screens
  • Revised Feature: Improved general design and layout
  • Revised Feature: Improved menues
  • Revised Feature: Partially massive performance boosts on several screens
Dear B-Fabric User, we are happy to announce the release of B-Fabric 8 which comes with many revisions and extensions (see release notes at http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). B-Fabric's look-and-feel has not changed much while it's code basis and underlying technologies are fully renewed and replaced. We hope you will enjoy the revisions, especially the improved layout and partially massive performance boosts of several screens. Please clear your browser's cache once before you enter the new B-Fabric! In the following, we briefly outline some major revisions and extensions you should definitively be aware of: - File upload now supports uploading several files at once. - Data table filter and sort now also available for certain derived columns. - All data table filters are implicitly based on the contains semantics. - Data table exports the filtered table content rather than the entire table content only. - Advanced (un)check buttons in data tables enabling the selection out of filtered values instead of all table rows. - Datasets can now be created from scratch independent of any existing workunit/resource. - Workunit selection procedure for datasets creation is based on all existing workunits/resources. - Advanced project tree screen. - New feedback component supporting general user surveys as well as specific project/order feedback. As always, your feedback is welcome. Many thanks in advance and best regards, The FGCZ B-Fabric Team PS: Please note that Google Chrome provides the best performance among the commonly used browsers.

Dear colleagues, in addition to the email send out to all FGCZ users, please be aware of the following revisions and extensions of B-Fabric 8: New Feature: Instrument reservations can now be shifted as entire blocks. New Feature: Contracts have now a start date. New Feature: A Web Service for ProjectOrderItem read is now available. New Feature: Projects, instruments, and contracts can now have (external) links. New Feature: An instrument can now be connected to a parent instrument to model instrument systems. New Feature: Instruments have the new attributes Computer, Installation Date, Purchased Date, Purchased Price, Seller, Seller Contact. New Feature: Instruments can now be searched via Lucene index also in the service module New Feature: Contracts can now be searched via Lucene index in both userlab and service module New Feature: Create entity log in case mail sending failed Revised Feature: Improved send mail form Revised Feature: Extended manage tasks screen with filterable/sortable data tables Revised Feature: Improved virus scanning for file upload Revised Feature: Improved statistics screens As always, your feedback including bug reports are welcome. Many thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Release Date: 26.08.2016

  • Revised Feature: Workunits that are marked as deleted are now allowed to be actually deleted
  • Revised Feature: Add order coach to the show-order screen

Release Date: 07.06.2016

  • Revised Feature: Revised edit-batchprojectorderitem screen for PacBio orders (new column PacBio library type)

Release Date: 21.05.2016

  • New Feature: Landing page of published projects for non-logged-in users
  • Revised Feature: All projectOrderItem and extract screens are adapted/extended w.r.t. to revised set of required attributes for extracts of type proteomics
  • Revised Feature: All projectOrderItem and extract screens are adapted w.r.t. to validation of certain attributes for extracts of type sequencing

Release Date: 28.04.2016

  • New Feature: New notes tab for instruments (to log maintenance information, for instance)
  • New Feature: New attribute Location for instruments (to capture the room information for instance)
  • Revised Feature: A contract can now be linked to more than one instrument

Release Date: 21.04.2016

  • New Feature: Download manager is signed with a trusted certificate such that it runs out-of-the-box without the necessity to install our self-created certificate
  • New Feature: New attribute InventoryNumber for instruments
  • New Feature: New attribute SerialNumber for instruments
  • New Feature: Backlinks from instrument to contracts
  • Revised Feature: All projectOrderItem and extract screens are adapted w.r.t. to revised set of required attributes for extracts of type sequencing
Dear colleagues, please note the following new/revised B-Fabric features released last night (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes): 1) First of all, the B-Fabric download manager is now signed with an official certificate which we bought from SwissSign. Now, the download manager runs out-of-the-box without the necessity to install our self-created certificate. 2) The extract type "Sequencing" was revised such that the set of required and rendered extract attributes is changed according to the wishes of the corresponding subgroup. The changes not only affect the columns of the edit-batchprojectorderitem screen but also the edit-extract screen. 3) The instruments concept was extended by two new attributes InventoryNumber and SerialNumber. The inventory number is for capturing the ETH/UZH inventory number of the instrument. 4) Backlinks were introduced from instruments to contracts such that you can now easily get to the contracts associated with a given instrument. Best regards Can

Release Date: 31.03.2016

  • New Feature: Introduced deletion of application parameters and create entity log for the changes.

Release Date: 16.03.2016

  • New Feature: Project order results extended by the option to inform the customer immediately
Dear colleagues, please note the following new B-Fabric feature released last night (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes): * The "Project Order Result" feature was extended such that you can now choose during the creation of a project order result whether or not a notification email should be send to the customer. Note that by default the creation of a project order result is triggering a notification email only to the internals involved into that project order. The rationale behind this was to avoid sending out emails to the customer in case of preliminary or incomplete results, respectively. The customer gets anyhow informed with the project order finish email. With this new feature, you now can inform the customer immediately (before project order finish). Best regards Can

Release Date: 17.01.2016

  • Revised Feature: Add parent sample/extracts columns to the extracts listings
  • Revised Feature: All charges now have a prepayment flag which is also exploited in the servicetypeprojectcharges cube
  • Revised Feature: Extended application concept by possibility to register enumeration values, from which a drop-down is created during workunit creation
  • Revised Feature: After add/edit-instrumentreservation the overview jumps to the start of the week of that event
Dear colleagues, please note the following revisions of the latest B-Fabric release (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes): * All charges now have a prepayment flag which should indicate that the given charge belongs to a prepaid booking. This issue is needed by all who are creating entire project orders solely for the purpose of handling prepayments. This prepayment flag allows to separate the prepayment charges from the actual one. Thereby, the statistics get freed from "doubled" charges, e.g. in the servicetypeprojectcharges cube (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/bfabric/common/manage-cube-servicetypes.html) * The application concept is extended by the possibility to register enumeration values for application parameters. An enumeration is used during workunit creation to provide a drop-down list from which the user can select the actual parameter value. Check http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/Executable for documentation of the respective executable registration. There you will find a new tag, called enumeration, which determines a value of an enumeration. * The extracts listings now include the parent sample/extracts columns, too. * After add/edit-instrumentreservation the overview jumps to the start of the week of that event. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 09.01.2016

  • Revised Feature: Validation of UZH card expiry date revised (one year plus one day)

Release Date: 15.12.2015

  • Revised Feature: Add all resources to basket button available in corresponding resources tables
  • Revised Feature/Bugfix: Service Area/Type disabling affects entire hierarchy, i.e., disable service area disables all the dependent service types and services
  • Revised Feature: Process access request now display also the company in case of company users
  • Revised Feature: Revised Extract Type Cube
  • Revised Feature: Either the institute or the company is now shown in guest card approve process
Dear colleagues, last night, we released a new B-Fabric version (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). Please take care of the following important note to avoid unnecessary work. IMPORTANT: Disabling a service area and/or service type consistently affects the entire services hierarchy, i.e., by disabling a service area all its dependent service types and services are disabled, too. Analogously, by disabling a service type all its dependent services are disabled, too. Therefore, do no play with the corresponding enabled checkbox on the productive system when you are not sure that you really want to disable the corresponding part of the services hierarchy. Otherwise, you have to recover manually by enabling again the corresponding service types and services on an individual basis. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 5.11.2015

  • Revised Feature: Filter and sort now available for the status column of (project) orders

Release Date: 20.10.2015

  • New Feature: Introduced drop-down filters for the columns technology and type of the contracts data table

