Event Types
- The event type specifies the kind of event as shown in figure 1. From version 10.2 and above, its scope has been extended to include in addition to agenda events such as sickness, vacation, etc. more general type of events such as Meeting, Instrument Usage and Instrument Maintenance which are both a types of Instrument Reservation are also considered as events.
- A user with the role agendaManager can add and edit event types, e.g., change the color of an event type.
Event Type attributes
- Half Day: All Agenda events except Retreat and Group Meeting are half-day slots that can be associated with different event types, e.g. business trip or vacation. Instrument Reservation and Meeting provide higher slot flexibility with.
- Public: Agenda events can either be user-specific or public. Public agenda events are "Public Holiday", "Group Meeting" or "Retreat".
- Booker Enabled: The implication of a booker for the event, regardless of being public or not is required.
- Users Enabled: Requires the event must be associated with users.
- Agenda Enabled: It is enabled as an event type for agenda event.
- Instrument Reservation Enabled: Type is enabled for the instrument reservation.
- A repeating event is an event that occurs in a given interval (weekly, bi-weekly, etc.) until the defined end date is reached.
- Delete Repeating Events: When deleting a repeating event, the system asks whether to:
- DELETE THIS EVENT: Just delete the selected event.
- DELETE ALL FOLLOWING: Delete the selected event and all following events in the series.
- DELETE ALL EVENTS: Delete the entire event series.
- When creating an event, you can optionally send an email to a globally configured default email and to selected colleagues to inform them about the absence. Here you can also select previously defined mail groups as recipients.
- Mail groups can be created/updated via the menu "Admin > Common data > Mail Groups".
- Vacation Credits
- The vacation credits specify the amount of vacation days for a specific user. Every employee has a number of vacation days depending on her/his employment degree. The new vacation credits are granted using the formula "deployment degree x 25 days".
- When the FGCZ agendaManager closes the agenda year (see Admin section below), the vacation credits are created for the corresponding year and the unused vacation credits from the last year are transferred implicitly.