Release Date: 19.10.2015

  • Revised Feature: Introduced paginator for instrument reservations per lab head cube since this table became too large (slowing down the filtering massively)
  • Bugfix: Fixed some issues (database constraint exceptions and non-unique extract names) with the edit-batch-projectorderitem form

Release Date: 08.10.2015

  • Revised Feature: Add analysisreasons tab to show-analysistype
  • Revised Feature: Add sampleforms tab to show-analysistype
  • Revised Feature: Project order task lists now include a column service type
  • Revised Feature: Improved manage applications screen with better (acceptable) performance
Dear colleagues, we released a new B-Fabric version (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). Note the following changes that might be useful for all the staff involved in (project) orders: - The project order tasks lists have been extended by a column "service type" such that it hopefully becomes easier to judge where a given project order tasks is relevant for you. - The show-analysistype screen is extended by two tabs "Analysis Reasons" and "Sample Forms" listing the entities associated with the given analysis type. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 19.09.2015

  • Revised Feature: Service price list url updated
  • Revised Feature: Do not show "create charge" button for closed/pending project/service orders

Release Date: 17.09.2015

  • Revised Feature: UZHCardCode for guest cards now have the format G plus 5 to 7 Digits
  • Revised Feature: Adapted computation of additional vacation credits for 50+ employees
  • Dropped Feature: All features regarding annotation ontology are removed
  • New Feature: Executed projectorderworkflows list only the projectorderworkflows associated with the service type of the corresponding project order
  • New Feature: Disable/enable project order workflows
  • New Feature: Support for stand-alone external Web applications
  • Revised Feature: Mail style is now based on the standard sans-serif font
  • New Feature: Add results to project orders
  • Bugfix: X-Header infos added to all email templates
  • Revised Feature: Send notification email is now available for all applications
Dear colleagues, a few minutes ago, we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises several bugfixes, revisions, and new features (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). In the following, I briefly point out some issues that you should be aware of: - The application concept was revised such that stand-alone external Web applications can be registered and invoked. - Project orders now include a tab "results" where the communication regarding the related workunits/resources should be documented (rather than in the comments tab). - The executed projectorderworkflows tab lists only the projectorderworkflows associated with the service type of the corresponding project order. - Project order workflows can now be disabled/enabled. - The send notification email feature is now available for all types of applications (instead of only for import applications as before). The following two issues are relevant for our admin staff: - The computation of the additional vacation credits for 50+ employees is revised such that the additional days are provided from that year on where the employee turns into 50. - UZHCardCode for guest cards revised such that the new format upto 7 Digits is supported. If you detect any problems introduced by this new release, please let me know. Many thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Release Date: 12.08.2015

  • Revised Feature: Created editable PDFs for the various bookings.
  • Bugfix: Prevented to create a new project order if the context project is not set yet.
  • Revised Feature: Added private projects to chargeable projects list.

Release Date: 15.07.2015

  • Revised Feature: Enabled columns relativePath and fileName to resources tables on the productive system
  • New Feature: Added expiry date and other uzh card information to the access request table

Release Date: 12.07.2015

  • Revised Feature: Order guidelines and corresponding links revised/renewed
  • Revised Feature: Performance of show dataset heavily improved
  • Bugfix: Corrected non-sequential positions of attributes of legacy datasets

Release Date: 17.06.2015

  • New Feature: Projects usage stats under menu More/Statistics
  • New Feature: "Former Projects" Tab in the show-user screen

Release Date: 11.06.2015

  • New Feature: New Service Type / Charges Cube
  • New Feature: New Project Charges Tab for ServiceType
  • New Feature: New Project Charges Tab for ServiceArea
  • New Feature: New Service Charges Tab for ServiceType
  • New Feature: New Service Charges Tab for ServiceArea

Release Date: 26.05.2015

  • Revised Feature: Updated UZH guest card application form

Release Date: 05.05.2015

  • Revised Feature: Dropped code from entity sample form
  • Revised Feature: Send mail works now with the merged technologies

Release Date: 07.04.2015

  • New Feature: Add book all charges hint to the show-projectorder screen to be able close the project order
  • Revised Feature: Close project order button is now shown when all billable charges are booked

Release Date: 12.03.2015

  • Revised Feature: Unique header for all modules

Release Date: 11.03.2015

  • Revised Feature: resource id is now the first column in all tables of the select resources screen
  • New Feature: Added hint to EndDate in show-workunit
  • Revised Feature: Project applicant can be removed as member of the project
  • New Feature: Added succeeding datasets tab to show-workunit
  • New Feature: Basket icon introduced as link to the resource basket
  • Extended Feature: added link to id column of result table at show-search screen
  • Revised Feature: Generalized redirect manager dynamically computes the url to be redirected after removal of an entity
  • New Feature: XLS/CVS export from data tables generates files with context-specific file names
  • Extended Feature: Several projectorder attributes added to the index/search as well as to the data tables
  • New Feature: Extended download manager open download directory automatically on close.
  • New Feature: Extended download manager by option to select between a plain and directory maintaining download directory
  • New Feature: Extended download manager supports download of resources together with their ancestor folder directories
  • Feature Drop: Eliminated microarray sample submission/summary/command console batch registration forms
  • New Feature: Show instruments and contracts in the show-user page
  • New Feature: Introduced application versioning (link to predecessor)
  • Revised Feature: Under certain constraints an edit of the project order service type is now possible when the sample information is not empty
  • New Feature: When deleting project order items associated deletable samples/extracts are implicitly deleted
  • New Feature: Generate sample names for project order items
  • Revised Feature: Extensions report sections are shown only if there is already an extension report or the project is a state where a report can be added/edited
  • Revised Feature: Project orders can only be created for running projects
  • Revised Feature: Instrument reservation is now editable also when the project is finished
  • Bugfix: Downloader now also works correctly on the MS plaform
  • New Feature: Extended Web Services methods for sample/extract persist/update including custom attributes

Changes by 31.12.2014

  • New Feature: Web Services methods for sample/extract update
  • Revised Feature: User inactive/emailnotverified hints are not shown anymore in the show screen of published projects
  • Revised Feature: Improved downloader (layout revision, can handle resources referring to equally named files, can handle long listings)
  • Revised Feature: Resource basket improved (download/create dataset buttons and applications section are shown only when appropriate resources are selected)
  • New Feature: Download selected resources from resource basket
  • Bugfix: Fixed Internet Explorer layout issues
  • Replace Feature: Replaced the FGCZ header in generated PDF reports by the new one
  • Revised Feature: Performance and stability of edit-batch-projectorderitem screen improved significantly (among others drop-downs are loaded dynamically while mouse-over event is active)
  • Revised Feature: Introduced several reader roles to further sharpen access control
  • New Feature: Trigger email sending to supervisor when a contract is going to be expired within three month
  • New Feature: Provide hint in show project order when the analyzing is finished but not all items are charged to finish the order
  • New Feature: New class Contract introduced to manage information about instrument and software licences
  • New Feature: Log tab for services and revised service entity logging capturing linked price information
  • Revised Feature: Revised all texts related to project and order request
  • Revised Feature: Introduce system property for TermsAndConditions and replaced and eliminated the system properties ProjectGuidelines and OrderGuidelines
  • Revised Feature: Reorganization of technologies: Genomics, Transcriptomics, and Sequencing merge to Genomics/Transcriptomics and Metabolomics renamed to Metabolomics/Biophysics
  • New Feature: Merge functionality for technologies
  • Revised Feature: Extended service entity logging which includes linked prices
  • New Feature: Resources (size) column added to show-extracts table
  • New Feature: Already imported resources are now marked (red) in the list of available resources of the import-resources-select screen
  • Revised Feature: Edit project charge displays also the id of the project orders
  • Revised Feature: Project coach email changed such that it is clear that an approved project must not be reviewed anymore
  • Revised Feature: User is set to active when his email address is changed
  • Revised Feature: Ordering Lucene search results now also works correctly for numeric columns with values containing more than 8 (fractional) digits
  • New Feature: Add import resource size of projects to Lucene index
  • Dropped Feature. Eliminated the concept of ProteinHit/PeptideHit
  • New Feature: Custom attributes for samples/extracts
  • New Feature: Offers can now be directly associated with projects
  • New Feature: AppRuntimeVersion system property is set during deployment process
  • New Feature: New dataset Web services methods
  • Replaced/New Feature: Introduction of the dataset concept as replacement of the experimentdefinition concept
  • Bugfix: The edit-batch-sample screen does not lose values anymore after saving new annotation via the create annotation button
  • New Feature: The selection of the extract in the assign-extract screen can now be done using a filter mechanism
  • New Feature: A new check is added to to prevent duplicate attachments (name or file content) within a comment
  • Support: B-Fabric revised for upgrade to the latest PostgreSQL version 9.3
  • Revised Feature: Project order comment notification emails are now sent to internal project members, too
  • New Feature: A new "Show Order Comment" button is available on the project comment screen to view all comments of the project together with all the comments of the orders within this project
  • New Feature: Introduction of project status change listing analogously to the the order status changes listing
  • New Feature: Introduction of the new project status "private" and adaptation of the entire project life cycle, email templates and tasks computation
  • Revised Feature: Revised email and report templating to support new environments, deployers, instances
  • New Feature: Generalized header concept allowing easily to switch between the different environments, deployers, instances
  • Revised Feature: Extended search/indexing by including project order information into sample/extract documents
  • New Feature: Project order information and filter included in all sample/extract listings
  • Revised Feature: New initial edit-order screen forcing the user to select the area of service
  • New Feature: API to add and delete comment attachments
  • Revised Feature: WS modification forms are refactored.
  • New Feature: Experiment definitions can be created from selected resources of the resource basket
  • New Feature: Switch on/off the Gene Ontology Selector is now supported
  • Bugfix: Gene Ontology Selector now works again for extract annotations
  • Revised Feature: The extract column in resource tables now include more information (no extract assigned to inputs if root is not annotated and no single association in case there are several independent extracts involved in the creation of the resource)
  • New Feature: Experiment definitions can be created based on resources of analysis workunits
  • New Feature: PDF booking templates are now applicable also for non-FGCZ deployers and for all types of bookings (project, serviceorder, flatratedorder)
  • Revised Feature: Consolidated email templates
  • Revised Feature: Consolidated PDF templates for bookings
  • Revised Feature: The "PDF Download Detailed" button is only shown for bookings when there are more details available than in the summary form
  • New Feature: Corresponding bookings tables extended by billing customer and address columns
  • New Feature: Booking indexing and searching now include also billing customer and address information
  • New Feature: Billing information is now stored explicitly also with service and flat-rated order bookings
  • New Feature: Encrypted the password that is used in the API call authentications (salting)
  • New Feature: API to read and send mails
  • New Feature: API to read, create, update, and delete comments
  • Revised Featue: Extended comment indexing/searching
  • Revised Feature: Resource WS API allows to find resources by description
  • New Feature: Additional application attribute sendMailNotification allows to notify project members about new available workunits in their project
  • Revised Feature: Old ETH fonts are replaced by standard sans-serif fonts
  • Revised Feature: WS API for saving experiment definition allows to change name/projectid etc. without providing the entire ED table content
  • New Feature. Extended several Web Services by marking required attributes
  • New Feature. Entity log for creating/removing repeating instrument reservations / agenda events
  • New Feature: Entity log for removing entire sample/extract hierarchies
  • Revised Feature: Right-to-left direction of the right-most column of the edit-batchprojectorderitem form
  • New Feature: Added X-Header to mails to allow assignment to users in case of bcc recipients lists
  • Revised Feature: Revised docs generation
  • Revised Feature: Web services for saving samples/extract refined by marking required attributes
  • New Feature: Extend Web Service API: Supervisor available for Application/Executable (allow updating the supervisor)
Dear FGCZ User, today we released a new version B-Fabric which comes with many revisions and extensions (see release notes at http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). Please clear your browser cache once before you log into B-Fabric! You will note that the menu items of the B-Fabric header have been reorganized. The "Import" and "Analyze" links, for instance, are now accessible only under the menu item "Workunits". A new "Basket" icon is now available to go to your resource basket. In the following, we briefly outline some major revisions and extensions you should definitively be aware of: - To reflect the new FGCZ project management policy, following changes have been implemented in the project life cycle: A new project state called "private" is introduced. A "finished" project is now passed over to "private" instead of "publish". Shortly, the policy behind this: The status "finished" remains to mean that the project is closed for data acquisition while analysis of the data is still possible. In the "private" state, however, adding or updating "research" data is not allowed while add and removing members are still possible to control the data access/sharing. Note that "private" is a potential end state since in future projects will not be forced anymore to be published! - The B-Fabric download manager has been revised and extended significantly. In particular, the download manager now also works correctly on the Microsoft platform. Besides, several useful options are available now, e.g., you can choose between a plain and hierarchical download structure. In the background, name conflict resolution is done automatically in case of equally named but different files. Furthermore, the download of selected resources is now possible via the resource basket. Additionally, with closing of the download panel automatically the file manager is opened such that you can immediately check the directory where the files were downloaded. - A new, very flexible concept of custom attributes has been introduced for sample and extracts. You can now add any attribute name/value pair to sample/extracts. This information is indexed and thus searchable. - The concept of an experiment definition is replaced by the more powerful concept of a dataset. In particular, the columns of the dataset are typed and a dataset can be bound to a workunit to group its resources and further describe them. Above that datasets can be created based on resources of any (also analysis) workunit. The creation of datasets is also possible based on selected resources from the resource basket. - A new initial edit-order screen has been introduced to help you to create the right type of order depending on the desired service area. As always, your feedback is welcome. Many thanks in advance and best regards, The FGCZ B-Fabric Team

Dear colleagues, B-Fabric Version 7 has been released today. As mentioned before, this new release is a massively revised and extended version. In numbers: more than 1200 svn code checkins and 3200 lines of database revision/extension commands have been applied. Despite all the testing efforts, the probability of having introduced some new bugs is given by nature. If you detect any bug, please report them asap. Please remember do to the following: - Check the contracts http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/bfabric/common/manage-contracts.html and revise and/or add the contracts you are responsible for. - Click on your user login on the right of the header and select "User Settings" to review your user settings which provide some new options w.r.t. to the download manager. - The application supervisors should check whether their applications, which should still run are actually running correctly and those applications which should not run are set to hidden. Please check the new application attribute sendMailNotification if you wish to automatically notify project members about new available workunits in their project. Finally, I would like to remind the people who could not delete events which are part of a repeating event. Please try to do it now again. If the event however lies to far in the past, please let us know which event should be deleted. Many thanks in advance and have fun with the new B-Fabric release, Can

Release Date: 11.09.2014

  • Revised Feature: Comment mail sending revised such that the recipients are set into bcc to improve the motivation to continue the communication based on the comment feature
  • Revised Feature: Comment mail templates revised such that the comment text is now at the end

Release Date: 09.09.2014

  • New Feature: Added guidelines tab to the show-order screen containing the same information as the welcome page of the order module
  • Revised Feature: The instructions tab of the show-order screen is not restricted to the customer only

Release Date: 08.09.2014

  • Revised Feature: Preventing system log from being messed up with unneeded information
  • Revised Feature: SoapClient can be created with hostnames that also can includes protocols
  • New Feature: System property to configure page accesses logging
  • New Feature: Log page accesses
  • New Feature: In edit-booking charges are highlighted when they are computed on a diffrent organization type than the booking itself

Release Date: 03.09.2014

  • New Feature: Web Service for updating an experiment definition has been added
  • Revised Feature: Password reset mechanism has been revised
  • Revised Feature: Consistently removed UZH and repeating FGCZ from all report templates

Release Date: 27.08.2014

  • Revised Feature: Added note on one month data storage policy into the project order acceptance email
  • Revised Feature: All data table based on pagers were revised such that possible filter options are added everywhere it is possible
  • Revised Feature: After performance optimizations, the costs column is included again in all project listings

Release Date: 26.08.2014

  • Revised Feature: Resource listings have been revised such that 1) they are correctly working under the Internet Explorer and Chrome Browser and 2) pagers are eliminated whereever reasonable such that the sort and filter options can be used for each column
  • Revised Feature: Due to performance issues, the storage usage info is now available only in the manage-projects screen but not anymore in the other project listings
  • Revised Feature: Data table columns that only include checkboxes or action buttons are excluded from the excel export
  • Bugfix: The excel exporter is now working correctly also for database table with complex columns
  • Revised Feature: The billing address in order screens now includes the corresponding institute/division affiliation
  • New Feature: Save operation of all Web Services are now access-controlled such that now you can invoke the Web services (if needed) with your user credentials (users with the feeder role are allowed perform any save oiperation provided by the current Web services interface)
  • Revised Feature: Eliminated check and "Deleted Selected" buttons from both edit-serviceorderbooking and edit-projectbooking screens
  • Revised Feature: Orders are editable by users having the role order manager until the orders are canceled or closed
  • Revised Feature: After the various event delete operations the user is redirected to the agenda overview screen
  • Revised Feature: After the various instrument reseveration delete operations the user is redirected to the instrument reservation overview screen
  • Revised Feature: Remove dead orderstatus/projectorderstatus links in the entity log table
Dear colleagues, today we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises several bugfixes, revisions, and new features (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). In the following, I briefly point out a few issues that you should be aware of: - A project/service order is now editable by users having the role order manager (which currently all FGCZ employees have) until the order is canceled or closed. Among others, now it is possible to change for instance the billing and/or customer information afterwards as needed. - By the way, the billing address in the project/service order screens now includes the corresponding institute/division affiliation. - The save operation of all Web Services are now access-controlled such that now you can invoke the Web services (if needed) with your user credentials. Note that users with the feeder role are allowed perform any save operation provided by the current Web services interface. - Due to performance issues, the newly introduced (and computationally very consuming) storage/costs info have been removed from all project listing except the manage-project screen (under ADMIN > Project Data > Projects). - Several bugs were eliminated from the data table excel exporter. We wonder that nobody explicitly complained so far. Please let us know if you detect a data table where the excel exporter does not work (as expected). - Finally, we also fixed a very serious bug in all resources listings when using the INTERNET EXPLORER or the Chrome browser. Under these browsers, the resource listings were screwed up w.r.t.layout and the filter/sort column functionality was not working. Since this bug was in for a long time, we wonder whether nobody at FGCZ is using one of these browsers to access B-Fabric? Many thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Release Date: 21.07.2014

  • Revised Feature: Revised edit-batch-projectorderitem form. Data table validations which were done after each table cell update are now postponed to the save operation.
  • Dropped Feature: Compound services
  • Revised Feature: Columns with the same name are not allowed anymore in an experiment definition
  • New Feature: Pretty print button to convert the first character of all column names to upper case
  • New Feature: Added entity logging for edit-batch-projectorderitem form
  • New Feature: Extend experiment definition concept by storing type information for each experiment definition attribute
  • Revised Feature: After deletion of a project order charge the redirect is now history-specific and does not automatically redirects to the show-project screen only
  • Bugfix: The hidden string "not required" does not appear anymore in the tubeid column of the xls file exported from the show-projectorder screen

Release Date: 10.07.2014

  • Revised Feature: Project managers can now replace the project applicant too
  • Revised Feature: Replaced all hide icons in modal panels with cancel buttons

Release Date: 07.07.2014

  • New Feature: Added a warning message before page navigation to prevent users from loosing text entered in the comment
  • Revised Feature: Replaced applications panel in show-experimentdefinition by a generic applications tab which provides all the sorting and filtering features known from the other listings

Release Date: 04.07.2014

  • Revised Feature: Added further XMLRefId tags (resource etc.) to workunit entity
  • Revised Feature: Replaced applications panel in show-workunit by a generic applications tab which provides all the sorting and filtering features known from the other listings
  • Revised Feature: Extended storage usage info by including size of comments
  • New Feature: Added functionality to mark workunits (and its resources) as deleted
  • New Feature: Added a delete button to remove the lastly added Project Order Workflow Step in show-projectorderworkflow screen
  • New Feature: Added entity logging for edit-samples, edit-extracts, and edit-sample-extracts form
Dear colleagues, today we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises some bugfixes, revisions, and new features (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). In the following, I briefly point out a few issues that you should be aware of: - Please note that the applications that can run on a workunit are now listed using the applications tab of the show-workunit screen. By this way, the full filtering and sorting functionality can be exploited to choose the desired application from a larger list more easily. - Workunits can now be marked as deleted which means that the files (resources) are actually deleted on the storage but the meta information about the workunit and its resources are kept in B-Fabric, e.g. for documentation purposes. - The show-project screen now includes storage information: 1) Total size of all workunit resources of the project, 2) total size of all import resources that can be potentially imported within this project, and 3) total size of comments of this project. If you detect any problems introduced by this new release, please let me know. Many thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Release Date: 24.06.2014

  • New Feature: Storage usage info is now available in the show-project screen and all project listings

Release Date: 18.06.2014

  • Revised Feature: User merge has been extended to support merge of all user properties introduced by the recent releases
  • Revised Feature: Emails are now sent out in UTF-8 encoding such that hopefully some encoding problems disappear
  • Revised Feature: Send mail does not have an explicit attribute footer which was preset to the configured deployer name
  • New Feature: Instrument Reservations Cube Per Lab Head
  • Revised Feature: Subversion information and last compile time are now stored as system properties
  • New Feature: Added last deployment time to admin monitor
  • New Feature: Added costs column to project listings
  • New Feature: Added table 'Project Charges' to the show-user screen which lists the charges of all project the user is listed as lab head
  • New Feature: Added missing manage-orderbookings and manage-flatratedorderbookings screens
  • New Feature: The default download directory is now editable
  • New Feature: Introduction of the concept of a storage access as means to add different types of access to the file on a storage (dm, http, ftp, etc.)
  • Revised Feature: During project creation the coach cannot be set anymore (the same for status, reminder comment, reminder date, end date)
Dear colleagues, today we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises a number of bugfixes, revisions, and new features (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). In the following, I briefly point out a few issues that might be of interest to you: - The target directory for the download via the download manager is now dynamically changeable. Go to your user settings to set your profile as you desire. You can set the following two options: 1) Download Directory Path: The default target directory for the download 2) Download Directory Editable: If true, you will be asked at download time to enter a different desired target directory. - Project listings now include a costs column which might be relevant to you to overview the costs created by the corresponding project so far. - Check also under Admin / Statistics the new Instrument Reservations Cube Per Lab Head which give you aggregated information about instrument reservations of lab heads. - The send mail feature was improved. All emails are now sent out in UTF-8 encoding eliminating problems occurring when special symbols as pasted into the mail message. Please note that the default footer (which was preset to the configured deployer name) is now eliminated. If you detect any problems introduced by this new release, please let me know. Many thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Release Date: 15.04.2014

  • Revised Feature: applications table are based now on datatable where all columns can be filtered
  • New Feature: applications table is now sortable by column 'run'
  • New Feature: log Http downloads and Web link accesses
  • New Feature: show-taxtype has now projectcharge and servicecharges tabs
  • New Feature: show-financialcenter has now projectbookings, serviceorderbookings, and flatratedorderbookings tabs
  • New Feature: show-account has now projectbookings, serviceorderbookings, and flatratedorderbookings tabs
  • New Feature: show-bookingtype has now projectbookings, serviceorderbookings, and flatratedorderbookings tabs

Release Date: 08.04.2014

  • Revised Feature: Ordinary users are not allowed anymore to edit/remove the last comment to avoid communication problems caused by unintentional comment updates/deletions. Analogously to email communication, write a new comment with a hint that a previous comment should be ignored.
  • New system property urlOrderGuidelines
  • Revised Feature: In the edit-order screen the link to the user guidelines are replaced by a link to a new page with order terms and conditions
  • Revised Feature: show-booker screen has now following tabs accounts, bookingtypes, financialcenters, and costunits

Release Date: 03.04.2014

  • Revised Feature: Renewed UZH/ETH invoice templates
  • Revised Feature: Adapted to new UZH Umbuchungsformular
  • Revised feature: Coach assignment task computation revised such that this task is not restricted to pending projects alone
  • Revised Feature: Consolidate different password generation mechanisms used for lost-password and user-created-on-behalf
  • New Feature: Resources can be download via download manager or web server (as in the previous version)
  • New Feature: Admin can switch on/off download manager
  • New Feature: Admin can disable/enable downloads
  • New Feature: Admin can switch on/off AAI and public login
  • Revised Feature: The edit-servicetype form has now a "add new" button for service area
  • Revised Feature: Unsubscription of news mails is now possible without login
  • Revised Feature: In the project order confirmation form the table column fields does not write anymore beyond the column width
  • New Feature: Employees can list the entity log for the parent entities project, porjectorder, and order via the show-screen of the corresponding entity
  • New Feature: Admin can list entire Entity Log
  • New Feature: Entity Log holds besides login/logout/download activities as well as all create, update, delete operations on all entities
  • Revised Feature: Agenda can now handle negative (overdrawn) vacation credits, too
  • Revised Feature: Mail send now delivers a report page to check to whom the mail went out
  • New Feature: The admin can now list all triggered jobs via the menu Admin > System Maintenance > Job Log
  • Revised Feature: Project order feature has been generalized and extended to accept orders beyond sequencing services (included service based on metabolomics, transcriptomics. proteomics extracts)
  • Revised Feature: The extract type Proteomics has been revised by adding required attributes and the corresponding screens have been adapted accordingly
  • Revised Feature: The extract type Metabolomics has been extended by a number of type-specific attributes and the corresponding screens have been adapted accordingly
  • New Feature: Service Cube (accessible via the Admin > Statistics menu) provide an overview over of the services hierarchy
  • Revised Feature: The agenda jump date gets now adapted to the start of the current agenda interval
  • Revised Feature: Besides the login, the createdby/modifiedby values in the different show-screens now include the full name of the corresponding user
  • New Feature: Send-Mail allows to change the footer
  • Revised Feature: The agenda header link "Overview" now shows the overview of the view of the selected event (instead of showing todays week)
  • Revised email texts regarding access request approval
  • Revised Feature: Add back references in the credits/events listings of the show-user screen
  • Revised Feature: Add back references from projectoffer to projectorder and extended project order listing by projectoffer column
  • New Feature: Admin may disable/enable the possibility for users to add a new organization/department/institute
  • New Feature: New statistics available under Admin > Statistics > Created Entites Per Year
  • New Feature: New class ExtractType has been introduced with all corresponding screens (show, edit, manage, ...) to explicitly classify the extracts (in particular needed for generalizing the project orders beyond sequencing services)
  • Revised Feature: Column days added to all instrumentreservation listings
  • Revised Feature: Session timeout popups is replaced by internal B-Fabric warning message
  • Revised Feature: Applications now have the attribute importResourcesRequired to avoid the problem that all import applications require import resources to run (local import applications cannot satisfy this!)
  • Revised Feature: The project name is now included in addition to the project ID in project-related notification emails
  • Revised Feature: The name of the user who posted the comment is now included in the comment notification emails
  • Revised Feature: The Web Services API allows now to read / save the description attribute of the resource object
  • New Feature: Technologies may be disabled/enabled
  • New Feature: Technologies are now configurable, i.e., can be added, edited, deleted
  • Revised Feature: The back button is renamed on the edit-workunit screen to "Edit Selected Resources" to be more precise and intuitive when coming to this screen from the show-workunit screen
  • New Feature: The admin may explicitly switch off/on user registration (security issue)
  • New Feature: Option available for the admin to disable/enable a selected user account
  • New Feature: Last login time is now stored for each user
  • New Feature: Users with statisticsReader role (employees have this role) have now the possiblity to check the object creation statistics under Admin > Statistics
  • Revised Feature: Different buttons to explicitly distinguish between resource download and weblink (resource access via external data server)
  • Revised Feature: New order creation pageflow allowing selection between project and service orders shall help to avoid to select the wrong type of order
  • Eliminate menu item Projects (Detailed) in the Admin > Secretary Menu since Admin / Project Data / Projects is in the meanwhile as detailed as this screen
  • Revised hot keys: due to Mac users we had to change the following hot keys: alt+5 for executables (previously alt-e) and alt+6 for add-extract (note: previously alt-g)
  • Instrument technology filter is now working again (as expected)
  • Revised Feature: Explicit task appears for verifying email address
  • Revised Feature: Project tree node now includes a rollover showing detailed entity information
  • Revised Feature: Project tree node now also includes the name and in case of workunit and resources the status of the entities
  • Revised Feature: The access role hierarchy has been revised to have access control on a more fine-granule level.
  • Revised Feature: Send-Mail includes revised recipients lists, among others reflecting new roles introduced by the role hierarchy revision
  • Revised Feature: To avoid that the Lucene "My" domain search delivers too general results, such as documents of types user, annotation, etc., the "My" domain search has been restricted to documents bound to the projects of the searcher
Dear FGCZ User, today we released a new version of B-Fabric (http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/) which fixes some bugs and introduces some new features (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes), e.g. the new download manager for downloading entire workunits. Please clear your browser cache once before you log into B-Fabric. Best regards, Can Türker

Dear colleagues, today we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises a larger number of bugfixes, revisions, and new features (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). In the following, I briefly point out a few issues that might be of interest to you: - Download manager for downloading resources and entire workunits. Note that the "previous" way of resource HTTP download (via the Web server) is still supported for those having problems to launch the download manager. Please be aware of the troubleshooter page http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=InstallationOfJ2SE. - Extension and revision of the project order module such that it is not restricted to sequencing services alone. Important: The different group representatives (Christian (Trachsel), Andrea, or Endre) gave me a list of services which are now preset for the usage in project orders. If you miss a service in the corresponding drop-down-menu, you need to activate it by editing the service and assigning it to an extract type. - Related to the last item, a new class ExtractType has been introduced with all corresponding screens (show, edit, manage, ...) to explicitly classify the extracts. Note that the extract type Proteomics and Metabolomics have been revised by adding required attributes. - New service cube (accessible via the Admin > Statistics menu) provide an overview over of the services hierarchy. - New statistics available under Admin > Statistics > Created Entites Per Year. - The show project screen has now a tab Log which lists all create, update, delete operations on entities bound to that project. - The coach assignment task computation has been revised such that this task is not restricted to pending projects alone. Hopefully this helps that some projects do not get "forgotten" because some employees were keen to review projects before a coach has been assigned. - Session-timeout management revealed a lot of challenges we have hopefully overcome with this new completely revised solution that should also work with several open tabs. - Instrument technology filter is now working again (as expected). If you detect any problems introduced by this new release, please let me know. Many thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Release Date: 17.10.2013

  • New Feature: show-user: instrument reservations tab is now available
  • Revised Feature: extended indexing of instrument reservations (new attributes: charged and charges)
  • New Feature: show-servicetype: "add service" button is now available under tab services
  • New Feature: show-servicearea: "add service" button is now available under tab services
  • New Feature: show-servicearea: "add service type" button is now available under the tab service types
  • New Feature: edit-service: "add new" button behind the drop-downs service area and service type to support quick creation of service of new types/areas
  • Revised Feature: clone-extract: allow changing the parent type and parent sample/extracts
  • New Feature: news emails sent via B-Fabric now include a "unsubscribe" link so that the user can easily disable the reception of news mails.
  • New Feature: The tasks list now also displays the login of the employee who last changed the status of the corresponding project order.
Dear colleagues, today we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises a number of bugfixes and revisions. In the following, I briefly point out a few of the new and/or revised features that might be of interest to you: - The show-user now includes a instrument reservations tab such that you can see your (the user's) instrument reservations. The indexing of instrument reservations (new attributes: charged and charges) has also been extended. - The show-servicetype screen now includes an "add service" button under tab services to create more quickly a service for the given service type. Dito for the show-servicearea screen which now contains an "add service" button under tab services. The show-servicearea screen also includes an "add service type" button under the tab service types. - The edit-service form has now "add new" buttons beside the drop-downs service area and service type to support quick creation of service of new types/areas. - The clone-extract feature now allows changing the parent type and parent sample/extracts. - News emails sent via B-Fabric now include a "unsubscribe" link so that the user can easily disable the reception of news mails. - The tasks list now also displays the login of the user who last changed the status of the corresponding project order. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 04.10.2013

  • New Feature: Organization Types can now be added/edited
  • New Feature: Pop up a window warning that the session will expire
  • Send mail: add reply-to and set it to the user that sends the email while the sender is set to bfabric-noreply
  • Increased timeout duration to avoid concurrent call errors due to long taking virus checking of certain uploaded files

Release Date: 23.09.2013

  • New Feature: Introduced entity specifics for some classes to provide more detailed information about the entity behind a link
  • New Feature: New system property to enable/disable synchronization with external authentication database
  • New Feature: When bfabric timeouts, a pop up window opens to notify
  • New Feature: When an extension report is still missing, then a hint is shown in the corresponding show-project screen
  • New Feature: Revised service charging screens to be compatible with project charging
  • New Feature: Run application directly from the show-application screen
  • Revised Feature: New import/analyze screens providing more imformation about the applications and allowing filtering and sorting
  • Revised Feature: New comments now appear with reloading project page
  • Revised Feature: Refresh button on the show-workunit is now more prominently available via the left menu
  • Revised Feature: Lucene indexing avoids listing document types from disabled modules
  • Event description is now visible in the rollover of the event slot
  • Sorting Lucene search results using a numeric column works now consistently
  • Shibboleth login works again
  • Fixed some newer generated PDF files which had the ending .html instead of .pdf
Dear FGCZ User, today we have released a new version of the B-Fabric system (http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/) which fixes some bugs as well as layout issues and introduces some new features (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). Please clear your browser cache once before you log into B-Fabric. Many thanks in advanced and have fun with the B-Fabric system. Can Türker

Dear colleagues, today we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises a number of bugfixes and revisions. In the following, I briefly point out a few of the new and/or revised features that might be of interest to you: - When B-Fabric timeouts, a pop-up window opens to notify. Tip: If your session is expired and you have before worked on a longer text, e.g., for a comment, then copy your text into a file before you login again. - When an extension report is still missing, then a hint is shown besides the status of the corresponding project. - Service order charging is now done in the same way as project order charging. Note: PAG staff, you have to adapt especially to the different way of entering the values for total and notaccounted. In constrast to the old version, accounted is now computed and not total anymore. - The import/analyze screens are now integrated with the manage-applications screen to provide more imformation about the applications. Especially filtering and sorting is now possible. Furthermore, you may set the default (instrument) technology in your user settings, to prefilter the application listings. - An application can now directly started from the show-application screen. - Newly added comments now appear with reloading project page or just pressing the comment link. - The agenda event description is now (again) visible in the rollover of the event slot. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 03.09.2013

  • New Feature: Switch (lucene search) between site search and project search
  • New Feature: UZH Guest Card extension is now supported
  • Revised Feature: Access request process revised
  • Revised Feature: Project tree is now available also to project members (not restricted to employees only anymore)
  • New Feature: Manage comments screen in the admin area
Dear colleagues, today we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises a number of bugfixes and a few revisions. In the following, I briefly point out a few of the new features that might be of general interest: - Switch between site search and project search - UZH Guest Card extension is now supported (which should interest all FGCZ people with ETH contracts) - View all comments using the corresponding link in the menu folder ADMIN > Common Data Please clear your browser cache once before you log into B-Fabric. Thanks and best regards, Can

Release Date: 09.07.2013

  • New Feature: Introduced the role bioinformatician and computation of corresponding projectorder-related tasks.
  • Revised Feature: The attachments of the last comment can now be edited, too, i.e., existing attachments can be dropped and new ones added.
  • Revised Feature: Mail sending. The name of default mail sender B-Fabric is now FGCZ NOREPLY to hopefully reduce the number of emails from users to the no-reply address. Besides, some emails where the reply should go to the coordinator have now the coordinator@fgcz.ethz.ch address as sender.
  • Revised Feature: Consistently naming of columns in projectorderitems (rename organism to species and library source to source type)
  • Extended Feature: Project order confirmation form now has a column TubeId.
  • Revised Feature: Employees can add workflows to project orders independent of the status of the order.
  • Revised Feature: Refined project request with additional guideline information.
  • Revised Feature: Refined reviewing for pilot projects. Employees can now close pilot projects on their own.
  • Revised Feature: Separate task tists for final decision of project request and pilot projects.
  • Revised Feature: End date of a project is now set with the approval to the approval date plus three years.
  • Extended Feature: The comment notification mails now include information about the attached files. By the way, empty comments cannot be stored anymore.
  • Extended Feature: When creating/editing comments, an employee can additionally select recipients from employee list and/or mail groups which are then informed about the comment via email.
  • Empty comments which only have attachments can now be reached via the search results table analogously to the other comments.
  • New Feature: Hot-Keys (B-Fabric keyboard shortcuts)
Dear FGCZ User, today we have released a new version of the B-Fabric system (http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/) which fixes some bugs as well as layout issues and introduces some new features (see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Release+Notes). Please clear your browser cache once before you log into B-Fabric. Many thanks in advanced and have fun with the B-Fabric system. Can Türker

Dear colleagues, today we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises a number of bugfixes and revisions. In the following, I briefly point out a few of the new and/or revised features that might be of interest to you: - Introduced the role bioinformatician and computation of corresponding projectorder-related tasks. - Consistently naming of columns in projectorderitems (rename organism to species and library source to source type). - Project order confirmation form now has a column TubeId. - Employees can add workflows to project orders independent of the status of the order. - Refined reviewing for pilot projects. Employees can now close pilot projects on their own. - The attachments of the last comment can now be edited, too, i.e., existing attachments can be dropped and new ones added. - The comment notification mails now include information about the attached files. By the way, empty comments cannot be stored anymore. - When creating/editing comments, an employee can additionally select recipients from employee list and/or mail groups which are then informed about the comment via email. - Empty comments which only have attachments can now be reached via the search results table analogously to the other comments. - Introduced Hot-Keys (B-Fabric keyboard shortcuts; see http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Hot-Keys). Please also note the following revisions done in a previous release that is now available for three weeks: - Improved performance of project tree - The filters of the select resources screens are not triggered anymore only by pressing on enter. - Now all resources found in any lucene query can be added to the basket including the resources of the found workunits. Note that this is only possible if the total number of resources to be added is not above the configured limit (which currently is 1000). - SEAM excel exporter does not work for data tables with more than 65536 rows. Instead of throwing an uncatched exception, the exporter now exports the first 65536 rows and ignores the rest without causing a failure. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 18.06.2013

  • Added new statistics in the Tops section
  • Improved performance of project tree
  • Extended Feature: The filters of the select resources screens are not triggered anymore only by pressing on enter.
  • Extended Feature: Now all resources found in any lucene query can be added to the basket including the resources of the found workunits. note that this is only possible if the total number of resources to be added is not above the configured limit (which currently is 1000).
  • Since some email clients transform the URL of links (e.g. replace & by &amd;) and thus make them useless, B-Fabric now also prints the URL in the email verification emails thus that the user in such cases can copy and paste the links into their web browser.
  • SEAM excel exporter does not work for data tables with more than 65536 rows. Instead of throwing an uncatched exception, the exporter now exports the first 65536 rows and ignores the rest without causing a failure.
  • Individual columns of data table can now be hidden from the data table export
  • SEAM excel exporter now does not fail for column with UIRepeat and div contents
  • Add charge column to instrument reservation tables
  • Implement modal panel to add/edit charges to/of a booking

Release Date: 11.04.2013

  • The organization type information is now stored explicitly in the charges. Previously, the organization type information was derived from (billing) institute of the associated project offer/order. Now, it is possible to select the organization type at the time of charging. This will, for instance, disallow company users sneak into university projects and get reduced prices. In other words, you can charge company prices even if the comprising project run under a different organization type.
  • When a charge is created or edited, the entire service information (area, type and name) is stored in the charge additionally to keeping the link to that service. This allows changing the name of a service/service area/service type freely without affecting the previously created charges.
  • More explicit download button in the request access confirmation screen
  • Add further uzhcardnumber (frontside) plus uzhcardvaliduntil attributes to users
  • Revised configuration such that the emails of the different roles can be easily set for local/test/demo environments
  • Add storages tab link to show-protocol
  • Use coordinator instead of no-reply in finish/publish messages
  • Allow user with coordinator role to grant/revoke employee role
  • Sent access request notification to secretary@fgcz.ethz.ch
  • Add possibility to notify users about the uzhcardvalidityend
  • Add projectorderworkflow tab to show-servicetype
  • Merge functionality for service areas, service types, and services
  • Show explicitly in edit charges forms when the currently stored value differs from the currently computed one
  • Add note on create user form to avoid duplicate user accounts
  • Revised charging announcement email:
Dear colleagues, yesterday we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises a number of bugfixes and revisions. In the following, I briefly point out a few of the new and/or revised features that might be of interest to you (especially if are involved in the charging stuff): - The organization type information is now stored explicitly in the charges. Previously, the organization type information was derived from (billing) institute of the associated project offer/order. Now, it is possible to select the organization type at the time of charging. This will, for instance, disallow company users sneak into university projects and get reduced prices. In other words, you can now charge company prices even if the comprising project run under a different organization type. - When a charge is created or edited, the entire service information (area, type and name) is stored in the charge additionally to keeping the link to that service. This allows changing the name of a service/service area/service type freely without affecting the previously created charges. - Merge functionality is now available also for service areas, service types, and services. Currently, only the admin has the role dataCleaner which allows to use this functionality. However, if you detect service areas, service types, and services that should be merged, please inform us. Of course, it might be an issue that we discuss who else want to take over the responsibility for doing the data merging? By the way, the column filters of the usual data tables are now working again as expected. They are based on "Start-With" semantics and additionally allow to filter with "Contains" semantics when the * symbol is used in front of the filter term. I am curious that nobody complained about the fact that the additional "contains" feature was not working since October last year. As always your feedback is welcome. Therefore, if you detect that something is not working anymore (as expected) quickly approach us. Thanks and best regards, Can

Release Date: 18.02.2013

  • New Feature: Add possibility to select default area for instruments
  • Move info about exectuable from show-workunit-details to the executables tab
  • New Feature: Option to discard indexing dependents
  • New Feature: Access Request + Access Request Log
  • New Feature: Add sample names to the index/search in the service module
  • New Feature: Add eventyear to the index/search in the agenda module
  • New Feature: Allow additional filtering of services in edit-project-charges form
  • New Feature: Add services tab to show-servicearea/servicetype
  • New Feature: Add inactive/emailnotverified flag behind every user link when the corresponding email is marked as inactive/notverified
  • New Feature: Add junk flag to workunits when at least one of its resources is marked as junk
  • New Feature: Aggregated Services Costs in Invoices
  • New Feature: Change the from address in the agenda absence emails to a personal one
  • New Feature: Add columns discount and order discount to all charges tables
  • New Feature: Preview accumulated costs of a project
  • Rename taxonomy attribute to organism in service order item
  • Revised physical access to FGCZ announcement email:
Dear FGCZ User, on Monday, February 25th 2013, the administration of the University of Zurich will exchange the lock of the FGCZ main entrance door. Thereafter, you can enter the FGCZ user lab only using an UZH card. If you still require access to the FGCZ user lab, please login to B-Fabric http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch asap and go to your user details screen (e.g. using the menu item on the right top where yo see your user name). Please check, update, and complete your user details as needed. If your user account is enabled, i.e., your email address is verified, you will see a "Request Access" button. Press this button to continue the access request procedure: - UZH members already having a UZH card just have to enter their UZH card number (6-digit number at the back of the UZH card) and visit the FGCZ secretary Jana Ploszaj personally with your UZH card to confirm their identity. - Non-UZH members must apply for a UZH guest card. For that, download the corresponding application form for visitors. The filled form together with a recent pass photo of yours and a copy of your identity card (e.g. passport or residence permit) must be handed over to the FGCZ secretary Jana Ploszaj personally. For more details of the access request process (if needed), please have a look at http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=RequestAccess. In any case, the "old" door key will become obsolete. Therefore, please bring them back to the administration of UZH (at Irchel) and get back your deposit. We hope for a smooth transition and thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Release Date: 19.12.2012

  • New Feature: Generate tasks to solve inconsistencies between employee role vs. employment degree handling
  • Revised workflows in project orders: notion of (workflow)template introduced
  • Relationship between instrument reservation and project charges is now 1ToMany
  • Removed the functionality which was used in connection with G-Factory sample import
  • Revised email formatting and sending to get rid of the ETH Web Mail presentation problem
  • New Feature: Copytoprojectcharge allows to select whether the offered or the current prices should be used
  • New Feature: allow association between service order and projects not only for pilot projects but also for running projects
  • All users with role employee are now able to move a project into the PILOT state
  • Extension of User Web Service
  • Release announcement email:
Dear colleagues, i would like to point out three recent extensions/adaptations implemented in B-Fabric that might be of interest for you: 1) Service orders can now be linked to running projects, too. Formerly, it was only possible to link service orders to pilot projects only. 2) To allow creating project charges based on offered prices, the following revisions have been undertaken: - The offered charges now include the prices of the services as they were at the time when the offer was created (and not just a reference to the service from where the price was computed). - An expired offer (i.e., an offer that is more than 90 days old) is now explicitly marked such that it should not be overseen anymore. - When creating a charge based on an offer, you can now select whether the charge should be computed on offered prices or on the current ones. 3) Considering the project order functionality, the following major extensions have been done: - You can now access all "Executed Project Order Workflows" and "Executed Project Order Workflow Steps" via the "Admin" menu. - More importantly, the executed workflows are now explicitly linked to the involved samples and extracts. You will notice the corresponding "Executed Workflows" link in the left menu when you go to the show screen of a sample or extract that was used in a project order workflow. - Workflows steps can now be added more conveniently via the corresponding show workflow screens. Best regards, Can

Release Date: 27.09.2012

  • New Design
  • Lots of Security Fixes and Extensions
  • Flexible configuration management allowing some ad-hoc adaptations of B-Fabric
  • Release announcement email:
Dear User of Functional Genomics Center Zurich, we are proudly announcing the new, award-winning version of the B-Fabric system which represents a significant revision and extension of the previous B-Fabric system. The system is still available under:http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/. Please clear your browser cache once before you log into B-Fabric. You will notice a number of changes in the look and feel of the new system. Check the B-Fabric documentation which is accessible via the link "User Manual" in the footer of the B-Fabric web page. The user manual will continuously be updated and extended as new questions arise and explanations are needed. We hope that you will benefit from the advantages of this new version. Feedback is appreciated (please sent it to support@fgcz.uzh.ch). For project or order related questions, always use the comment feature of the corresponding project/order page to communicate directly with the FGCZ staff that is coaching your project/order. Many thanks in advanced and have fun with the new B-Fabric system. Can Türker

Release Date: 07.05.2012

  • New Feature: Project Orders Module is released
  • Discounts are added for project orders
  • Project orders have references to project offers
  • Sample information can be edited in a table view
  • Project orders have coaches

Release Date: 16.04.2012

  • VAT Number is changed for UZH

Release Date: 22.03.2012

  • New Feature: Offer Functionality is in use.
  • Charging of instrument reservations is fixed. Problem of selecting defaults and creating double charges are resolved.
  • Service Orders tab is fixed in the user details screen. Only the relevant orders are being displayed.
  • Column Notes added to the project charges tables.

Release Date: 28.02.2012

  • Feature Change: For employees, the Add Comment buttons are replaced by Add External Comment and Add Internal Comment buttons.
  • Bugfix: Prices are computed correctly again for charges created via the edit-projectcharges screen.
  • Bugfix: Resource basket is working again.

Release Date: 15.12.2011

  • Release announcement email:
Dear colleagues, yesterday we released a new version of B-Fabric which comprises several revisions. In the following, I briefly point out a few of the new and/or revised features that might be of interest to you as user: - MailGroups introduced to group users to which you want to send emails via the send mail feature or within the agenda when informing about an absence. - Send bulk emails to users who submitted an order at least once. - Jump to date feature included into agenda navigation. - Agenda slots visible even if the logged-in user has no event in the selected time interval. - Made the resource DOWNLOAD button more prominent. - Email verification of users. To reduce the problem of wrong email addresses (which causes communication problems) every user will have to verify his/her email address. - Clone and move of complete sample/extract hierarchies across projects is now supported. Move is of course only possible when no sample/extract of that hierarchy is used in the current project. - Resource baskets were introduce to collect resources from everywhere to later run applications on that resources. - Workunit-specific queues introduced to allow employees to ad-hoc decide on which queue to run an application. - Application concept revised such that each application is now associated with a storage. A storage is a new concept which encapsulates the path prefix and protocol information. Since the storage are defined and managed by the admin (i.e., marco/aleks), we hopefully will avoid all the consistency problems caused by the application registrators by introducing several "synonym path prefixes". - Instruments introduced (will be later used for the instrument reservation and charging). Attached you will find a list from the redmine tool with all closed issues since the last release. Besides, a larger number of bugs were eliminated by the way without being explicitly documented. For more information about B-Fabric, please have a view on http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage. Your feedback is welcome. Thanks in advance and best regards, Can

Release Date: 04.04.2011

  • Release announcement email:
Dear User of the Functional Genomics Center Zurich, this weekend we will release the new B-Fabric data and project management system which integrates and extends our current tools Project Request, B-Fabric, and Service. Hence, all the three mentioned tools will be not available on Sunday (April 3th, 2011). Please do not start any long-running applications via the current B-Fabric if the applications will not be finished before Sunday. We will have to cancel all running jobs before migrating the system. From Monday (April 4th, 2011) on you can use the new B-Fabric system with your FGCZ credentials (i.e., user login and password). The URL of the new B-Fabric will be the same as the old one: http://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/ You will notice a number of changes and extensions in the functionality as well as layout. Note that this is not a Fools Day joke ! --- B-Fabric has now two modules: - All functionality regarding the application for and management of a User Lab project is grouped under the 'Project' module. This includes also User Lab services in Microarraying and Sequencing. Clicking on the 'Project' tab will redirect you to that module. - The submission and management of (fee-based) Protein Analysis orders is done with the 'Order' module. Formerly, this module was named 'Service'. The renaming from 'Service' to 'Order' is due to avoid confusion between (fee-based) Protein Analysis services and User Lab project services. --- Quick Hints for Project related issues: - To apply for a User Lab project, click on 'Request Project' (or the plus besides 'Projects') in the left navigation menu after Login. Completely fill out the form and click on 'Save' to submit your project application. - With the new B-Fabric the concept of a context project has been introduced. Upon Login, the most recently used project will be automatically selected as context project and shown on the left side of the blue pathline of the web page header. Before you create any project relevant data (i.e., samples, extracts, workunits, experiment definitions), please check whether the desired context project is set. If not, you can set it directly by entering the project id into the project input box that is marked with target symbol. You may also search for or list all projects and then select one project out of the listing. - After having set the context project, you can run applications by clicking on 'Import / Analyze Data' (or the plus besides 'Workunits') in the left navigation menu. - The three new 'Edit Sample/Extracts' forms (accessible via the lower items in the left navigation menu) allow to add and edit sample/extract data in tabular form. --- Quick Hints for Order related issues: - To place an order, click on 'Create Order' (or the plus besides 'Orders') in the navigation menu. Completely fill out the form (add your order items) and 'Submit' your order. --- Common Issues: - Your login information is placed beside the logout button at the right side of in the blue pathline. To change your contact data or password, or to request a key, go to the show user screen following the link 'User Details'. --- For a more details description of the new B-Fabric system, please check the B-Fabric documentation via the link 'User Manual' in the footer of the B-Fabric web page. The user manual will continuously be extended and revised as new questions arise and explanations are needed. We hope that you will benefit from the advantages of the new integrated B-Fabric which among others provides more transparency of your interaction with the FGCZ. Feedback is appreciated (please sent it to support@fgcz.uzh.ch). For project or order related questions, please use the comment feature of the corresponding project/order page to communicate directly with the FGCZ staff that is coaching your project/order. Many thanks in advanced and have fun with the new B-Fabric system. Can Türker and Ralph Schlapbach